How to contact MPAS?
Call Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service at 800.288.5923 (voice), 517.374.4687 (TTY) or contact us through our website at There is no charge for the services we offer and all contacts are confidential.
MPAS has experience in addressing problems related to discrimination in education, employment, housing and access to public places. We may also be able to provide assistance regarding abuse and neglect, vocational rehabilitation, Medicaid and Medicare eligibility, Social Security overpayment, Community Mental Health, guardianship, institutional rights and voting accessibility.
Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. is mandated by federal and state law to protect the legal rights of individuals with disabilities in Michigan. MPAS receives part of its funding from the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, the Center for Mental Health Services-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Rehabilitation Services Administration and the Social Security Administration.
Total Copies: 5,000 Total Cost: $618.91 Cost per unit: $.124 Revised 3/2015
Who We Are
What We Do
4095 Legacy Parkway, Suite 500
Lansing, Michigan 48911-4263
517.487.1755 or 800.288.5923
517.374.4687 (TTY)
Fax 517.487.0827
What We Do
Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. (MPAS) is the independent, private, nonprofit organization designated by the governor of Michigan to advocate and protect the rights of people with disabilities in Michigan. Our services include information and referral, technical assistance, selected individual and direct representation, systemic advocacy, monitoring and training.
Information and Referral
We have advocates on staff who can talk to you about your situation. Contact us through our website, or call us and ask for Information and Referral. A highly skilled advocate, who works with a lawyer, can talk to you about your problem(s). The advocate will explain your rights and give you advice. Because of the number of calls we receive, we might ask you to leave your name and phone number so we can call you back. We will make every effort to call you back as soon as an advocate is available.
Please be assured that all information you share with us is confidential unless you give us written permission to share with others.
We provide written information about disability -related legal rights. These materials are designed to help you understand the laws, your rights under the law, and your responsibilities. These materials can also be made available in other alternative formats such as large print, electronic, alternate languages, Braille, or audiotape upon request. Many of our resources are available on our website at
Direct Representation
At times we may provide direct representation to you if you are eligible for our services and if yourissues have legal merit and fall within our programpriorities. Our legal staff may also give technical assistance to privateattorneysworkingdisabilityissues.
Workshops and Seminars
Our staff is experienced in many disability related areas and from time-to-time, will provide relevant workshops and seminars for consumers, advocates and families.
Our Programs
We provide information and services within the following program areas:
Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS)assists individuals with disabilities who have work- related Social Security issues such as Ticket to Work, vocational rehabilitation services, and work-related overpayments.
Client Assistance Program (CAP) assists people who are seeking or receiving services from Michigan Rehabilitation Services, The Bureau of Services for Blind Persons, Centers for Independent Living and any other program funded underthe Rehabilitation Act. Additionally, the program provides information about Title I of the ADA.
Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PADD) assists people with developmental disabilities.
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (PATBI) assists individuals with Traumatic Brain Injuries.
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) assists people experiencing mental illness.
Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights (PAIR) assists people with disabilities who do not meet the eligibility criteria for PADD or PAIMI services (generally individuals with adult-onset disabilities).
Protection and Advocacy of Users of Assistive Technology (PAAT) assists people with disabilities who may benefit from assistive technology devices and services.
Protection and Advocacy for Voter Access (PAVA) offers voter education and training services to individuals with disabilities in an efforttopromotefullparticipationintheelectoralprocess.