How to Create a Hiring Proposal for a SPA Recruitment
Create a Hiring Proposal: Used for SPA recruitment to select a candidate for hire.
Steps to take / Additional notes, hints!1. Log into HRMS and ensure that you have the proper user type. If not:
o Under the “Admin” menu
o Click “Change User Type”
o Select “Hiring Manager” or “Next Level Approver”
o Click “Change Group” / Note: Because Hiring Proposals are connected to the position description module, only the Hiring Manager or Next Level Approver with access to the position can begin the Hiring Proposal. This also means only one action at a time can be started in the PD module.
2. On the Employment Site landing page, all current active positions are viewable. Click “View” for the position that is in the status of ‘Referred to Hiring Department’. / An email notification will be sent once HR has completed the screening process for the best qualified candidates.
3. On the ‘Applicant’ tab, all referred candidates can be viewed. / To review more candidates, please contact the HR Specialist that referred the pool. To identify that person check the ‘History’ tab.
4. To start the Hiring Proposal change the selected candidate’s status to “Recommend for Hire”.
o Continue to Confirm Page
o Save Status Change
o Then status will be changed to ‘Begin Hiring Proposal’. / Before starting the Hiring Proposal, please change the status of all the other referred candidates. Interviewed, Not Selected for those interviewed (by phone and in person) but was not selected. Referred, Not Interviewed for the others. For additional statuses, see the user guide ‘How to Review an Applicant Pool’. All non-selection rational should be based on job selection criteria.
5. Click on “Begin Hiring Proposal”.
o Click on “Start Action” under SPA Hiring Proposal for Position Listed Below.
o If filling more than one position from the same pool, must click on Start Action under SPA hiring Proposal for Different Position Description and enter the desired position number. / The job status must remain in the status of Referred to Hiring Department. any other status, (ex.submit to 1st level approver) will cause the applicant tab to disappear from view.
Note: It is imperative that the correct position number is listed and/or selected; in order for the correct position detail information to feed through on the Hiring Proposal. If it is not, the proposal will have to be canceled and restarted.
6. Hiring Proposal Tab
o Ensure that Position and Approver Information is correct
o If applicant is a current or former employee or student, enter their 800#
o Job-Related Criteria and Rational are required fields
o It is ok to recommend a Salary rate / Note: Job-Related criteria should be the core competencies (knowledge, skills, & abilities) of the position. The rational is how the candidate meets/exceeds the job criteria. If a funding constraint was listed, the recommend salary cannot exceed that amount.
7. Complete Competency Assessment tab
o Click on the Edit link
o Check “Yes or No” to demonstrating competency
o If “No” list the reason why
o Select the employee’s competency level
o Click on “Save Changes” under each competency to save. / Note: The initial competency assessment is derived from what has been observed from interviews, application, resume, and references. If requesting a salary higher or lower than theposition's competency levelreference rate, select No and state why. Even if the competency level is Contributing or Advanced.
8. Telephone Reference Check – add a entry for each check completed
o Click ‘Add Entry’ at bottom of page to save. / Note: Must conduct at least two reference checks for external candidates. One for internal candidate. No reference is required if the candidate is already under your direct supervision.
9. Supplemental Documentation – used to upload Interview questions, Work Sample (if applicable) and Criminal Background Check Consent Agreement. / Candidates should have been asked the same interview questions. If work sample was manual, upload a description of the task. Consent Agreement is not required for current UNC Charlotte employees.
10. Comments tab / Any notes to approvers or HR should be placed here.
11. Hiring Proposal Summary – on this tab, the proposal can be saved, forwarded on to the Next Level Approver (1st or 2nd), or submitted to HR for approval. / At anytime during the Hiring Proposal tab, click on “View Request Summary” at the top of the page to save your information before leaving the action. Click on ‘Continue’ and ‘Confirm’. Otherwise, if a Next Level Approver (1st or 2nd) was listed on the Hiring Proposal tab, it can be forwarded on to them before it can be sent to HR for approval.
To retrieve a Saved Proposal:
Steps to take / Additional notes, hints!To find a saved or forward Hiring Proposal:
o Clicking on “Search Hiring Proposals” under Job Posting heading
o Enter the position number and/or just click search
o Click on the “View” link
o You can review what has been entered on the summary page or:
o Click on the “Edit” link at the top of the page to go back to tab view. / Note: Do not go back to the vacancy posting to access a saved Hiring Proposal.