Subject: Choosing the right spot to meditate

Dear (first name),

I know—life is busy. We have the best intentions but so often, life simply distracts us when we are trying to refocus and re-center.

I know you may not have taken the time yet to listen to your relaxation meditation, Possibilities of the Journey. I certainly hope that you’ve listened once or twice but I understand how hard it can be to take time for oneself.

That’s why I’m writing to you today. I want to encourage you to take the 15 minutes you need to find a peaceful spot to quiet your mind AND your body.

Here’s a 3rd secret that will help you get the most out of your MP3 recording.

You did read Secrets #1 and #2, didn’t you?

Secret #3: Find a favorite pose.

There are many poses one can take while meditating. The pose should be firm but relaxed. Just like a tree needs to be deeply rooted, it is most important to find a comfortable position for your lower body that you can sustain for a few minutes. It helps to add a cushion or blanket under your bottom. A tip is to scan your body when you are first seated and make any adjustments to add to your greater comfort and therefore deeper relaxation meditation. Sit straight, tilt your pelvis slightly forward, accentuating the natural curve of your lower back.

If you choose, you may experience your relaxation meditation lying down with your body being supported by Mother Earth. A nice variation on this is to roll up a blanket and place it length-wise from your tail-bone to the base of your head. Make sure your head is supported by the blanket. You want to protect your neck and leave a tennis ball sized space between your chest and your chin. This allows your breathing to flow.

By setting yourself up for maximum physical comfort, you’ll be able to really focus your mind and body on the meditation and its benefits.

If life has you feeling overwhelmed, tapped out, unfocused and a bit directionless, give me a call at 203-263-2513 so we can schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation. I’d love to help you re-energize!

Peace, Prosperity and Happiness,
