How to Enter the 2009 Competition


To enter the competition, send your completed entry form by email to or by mail to the address below. Electronic entries are preferred.
Please complete all sections of the entry form. If you have any questions, please email them to or mail them to the address below.
If you have digital/electronic versions of your design demonstration materials (e.g. digital photos, diagrams, etc.), you may attach these to your entry form and email them together.
If you are e-mailing your entry but havedesign demonstration materials (e.g. prototypes, photos, etc.) that cannot be sent electronically, please do the following: FIRST, send your completed entry form by email so that we have an electronic version of your application. THEN, mail all your application materials (entry form, along with all design Demonstration Materials).

Mailing Address:

International Smart Gear Competition

c/o Mike Osmond

World Wildlife Fund, Inc.

171 Forest Ave

Palo Alto, CA 94301


Electronic entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on June 30, 2009. Mail-in entries must be postmarked by June 30, 2009 and received by July 7, 2009.

All entries must be submitted in ENGLISH. A limited amount of funding is available to support the translation of entries into English on a first come-first served basis. To request translation assistance, please send your request by email to or by mail to the address above.


Part I

Entry Title: ______

Name: ______

Organization (if applicable): ______

Nationality: ______

Mailing address: ______


Phone: ______

Fax: ______

Email: ______

If we need to contact you, we will do so by email unless
you prefer another method (please specify).

I prefer to be contacted by ______

Are you entering as a group or individual?Group / Individual

Are you formally affiliated with an organization or company? Yes / No

If yes, which organization or company? ______

Is everyone entering (group or individual) at least 18 years of age? Yes / No

Is your submission an original design? Yes / No

Has your submission been tested? Yes / No

Has your submission previously been commercially available? Yes / No

Has your submission won any previous awards? Yes / No

Part II

Please complete all of the following sections:

1. Title of entry

2. A brief description summarizing what the fishing gear or technology is and what it does (fifty (50) words or less);

3. Describe how the technology or fishing gear works (i.e. how it will increase selectivity or reduce bycatch),no longer than one (1) page;

4.Photographs (either digital or hard copy), diagram, prototype or other material that demonstrate how your entry works;

5.Explain how your entry is innovative and original, no longer than half (1/2) a page;

6.Explain how your entry will be practical and effective for fishermen to use, no longer than half (1/2) a page;

7.Describe the costs that will be involved in implementing your entry (e.g. the materials needed to produce the gear or technology, installation and/or maintenance requirements, or training for the gear or technology), no longer than half (1/2) a page;

8.Explain how your entry will allow fishermen to maintain or increase their profitable fishing of target species, no longer than half (1/2) a page;

9. Has your design been tested and if so, what was the outcome of such testing, no longer than half (1/2) a page; and

10.Please include any other demonstration materials (e.g. prototypes, photos, etc.) that may strengthen your entry.