Information about stays abroad while obtaining a doctorate in accordance with the Federal Statistics Law applying to Institutes of Higher Education (Hochschulstatistikgesetz)
How to complete the form
Bielefeld University is required to report stays abroad relevant to doctorates in accordance with the Federal Statistics Law applying to Institutes of Higher Education. Please complete and submit the form (page 2) along with the documents for initiating the doctoral examination process.
A stay abroad is considered "relevant to the doctorate" if it was relevant to the doctorate in terms of substance and if it took place after the doctoral researcher began his/her doctorate at a German institute of higher education. Examples of such stays abroad include research trips (experiments, research, field trips, study trips) or events to obtain qualifications (summer schools, courses on methods, or language courses related to the doctorate). At most three temporary stays abroad in relation to the doctorate are taken into account. If you had more than three stays abroad relevant to your doctorate, provide information about the three longest ones.
Provide information about
a) the country where you spent time abroad
b) the exact duration of the stay in months (1 month = 4 weeks) in accordance with the following key:
00 = less than one month / 01 = 1 to (less than) 2 months / 02 = 2 to (less than) 3 months / 03 = 3 to (less than) 4 months / etc.c) Individual financing of the stay abroad (type of mobility programme)
The significant criterion for differentiating types of mobility programmes is the form of financing.
02 = Other international/national programme (not supported by the EU, e.g. university partnership programme), e.g. scholarship from Bielefeld University, scholarship from the host university, scholarship from a foundation, scholarship from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
03 = No programme, i.e. self-financed
To: the Examination Office
Please complete and print this page
Personal dataFamily name, first name / Enter name / Enter first name
Matriculation number / Enter matriculation number
E-mail address / Enter e-mail address
Please tick the appropriate box:
☐There was no stay abroad relevant to the doctorate during the period of obtaining the doctorate.
☐The (three longest) stays abroad relevant to the doctorate are listed below:
- Stay abroad in relation to the doctorate
b)Duration in months / Select duration /
c)Type of mobility programme / Select programme /
- Stay abroad in relation to the doctorate
b)Duration in months / Select duration /
c)Type of mobility programme / Select programme /
- Stay abroad in relation to the doctorate
b)Duration in months / Select duration /
c)Type of mobility programme / Select programme /
By signing this form, I confirm that the information I have provided is complete and correct.
(Date)(Doctoral researcher's signature)
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Auslandsaufenthalt_Promotion Version 2_EN, 9.3.2017/SB