·  Decide on a layout. Sketch out this layout. The brochure must be eye-catching, informative, simple, and uncluttered.

·  Give the reader what they need to know in concise terms.

·  Include graphics to enhance your text.

·  Proofread carefully--mistakes in keying lead the reader to believe there may be mistakes in information!


·  Go to File menu and select PageSetup, Paper Size, and then Landscape.

·  Select the Margins tab and set left and right margins for 0.5"--top and bottom margins may also be set here to whatever you wish them to be.

·  Select the "columns" button on the standard toolbar and click and drag over 3 columns.

·  You need two documents laid out this way, one for the front of the brochure, and one for the back. They will be set up in the following fashion:

2 / 3 / 4
5 / 6 / 1


·  Once you have decided on your layout, begin to key in your text. You may also use clipart to enhance your brochure or download graphics from the web.

·  Using clipart--Click on the Insert Menu, select Picture and Clip Art. Size the graphic to fit your column by grabbing the handles (small black square) in any of the 4 corners to resize the graphic proportionately.

·  Using graphics from the web--Find the graphic you wish to use. Right click on that graphic and click on "Save Picture As. . .," give the graphic a name and save it to your P-drive. To insert the graphic in your brochure, use the same instructions as "Using Clipart" above but instead of selecting "Clip Art," select "From file" and find the picture on your drive.

·  Use a variety for font sizes and styles to make your brochure attractive and pleasing to the eye, but do not overkill.

·  To move from column to column, go to the Insert Menu and select "Break" and then "Column Break." You may then move between columns by pointing and clicking with the mouse.

·  You may set up both pages at the same time and move between each page by going to the Window Menu and selecting the appropriate document to work on.

·  Remember, if something goes wrong, you may always undo! Also, always periodically save your work.

How to Create a Good Brochure

Make it easy to read by

·  Using bullets

·  Putting one main idea per panel

·  Using a header on each panel

Make it visually interesting by using

·  Color

·  Attractive fonts

·  Inserting pictures

.Create a story board with pencil and paper, indicating what you want to put on each panel.

·  Page 1 should have the title that indicates what your brochure is going to be about

·  Page 6 could have citations

Don’t change the size of the font until you see how your text fits in the columns.

Printing on Hewlett Packard in the Main Library

·  Print outside first—pages 5, 6, 1

·  Reload into paper tray with printed side up and with the top on the left.

·  Print inside –pages 2,3, 4