<How to Apply for Nursery Room>

This document explains how to apply for the SOKENDAI temporary nursery room. An applicant for the nursery room is requested to read the following conditions from 1 to 12, and if agreed, make an application as described below.

1. How the nursery service is provided:

Child-care supporters from the Incorporated NPO; Sukusuku-Paradise, shall take care of the children in a temporary nursery room which shall be prepared at the SOKENDAI Hayama campus.

2. Child age:

From one month old to the ages of elementary school students.

*For children who don’t understand Japanese, please inform us beforehand.

3. Fee:

Free (including insurance premium.)

*Meals and drink must be prepared by the applicant (parent).

4. Operation hours (scheduled):

June 10 (Wed.) 2015, from 12:00 to 20:00

June 11 (Thur.) 2015, from 8:30 to 20:30

June 12 (Fri.) 2015, from 8:30 to 17:30

5. Submit to the nursery room on the day you use the room:

- Photocopy of health insurance card (available in Japan)

- “Child Record” (Appendix 3)

6. Items to bring on the day you will be using the nursery room:

- Lunch, snacks

- Drinks

- Powdered milk with bottles (the number of bottles depends on feeding times)

- One change of clothes

- Bib for meals

- Hand towel

- Diapers and disposable wipes

- Favorite items (toy, picture book, blanket, etc.)

* Bring your baby-stroller to the nursery room if you need it

* All items should have your child’s name on them and be in a sack.

* Please encourage your child to share their toys with other children.

7. Unforeseen circumstances:

Handling unforeseen circumstances in the nursery room is premised on prompt responses by an applicant. Avoid going out from the ceremony and seminar sites during the hours your child is being cared for.

8. Insurance:

The insurance against accidents during the operation hours is insured by the Incorporated NPO; Sukusuku-Paradise. (Refer to attached document)

9. “Pledge for Use of Temporary Nursery Room” (Appendix 2):

The key point to be agreed upon is “in the event of any accident, the University’s liability for the nursery room is limited within the scope of casualty insurance which is insured by the Incorporated NPO; Sukusuku-Paradise”

10. “Child Record” (Appendix 3):

“Child Record” is a form in which a parent records the daily condition of your child. Print out the form and bring the completed form with you on the day you will be using the nursery room. In addition to the form submission, an applicant is requested to tell the condition of your child to a child-care supporter on the day you will be using the nursery room. Basically, the nursery room cannot accept sick children. However, if your child is not seriously sick, a final decision whether to accept the child or not shall be made by a discussion between a child-care supporter and an applicant.

11. Health Care:

The nursery room shall be attended by a nurse during the operation hours.

12. Cancellation:

After the closing date, if the reason of cancellation is not considered as unavoidable, an applicant shall pay a cancellation fee as designated by the Incorporated NPO; Sukusuku-Paradise.

13. Application:

If an applicant agrees to the above conditions from 1 to 12, submit an application form no later than the closing date below.

Closing date for applications:May 15th (Fri.), 2015

14. Contact information and submitting to:

SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies)

The General Affairs Section of SOKENDAI International Communication Program

ShonanVillage,HayamaKanagawa 240-0193 Japan

Email :

After using the nursery room, please participate in a survey which is designed to hear users’ opinions for future improvement.

(Appendix 1)

<Application Form for Nursery Room>

Please fill out the required items below and submit this form byMay 15th (Fri.), 2015



I agree to the conditions from 1 to 12 of <How to Apply for Nursery Room> and make an application as follows.

Applicant (parent) name in the alphabet:

Applicant (parent) name in hiragana:

Applicant (parent) affiliation (department):

If any, names and names in hiragana of all persons who come in/out of the nursery room other than the above applicant: (required for the purpose of casualty insurance)

Applicant (parent) contact address:


Mail address:

Child 1 name in the alphabet:

Child 1 name in hiragana:

Month and year of birth: MM/YYYY, Age: xx years and xx months old

Boy or girl:

Allergy: No/ Yes (Food allergy: ) (Fabric allergy: )

Child 2 name in the alphabet:

Child 2 name in hiragana:

Date of birth: DD/MM/YYYY, xx years and xx months old

Boy or girl:

Allergy: No/ Yes (Food allergy: ) (Fabric allergy: )

Comment here, if there is anything special to be taken care of.

* All the information filled out by you shall be used only for the purpose of opening the nursery room

(Appendix 2)

Pledge for Use of Nursery Room

Please fill out the required items below and submit this form byMay 15th (Fri.), 2015



To the President of SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies),
In the event of any accident which occurs during the use of the temporary nursery room which is prepared by the University, I (full name in the alphabet:
, affiliation: Department of ) fully confirm and agree to;

Liability of SOKENAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies) and persons involved in the nursery room shall be limited within the scope of casualty insurance which is insured by the Incorporated NPO ; Sukusuku-Paradise.

Based on the above pledge, I wish to have my child
(full name in the alphabet: ) cared for at the temporary nursery room which is planned and managed by SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies).

Residential address
