Class- I
Holidays Homework- English
1. Practice A to Z and a to z.
2. Learn any one poem with action.
3. Learn five good habit (Any poem about good habit)
Holidays Homework- हिन्दी
1. वर्णमाला का लिखने एवं पढ़ने अभ्यास करना है।
2. कोई दो कवितायें याद करनी है।
3. पाँच अच्छी आदतें याद करनी है।
4. मात्राओं का अभ्यास करें।
5. मात्राओं का प्रयोग करके उसको पढ़ने का अभ्यास करें।
Holidays Homework- Maths
1. Learn counting 1 to 100.
2. Do practice what comes after, before and between.
3. Make any one picture and draw standing sleeping and slanting lines.
Holidays Homework- EVS
1. Draw a poster or tree of your family on A-4 size sheet.
2. Collect 5 leaves and fdlowers and paste them A-4 size sheet.
3. A-4 size sheet.
4. Make your habits:-
(a) To wake up early
(b) To take bath daily
(c) Trim nails weekly
(d) Wash hands before and after eating
(e) Always respect your elders wishing them.
Class III
Holidays Homework – ENGLISH
1. Make flash cards of – (1/2 A4)
(1) 10 Describing Words.
(2) 10 Vegetables.
(3) 10 Opposite Words
2. Write poem ‘Bird talk’ and ‘Little by little’ on A4 with picture and learn them.
3. Make friendship salad for your parents. Write steps of it and paste real picture of your salad.
4. Read the lessons of Unit II and III. Underline naming words and write any ten on A4 coloured sheet.
5. Write 5 page handwriting on A4 sheet.
Holidays Homework – Hindi
सारा कार्य परियोजना पत्रिका project file या sheets में करें।
1. शेर, हाथी, लोमड़ी, कछुआ के सुंदर-सुंदर मुखोटे बनाओ।
2. कक्षा में कराए गये कार्य को याद करो।
3. हर रोज़ हिन्दी पुस्तक के पाठ को पढ़ने का अभ्यास करे।
4. कविता कककु और मन करता है याद करें।
5. सुलेख पुस्तिका पर हर रोज़ एक सुलेख करें।
6. 10 बड़े-बड़े फ्लैश कार्ड बनाए। सफाई से संबन्धित एवं पानी बचाओ, बिजली बचाओ।
7. आइसक्रीम sticks के साथ सूर्य का मॉडल बानाएँ।
8. डायरी में से प्रार्थना व प्रतिज्ञा याद करें।
9. 10 शब्द याद करके श्रुतलेख करें।
Holidays Homework – Maths
Note- Do this work in a project file.
1. Complete and revise all the C.W. up to lesion-2.
2. Learn number names from one to thousand (1-1000).
3. Write counting from 701 to 1000.
4. Make any five colourful marks by using thick paper.
5. Make cut outs of alphabets that-
(a) Can be divided into two mirror halves.
(b) Cannot be divided into mirror halves.
6. Make number cards -10 each-
7. Make 10 arrow cards-
8. Make a model of abacus up to three places HTO
9. Learn tables from 2 to 10.
10. Draw any 10 figures each-
(a) That can be divided into two mirror halves.
(b) That cannot be divided into mirror halves.
Holidays Homework- EVS
1. Paste 5 leaves and 5 flowers (dried) on a sheet.
2. Make a pictures of different animal using leaves (P-14)
3. Draw 5 containers used for storing water.
4. Learn work done.
5. Make family tree.
6. Collect sample of food grains and paste on A-4 sheet.
7. Paste/Draw picture of
(a) 5 animals (c) 5 food items
(b) 5 birds (d) 5 means of transport
8. Learn to prepare lemon water, vegetables salad and fruit chat, write its steps.
Class- IV
Holidays Homework-English
1. Practice reading of the text.
2. Do 20 pages of cursive handwriting.
3. Write a short paragraph of 60 words on following topics-
(a) My favourite Sportsman.
(b) My best friend.
(c) My favourite game.
(d) Good Habits.
4. Paste 5 pictures of Good Habits.
5. Draw a beautiful garden of your dreams on an A-4 coloured sheet and write 5 lines on it.
6. Prepare a grammar book containing following topics (with pictures)
(a) Noun (b) Pronoun (c) Adjectives (d) Verb
(e) Singular/Plural (f) Opposites (g) Gender.
7. Make a picture story (separate page for each picture)
8. Make a presentable dictionary of new words from the text book (with meanings)
9. Read news paper (English) daily.
Holidays Homework- हिन्दी
1. किन्हीं पाँच फल वाले पेड़ो के चित्र चिपकाइए।
2. पेड़ों पर एक कविता लिखो।
3. बीरबल की चतुराई के तीन किस्से लिखो।
4. पढ़ाये गए पाठों में से मुहावरे अर्थ सहित लिखो।
5. गेंद से खेले जाने वाले खेलों के नाम चित्र सहित लिखो।
6. बेल और पौधों पर लगने वाली सब्जियों के नाम चित्र सहित लिखो।
7. सरकंडे से बनने वाली चीजों के नाम चित्र सहित लिखो।
8. प्रतिदिन हिन्दी समाचार देखिये और सुनिए। दिनांक लिखकर प्रतिदिन कोई तीन समाचार लिखिए। (किन्हीं 10 दिनों के)
9. एक से सौ तक गिनती हिन्दी में लिखिए।
10. पढ़ाये गए पाठों को याद करो।
Holidays Homework- Maths
Note:- Do H.W. on A-4 colour sheet.
Present H.W. in a folder with Name, Class, Section and Roll No. Written on it.
1. Make a scale having 100 cm.
2. Draw a beautiful Jalli and Jharokha pattern.
3. Make a model of a clock.
4. Make a pocket calendar of year 2017.
5. Solve Questions given on page no. 13 to 22 of ch-2 on A-4 size coloured sheet.
6. Measure height of any 5 of your friends in cm. Make a table. Convert tehse heights in m. Find the name of smallest and tallest friend.
7. Prepare ch-1 and ch-2 for test on 23/6/17.
8. Learn and write tables from 2 to 20.
9. Write any 10 six digit numbers. Write their number names.
Holidays Homework- EVS
1. Make a model of any bridge (Roll No.- 1 to 10)
2. Make a model of well (Pulley) (Roll No.- 11 to 20)
3. Make a model of any means of transport (Roll No.- 2 1 to 30)
4. Make a model of clock (working) (Roll No.- 31 to 40)
5. Do following work on A4 sheet:-
(a) Paper folding (i) 5 means of transport. (ii) 5 animals/birds.
(b) Finger printing- 5 animals + 5 birds.
(c) Make collage of:-
(i) Extinct animals.
(ii) Endangered animals.
6. Make master ( Any five)- 5 wild animals, 5 domestic animals and 5 birds.
7. Poster making – save trees and write slogan also.
8. Draw a picture of your dream school.
(a) Learn and write all the work done in class in your home work note book in a neat and beautiful handwriting.
Class – V
Holidays Homework- English
1. Reading: Practice reading chapters unit 1 to unit 5.
2. Learn the new wards and their meanings given in the English Text Book: U:nit 1 to 5.
3. Write one moral story on A-4 size sheet.
4. The following Roll Nos. will make Flash cards size ½ A-4 size sheet.
Unit Roll Nos. Topic
1 Poem 1 to 3 New words-meaning
Prose 4 to 5 New words-meaning
2 Poem 6,7,8 New words-meaning
Prose 9,10 New words-meaning
3 Poem 11,12,13 New words-meaning
Prose 14,15 New words-meaning
4 Poem 16,17 New words-meaning
Prose 18,19 New words-meaning
5 Poem 20,21,22 New words-meaning
Prose 23,24 New words-meaning
5. The following Roll Nos. will make flash cards of size : ½ A-4 size sheet on the following topics.(Any 5)
Unit Topic Roll Nos.
1 to 5 Naming Words (Noun) 25,26,27,28
1 to 5 Describing Words 29,30,31,32,
1 to 5 Doing Words 33,34,35,36,37
1 to 5 Grouping Words 38,39
1 to 5 Past Tense 40,41,42
Holidays Homework- हिन्दी
1. प्रतिदिन (1-5) किसी एक पाठ का शुद्ध उच्चारण के साथ पठन।
2. 10 प्रष्ठ सुलेख (ग्रह कार्य कॉपी)
3. श्रुतलेख की तैयारी (२ से ५)
4. लोक कथाएँ पढ़नी है जो बाद में कक्षा में सुनाई जाएगी(पंचतंत्र, जातक, साहित्य)
5. मिट्टी के खिलौने बनाओ (2)
6. शब्दकोष बनाओ (1 to 3)
7. मुखौटे व कठपुतली बनाओ। (पाठ से संबन्धित)
8. मेरा प्रिय त्योहार पर अनुछेद।
Holidays Homework- Maths
1. Make a set of Tan grams by paper folding using 8/8 grid.
2. Make two figures using tan gram shapes.
3. Write any 10 big numbers in numerals and in words using Indian system.
4. Make closed geometrical shapes using 3,4,5,6 match sticks and observe the changes between any two adjacent matchstiks.
5. Write the word “MATHEMATICS” using straight lines and write no. of right angles, number of angles more than right angles and number of angles less than right angles.
6. Make a degree clock by paper folding.
7. Observe hands of a clock at different time in a day and record four observations each of the following
(a) Right angle between hands of clock.
(b) Angle less than a right angle between hands of a clock.
(c) Angle more than a right angle between hands of a clock.
Holidays Homework- EVS
1. Make flash cards by using A-4 coloured sheet of
(i) Sense organs
(ii) Five things made by mango
(iii) Five water resources
2. Draw and label the parts of a tongue of A-4.
3. Make a diagram of digestive system on A-4 sheet.
4. Collect 10 seeds that we eat and paste them of A-4 sheet.
5. Read lesson 1 to 4.
6. Make a glasses of shikangi for your parents and write its steps of A-4 sheet.