Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Evaluation Check-off Form
Course Title: Essentials of Healthcare
HealthScienceCareer Cluster
Essentialsof HealthcareCourse
CourseNumber: 25.44000
Directions: For Healthcare Science Industry Certification Evaluations(Extra teacher directions italicized.)
Teachers will select three standards (GSE/GPS and all elements) from each course taught.
Teachers should select the three standards that they feel are most critical for each course and showcase those Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) - Georgia Performance Standards (GPSs). Each Element in the GSE/GPS will be addressed as written, showcasing the Planning (Lesson Plan), Teaching (Student activities - as listed in each standard and elements), and Evaluation (Student evaluations – as listed in each standard and elements) showing that students were evaluated and have learned the standards as written – at that level.
The teacher will provide required documentation, usually in notebooks (one notebook per course taught).
The evaluator will identify that the minimal documentation is shown.
(1). Lesson Plan with GSE/GPS and elements listed;
(2) A sample of a completed Student Work for thatGSE/GPS and addresses each element as written; and
(3) A sample of a completed Student Evaluation for thatthatGSE/GPS and addresses each element as written
for each of the Three standards chosen per course taught by the teacher.
Minimally, 9 documents from each course. These will be labeled to help the evaluators easily turn the page and see the document needed. But since this is a “showcasing” for teachers, students, and programs,
it is time to share and shine.
Highlight the Standards (total of 3 per course- using the computer highlighting) you have Chosen (at 1st of school year) to showcase and include the documentation needed. To self-check your notebooks/files and for the Evaluators (Self-Evaluation /Pre-Application team and On-Site local healthcare professionals and leadership Evaluation Team), use these forms.
Use the 3 boxes at the elements to note (check-off) that a Lesson Plan, Student Work, and Student Evaluation are found for Each Element in the Course section.
Then, if all elements are noted/seen, then use the check off boxes below to show that the GSE/GPS and all elements, as listed, were found on the Lesson Plan(s); all elementsaddressed showing teaching with Student Activities; and all elements addressed with the Student Evaluation(s) showing that the student was evaluated and learned the standards as written. All aligning with the Standards (GSE/GPS) and elements.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and Elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and Elements addressed as listed)
The teacher will key in the information in the “header” and save it on the computer and a “flashdrive”/backup. The teacher will print these evaluation check-off forms for the (1) course notebooks (to guide the organization and ensure all documents listed are in place before the evaluations), (2) the “Self-Evaluation- Pre-Application Team” brought in one month before the On-Site evaluation with healthcare professionals to identify any missing items, and (3) for the On-Site Evaluation team.
The Teacher will print off and provide these forms for their use to set up the website sections (POS and Courses), for the Self-Study evaluators (team to review materials before Application is submitted, and for the Evaluators on the On-Site Evaluation Team.
HealthScienceCareer Cluster
Essentialsof Healthcare Course
CourseNumber: 25.44000
Essentials of HealthcareCourseDescription:
Anatomyand Physiologyis a vitalpartofmost healthcare post-secondaryeducation programs.The EssentialsofHealthcare is amedical-focused anatomycourse addressingthe physiologyofeach bodysystem, alongwith the investigation ofcommon diseases, disorders and emerging diseases. The prevention ofdiseaseand the diagnosis and treatmentthatmight beutilized are addressed,alongwithmedical terminologyrelated to eachsystem.Thiscourseprovidesan opportunityto demonstrate technicalskillsthatenforce thegoalofhelping studentsmake connectionsbetweenmedical proceduresand the pathophysiologyofdiseasesanddisorders. The pre-requisite forthiscourse isIntroduction to Healthcare.
Course Standard1
HS-EHS-1The following standard is included in all CTAE courses adopted for the Career Cluster/Pathways. Teachers should incorporate the elements of this standard into lesson plans during the course. The topics listed for each element of the standard may be addressed in differentiated instruction matching the content of each course. These elements may also be addressed with specific lessons from a variety of resources. This content is not to be treated as a unit or separate body of knowledge but rather integrated into class activities as applications of theconcept.
Standard: Demonstrate employability skills required by business andindustry.
The following elements should be integrated throughout the content of thiscourse.
1.1Communicate effectively through writing, speaking, listening, reading, and interpersonalabilities.
Person-to-Person Etiquette / Telephone and EmailEtiquette / Cell Phone and InternetEtiquette / Communicating At Work / ListeningInteractingwith YourBoss / Telephone Conversations / UsingBlogs / Improving CommunicationSkills / Reasons, Benefits, andBarriers
Interacting with Subordinates / Barriers to Phone conversations / Using SocialMedia / Effective Oral Communication / ListeningStrategies
Interacting with Co-workers / Making and ReturningCalls / Effective Written Communication / Ways WeFilter What WeHear
Interactingwith Suppliers / Making ColdCalls / Effective Nonverbal Skills / Developing a ListeningAttitude
Handling ConferenceCalls / Effective WordUse / Show You Are Listening
Handling UnsolicitedCalls / Giving and Receiving Feedback / AskingQuestions
Getting Others to Listen
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Nonverbal Communication / Written Communication / Speaking / Applications and Effective RésumésCommunicating Nonverbally / WritingDocuments / Using Language Carefully / Completing a JobApplication
Reading Body Language and mixedMessages / Constructive Criticism inWriting / One-on-One Conversations / Writing a CoverLetter
Matching Verbal and Nonverbalcommunication / Small Group Communication / Things to Include in aRésumé
Improving Nonverbal Indicators / Large Group Communication / Selling Yourself in aRésumé
NonverbalFeedback / MakingSpeeches / Terms to Use in aRésumé
Showing Confidence Nonverbally / Involving the Audience / Describing Your JobStrengths
ShowingAssertiveness / AnsweringQuestions / Organizing YourRésumé
Visual and MediaAids / Writing an ElectronicRésumé
Errors inPresentation / Dressing Up YourRésumé
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
1.2Demonstrate creativity by asking challenging questions and applying innovative procedures and methods.
Teamwork and ProblemSolving / MeetingEtiquetteThinkingCreatively / Preparation and Participation inMeetings
TakingRisks / Preparation and Participation inMeetings
Building TeamCommunication / Conducting Two-Person or Large GroupMeetings
Inviting and IntroducingSpeakers
Facilitating Discussions andClosing
Preparing VisualAids
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
1.3Exhibit critical thinking and problem solving skills to locate, analyze and apply information in career planning and employmentsituations.
Problem Solving / CustomerService / The ApplicationProcess / Interviewing Skills / Finding the Right JobTransferable JobSkills / Gaining Trustand Interacting with Customers / ProvidingInformation, Accuracy and Double Checking / Preparing for an Interview / Locating Jobs and Networking
Becoming a ProblemSolver / Learning and GivingCustomers What TheyWant / Online Application Process / Questions to Ask in anInterview / Job Shopping Online
Identifying a Problem / Keeping Customers ComingBack / Following UpAfter Submitting an Application / Things toInclude in a Career Portfolio / Job Search Websites
Becoming a CriticalThinker / Seeing the Customer’sPoint / EffectiveRésumés: / TraitsEmployers areSeeking / Participation in Job Fairs
Managing / Selling Yourself and theCompany / Matching Your Talents to aJob / Considerations Before Taking a Job / Searching the ClassifiedAds
Handling Customer Complaints / When a Résumé Should beUsed / Using Employment Agencies
Strategies for CustomerService / Landing an Internship
StayingMotivated toSearch
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
1.4Model work readiness traits required for success in the workplace including integrity, honesty, accountability, punctuality, time management, and respect fordiversity.
WorkplaceEthics / Personal Characteristics / Employer Expectations / BusinessEtiquette / Communicating at WorkDemonstrating Good WorkEthic / Demonstrating a GoodAttitude / Behaviors Employers Expect / Language and Behavior / HandlingAnger
Behaving Appropriately / Gaining and ShowingRespect / ObjectionableBehaviors / Keeping Information Confidential / Dealing with DifficultCoworkers
Maintaining Honesty / Demonstrating Responsibility / Establishing Credibility / AvoidingGossip / Dealing with a DifficultBoss
PlayingFair / Showing Dependability / Demonstrating Your Skills / Appropriate Work Email / Dealing with DifficultCustomers
Using Ethical Language / BeingCourteous / Building Work Relationships / Cell PhoneEtiquette / Dealing withConflict
Showing Responsibility / Gaining Coworkers’Trust / Appropriate Work Texting
Reducing Harassment / Persevering / Understanding Copyright
Respecting Diversity / Handling Criticism / SocialNetworking
Making Truthfulnessa Habit / Showing Professionalism
Leaving a Job Ethically
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
1.5Apply the appropriate skill sets to be productive in a changing, technological, diverse workplace to be able to work independently and apply team workskills.
Expected WorkTraits / Teamwork / TimeManagementDemonstratingResponsibility / TeamworkSkills / ManagingTime
Dealing with InformationOverload / Reasons Companies UseTeams / Putting First ThingsFirst
Transferable JobSkills / Decisions TeamsMake / Juggling ManyPriorities
ManagingChange / TeamResponsibilities / OvercomingProcrastination
Adopting a NewTechnology / Problems That AffectTeams / Organizing Workspace andTasks
Expressing Yourself on aTeam / StayingOrganized
Giving and ReceivingConstructive Criticism / Finding MoreTime
Prioritizing Personal and WorkLife
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
1.6Present a professional image through appearance, behavior andlanguage.
On-the-JobEtiquette / Person-to-PersonEtiquette / CommunicationEtiquette / PresentingYourselfUsing Professional Manners / Meeting Business Acquaintances / Creating a GoodImpression / LookingProfessional
IntroducingPeople / Meeting People for the First Time / Keeping Phone Calls Professional / Dressing forSuccess
AppropriateDress / ShowingPoliteness / Proper Use of WorkEmail / Showing a Professional Attitude
Business Meal Functions / Proper Use of CellPhone / Using GoodPosture
Behavior at Work Parties / Proper Use inTexting / Presenting Yourself to Associates
Behavior at Conventions / AcceptingCriticism
InternationalEtiquette / Demonstrating Leadership
Cross-Cultural Etiquette
Working in aCubicle
Support of CTAE Foundation Course Standards and Common Core GPS andGeorgiaPerformanceStandards
L9-10RST 1-10 and L9-10WHST1-10:
Common Core ELA/Literacy standards have been written specifically for technical subjectsand have been adopted as part of the official standards for all CTAE courses. Additional Common Core ELA/Literacy standards for Speaking and Listening are listed in the foundational course standardsbelow.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Classifythe basic structuralandfunctional organization ofthehumanbodyandidentifybodyplanes,cavities,regions, directionalterms,tissues,organs and parts of the cell.
2.1Define anatomy,physiology,homeostasis, metabolismand cellularrespiration.
2.2Identifybodyplanes,cavities,abdominalregionsand directional terms.(Thesewillbeutilized laterin the various anatomysystems).
2.3Describe and demonstrate anatomicalposition utilizing directionalterms.
2.4Classifythe basicstructuraland functionalorganization ofthe human body beginning atthe cellularlevel to alsoinclude tissues,organsand systems.
2.5Identifythe structuralcomponentsofa cell,and describe the function andrelationship ofeach component.
2.6Explain the processofmitosisandmeiosis.
2.7Identifythemajortypesoftissue,and provide examplesofeach type.
2.8Demonstrate recognition ofsubjective and objective observations.Documentsignsandsymptomsin the simulatedelectronic medical record.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Evaluation Check-off Form
Course Title: Essentials of Healthcare
Analyze the anatomy,physiologyandbasicpathophysiologyof the integumentarysystem,andevaluate andmonitor bodytemperature.
3.1Analyze the basicstructuresand functionsofthe integumentarysystem.
3.2Identifyand explainmedical terms related tothe integumentarysystem,and utilizeappropriatelywhen documenting in a simulated electronicmedical record.
3.3Research common diseases,disordersand emerging diseasesofthe integumentarysystemincluding the pathophysiology,prevention,diagnosisand treatment that mightbe utilized in each.
3.4Make observationsofthe skin to include:color,temperature to touch,scarring,bruising,abrasions,lacerations,orotherabnormalities.
3.5Discussthe role ofthe integumentary systeminhomeostasisregardingbodytemperature.
3.6Demonstratemeasuringand recording oftemperature,and identifyabnormalresults.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Investigate theanatomy,physiology,and basic pathophysiologyof thecardiovascularsystem,andevaluate andmonitor blood pressure andpulse.
4.1Analyze the basicstructuresand functionsofthe cardiovascular system.
4.2Identifyand explainmedical terms related tothe cardiovascular system, and utilizewhen documenting in electronicmedical record.
4.3Research common diseases,disorders,and emerging diseasesofthe cardiovascularsystemincluding the pathophysiology,prevention,diagnosisand treatment(includingbiomedicaltherapies) thatmightbe utilized in each.
4.4Describe the componentsofblood,and the functionsofeach.Researchwhen bloodcomponentsare prescribed for a patientandwhy.
4.5Identifyand describe the functionsofthe chambers,valves and associated vesselsofthe heart.
4.6Distinguish differencesin anatomyand pathologyofblood vessels to include arteries,arterioles,capillaries,venules,and veins.
4.7Identifyand trace theflowofbloodthrough the heart,and provide distinction betweenthe pulmonaryand systemiccirculation.
4.8Name the partsofthe conduction systemoftheheart,and trace the impulsesduringinitiation and conduction.
4.9Demonstratemeasuringand recording blood pressure and pulse,and identifyabnormalresults.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Examine theanatomy,physiologyandbasicpathophysiologyof the respiratorysystem,andevaluate andmonitor respirations.
5.1Analyze the basicstructuresand functionsofthe respiratorysystem.
5.2Identifyand explainmedical terms related to the respiratorysystem,and utilizewhendocumenting in electronicmedical record.
5.3Research common diseases,disorders,and emerging diseasesofthe respiratorysystemincluding the pathophysiology,prevention,diagnosisand treatment(includingbiomedicaltherapies) thatmightbe utilized in each.
5.4Differentiate between the upper and lowerrespiratorytractwhile tracingthe pathwayofairinto and outofthe respiratorysystem.
5.5Explain the physiologyofbreathing,to include the processofgasexchange.
5.6Analyze the interdependence ofthe cardiovascularand respiratorysystems astheyrelate to gasexchange,circulation,and the supportofvitalorgansofthe human body.
5.7Demonstratemeasuringand recording respirations,and identifyabnormalresults.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Evaluation Check-off Form
Course Title: Essentials of Healthcare
Evaluate theanatomy,physiology,and basic pathophysiologyof the muscular andskeletalsystems,and perform technicalskills relatedtothe systems.
6.1Analyze the basicstructuresand functionsofthemuscular system.
6.2Analyze the basicstructuresand functionsofthe skeletal system, including locating andidentifying the bonesofthe skeletalsystemand hemopoiesis.
6.3Explain the relationshipbetween the muscular and skeletalsystems,and identifytheirinterdependence as theyrelate to bodystructure, movementand posture.
6.4Identifyand explainmedical terms related tothemuscular and skeletalsystems, andutilizewhen documenting in the electronic medical record.
6.5Research common diseases,disorders,and emerging disordersofthemuscularandskeletal systems including pathophysiology,prevention,diagnosis and treatment thatmightbe utilized.
6.6Differentiate between the axial and appendicularskeletons.
6.7Describe the developmentofthe skeletal system.
6.8Locate and identifythe typesofjointsin the skeletalsystem.
6.9Locate and identifythe typesof muscles in themuscularsystem.
6.10Performrange ofmotion (ROM) forjointssuchasthe shoulder,wristand ankle.
6.11Differentiate between active and passive rangeof motion.
6.12Demonstrate propertechniques for ambulation with assistive devices(crutches,cane,walker);and identifylimitationsand abnormalities.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Analyze the anatomy,physiology,andbasicpathophysiologyof the urinarysystem,andapplyknowledgein performance of technicalskills relatedtothe system.
7.1Analyze the basicstructuresand functionsofthe urinarysystem.
7.2Identifyand explain the medicaltermsrelated to the urinarysystem,and utilizewhendocumenting in the electronicmedical record.
7.3Describe the structure and function ofthe nephron,and explain the processesofsecretion,filtration and reabsorption includingwhere the processes occur.
7.5Research common diseases,disorders,and emerging diseasesofthe urinarysystemincluding pathophysiology,prevention,diagnosisand treatment that mightbe utilized.
7.6Demonstratemeasuringintake and output,and identifyabnormalresults(collection ofspecimen)and documentin an electronic medical record.
Lesson Plan (The Standard and all Elements are listed.)
Completed Student Work noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Completed Student Evaluation forms noted (All standards and elements addressed as listed)
Healthcare Science Education Industry Certification Evaluation Check-off Form
Course Title: Essentials of Healthcare
Analyze the anatomy,physiology,andbasicpathophysiologyof the reproductivesystem,andperform technicalskills related tothesystem.
8.1Analyze the basicstructuresand functionsofthe reproductive system.
8.2Identifyand explainmedical terms related tothe reproductive system, and utilizewhen documenting in the electronic medical record.
8.3Research common diseases,disorders,and emerging diseasesofthe reproductivesystemincluding pathophysiology,prevention,diagnosisand treatment that mightbeutilized.