How to Add Users to a PBworks Wiki
Adding Users
There are several ways to invite users to your workspace. You can invite other teachers and you can invite students.
To invite teachers one at a time:
1. To share access as a writer scroll down to the bottom of your right panel, and enter the user's e-mail address into the "Sharing" tool bar and click Add. You can also go into “Users” to apply other access levels.
PBworks will send that user an email giving them instructions with how to set up a PBworks Account and how to gain access to your workspace. You could also invite your students’ parents in this same manner or have them request access to your site.
To invite one or more teachers:
1. Click on the Users tab on your workspace. If you don't see this tab, then you are not logged in as a workspace Administrator. Only workspace Administrators can add users to a workspace. If you do not see the Users tab, then log in at
2. Click the "Add Users" button.
3. Type in the email addresses of the users you wish to add in the box provided. You can add multiple email addresses, and separate them on separate lines.
4. Finally, set the permission level the new users will need and click Add Users button.
To invite students:
When inviting students, you should have your students' external user names and passwords. You can obtain this Excel file from your tech liaison.
1. Go to theUserstab.
2. On theUserstab page click onAdd More Users (next page).
3. Click oncreate accounts for your students.
4. Once you click oncreate accounts for your students,the following screen will appear. Follow the steps below.
Step 1 of 4: Create Classroom Accounts
Step 2 of 4: Set account details-- This is where you will need your Excel sheet with external User names and Passwords. I cut and paste the student’s name from the Excel sheet, then go back and copy and paste the user name and password.
Step 3 of 4: Confirm account details
Be sure all the names, user names and passwords are correct for each student.
Click “create accounts.”
Step 4 of 4: Classroom Accounts Created
At this point, your new accounts have been made. Make sure you print out the list of accounts. The print-out is designed to make it easy for you to distribute the accounts to your students.
Keep the first page for your own records in case someone loses their username or password. You will also be emailed a copy for safe-keeping.
Baltimore County Public Schools
Office of Instructional Technology: How To How to Add Users to a PBworks account and August 2011