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Notes of Committee Meeting held Tuesday 4th February 2014PresentApologies
Corrine White (Chair) Brian Herdman (Vice Chair)
Caroline Moysey (Secretary)Andy Langman (Treasurer)
Fran Herdman (Bookings Secretary)Diane Wicks
Anita PerryPhil King
Gary White
Darin McLean
David Browne
Agenda Items / Action / By Whom / By Date1. Resignations
2. Apologies
3. Minutes and Matters
Arising / Andy Langman – Resignation from Ctte at end of term.
Phil King – Resignation from Ctte as has moved out of village.
Diane Wicks –Resignation due to illness.
Apologies were received from Brian Herdman, Diane Wicks, Andy Langman and Phil King.
Minutes of 6th January 2014 were agreed as accurate.
3.1 The above resignations would mean a re- appointment of positions on the Ctte would be necessary and Ctte would need new members.
3.2 Timing out of the water supply in Hall had been increased to 2 hours to ensure time for the dishwasher to finish its cycle.
3.3 Lighting gantry – BH to speak to Stuart Hazlewood. / BH
4. Treasurers Report
(See attached) / 4.1 CW presented January’s Report on behalf of the Treasurer. End of Januaryavailable funds: £3,606.51. Some queries were put forward:
- Forecast Average Funds – The amount £52.46 is a debit and should therefore be deducted not added as is the case..
- All Other Income & Expense – The grant/loan income of £1400 – clarification is needed on this figure
- The Ctte asked that a running total of present bar stock as a figure be shown.
4.2 Wychavon Grant of £1000 available. FH agreed to deal with it. / AL
5. Health & Safety Report / 5.1 Passageway lock/bolt not yet done. / GW
6. Facilities Report / 6.1 Although dishwasher was now working, it was agreed a new commercial machine would save money in the long run as the cycle is very rapid. There are 2 different types – to run on 13 amps or 20 amps, the latter needing a separate electric supply.
6.2 Hall keys - These have yet to be returned. It was decided that in 2014/15 a new lock system with keys that cannot be duplicated should be put in.
5. 7. Events/Bookings / 7.1 Bar Rota– This has been done and volunteers have put their names down for up-coming events but rota not complete for the whole year.
7.2 Events/Bookings:
15 Feb – Quiz. AP and CM to do hotdogs. Raffle in aid of the Acquired Brain Injury Unit (Liz Knight)
7 Feb/7 Mar – Pub Nights
22 Mar – Easter Chicks (advertised in Arch Messenger)
Possible event in Apr – Whisky tasting evening. DB to enquire with Ron Hawkins.
12/13 Sep - 1914-18 Event – “It’ll all be over by Christmas” – A Centennial Review. Ticket revenues to go to charities. If use of Rous Lench Village Hall approved, bar revenue would go to Hall. Would need to know number of nights needed for rehearsals.
7.3 Shindig Agreement – FH and CW signed for Ctte.
Shindig Promoter Meeting 6 Mar – CW,AP, FH, CM to attend.
7.4 Pig Roast – Raffle prizes needed. DB is forming committee and meetings will start in March.
Musical entertainment:
- Rous Martins are available to play.
- Nick Brown and the Profile.
- Emily Westcott
Possible use of The Court field for parking but would need an attendant. John Whitfield agreed to be Treasurer. / AP/CM
8. PR/Website/Newsletter / 8.1 Newsletter due end of March. / FH
9. Planning & matters arising / 9.1 Architect due to come who is specialised in period buildings.
10. Any Other Business
11. Summary of Items
Agreed / Summary of Actions
Lighting Gantry – BH
Present bar stock total on Treasurer’s Report – AL
Wychavon Grant – FH
Hotdogs for quiz – AP/CM
Whisky Tasting – DB
1914-18 Event Rehearsals – DMcL
Shindig Promoter Event – CW/AP/FH/CM
Newsletter - FH
12. Date of Next Meeting / Tuesday 4h March 2014 at 8.00pm (please note change of date)