How to decode a PSG HP Serial Number

Personal Systems Group

PSG HP products are assigned a serial number consisting of ten alphanumeric characters. The serial number convention defines what each character in the serial number represents.


CC / The country of manufacture code is based on the ISO international country code standard (ISO-3166, Alpha 2 code) and is used to designate the specific country of manufacture for the individual product.
S / Supply Site/Vendor Code Identifier is used to define the actual supply site or vendor site in a given country of manufacture that last assembled and serialized the product.
YWW / The date of manufacture is expressed alpha-numerically by year counting from the base year, 200, and week of manufacture (304 - denotes a unit built in week 4 of 2003, A14 - denotes a unit built in the 14th week of 2010).
ZZZZ / Alphanumeric, Base 31 (0 through 9 and B through Z. A, E, I, O, U are dissallowed characters). Unique identifier that identifies the exact unit, which was manufactured in the lot, produced within the date of manufacture.

How to decode a ESG HP Serial Number

Enterprise Systems Group

ESG HP products are assigned a serial number consisting of ten alphanumeric characters. The serial number convention defines what each character in the serial number represents.


CC / S / YY / WW / ZZZ
CC / The country of manufacture code is based on the ISO international country code standard (ISO-3166, Alpha 2 code) and is used to designate the specific country of manufacture for the individual product.
S / Supply Site/Vendor Code Identifier is used to define the actual supply site or vendor site in a given country of manufacture that last assembled and serialized the product.
YY / The two digits of the year in which the product was produced in a numeric value starting with a base year of 2000.
WW / The week in which the computer was built.
ZZZ / The unique 3 Digits which represent the portion of the serial number which allows both service and the factory to differentiate between units produced in a given week. All Z characters will be Alpha/Numeric and use Base 36. (Ex: 0,1,2…9, A,B,C…Z), excluding use of characters (I,O,Q, and combination 0000), netting a Base 33 scheme.

How to decode a ISS HP Serial Number

Industry Standard Server

ISS HP products are assigned a serial number consisting of ten alphanumeric characters. The serial number convention defines what each character in the serial number represents.


S / ZZZ / CCCC / Y / W
S / is a single-digit site code which denotes the site of manufacture as well as defines the location where the necessary agency follow-up inspection and all agency required testing is performed. All alpha-numeric characters (36 characters).
ZZZ / are the unique 3 Digits which represent the portion of the serial number which allows both service and the factory to differentiate between units produced in a given week. Alpha-numeric characters; no I,O, or Q (33 characters).
CCCC / is the configuration code that defines the specific computer as shipped out of the factory.
Y / is the ninth Digit of the Serial Number and represents the 6 month period in which the unit was produced by utilizing a series of characters. Alpha-numeric characters; no vowels or Q (30 characters)
W / is the remaining 1 Digit of the Serial Number and is an alpha character representing the week in which the unit was manufactured. Alpha-numeric characters; no vowels, Q, Y, Z or the number 0 (29 characters)


Year / Period / Y Code / Year / Period / Y Code
2003 / Jan-June / 0 / 2010 / July-Dec / H
2003 / July-Dec / 1 / 2011 / Jan-June / J
2004 / Jan-June / 2 / 2011 / July-Dec / K
2004 / July-Dec / 3 / 2012 / Jan-June / L
2005 / Jan-June / 4 / 2012 / July-Dec / M
2005 / July-Dec / 5 / 2013 / Jan-June / N
2006 / Jan-June / 6 / 2013 / July-Dec / P
2006 / July-Dec / 7 / 2014 / Jan-June / R
2007 / Jan-June / 8 / 2014 / July-Dec / S
2007 / July-Dec / 9 / 2015 / Jan-June / T
2008 / Jan-June / B / 2015 / July-Dec / V
2008 / July-Dec / C / 2016 / Jan-June / W
2009 / Jan-June / D / 2016 / July-Dec / X
2009 / July-Dec / F / 2017 / Jan-June / Y
2010 / Jan-June / G / 2017 / July-Dec / Z

How to decode a Compaq Serial Number

Compaq branded products are assigned a unique serial number consisting of twelve alphanumeric characters. The serial number convention defines what each character in the serial number represents. While the length of the serial number has remained a constant twelve characters since the start of production, the serial numbering convention has been updated periodically in order to increase the number of possible unique combinations (or numbers) availble to be assigned to products.


This specification defines the requirements for SERIALIZATION OF TOP ASSEMBLIES in the Compaq manufacturing system. The serial number scheme consists of 12 characters (alpha or numeric) and is defined as follows:

S / Y / WW / CCCC / ZZZZ
S / is a site code and denotes the site of manufacture as well as defining the location where the necessary agency follow-up inspection and all agency required testing is performed. Site codes can be either numeric or alpha.
Y / is the last digit of the year in which the product was produced.
W / is the week in which the product was produced.
C / is the configuration code that defines the specific computer as shipped out of our factory.
Z / is the serial number which allows both service and the factory to differentiate between units produced in the same week.


This specification defines the requirements for SERIALIZATION OF TOP ASSEMBLIES in Non-Compaq owned Manufacturing Facilities. The serial number scheme consists of 12 characters (alpha or numeric) and is defined as follows:

SS / Y / M / CCCC / D / ZZZ
SS / is a two-digit site code and denotes the site of manufacture as well as defining the location where the necessary agency follow-up inspection and all agency required testing is performed. The second digit of the site code can ONLY be alpha and NOT numeric.
Y / is the last digit of the year in which the product was produced.
M / is the Month in which the computer was built (Ex: 1, 2…9, A, B, C)
C / is the configuration code that defines the specific computer as shipped out of our factory.
D / is the first Digit of the Serial Number and represents the Day in which the unit was produced by utilizing a series of characters. This first character uses Base 31 (Ex: 1,2…9, A,B,C…Z, this code EXCLUDES I, O, Q, U)
Z / is the serial number which allows both service and the factory to differentiate between units produced in the same week.