How to apply for IPON Human Rights Observers
Through Human Rights Observers, the International Peace Observers Network (IPON) accompanies groups in the Philippines that work as Human Rights Defender Organizations. For a definition see UN-charter “Declaration on Human Rights Defenders”:
IPON will start to work only upon request of the said organisations.
Please fill in the request form. In case of any question concerning the form, please contact us directly through our office in Germany. Please fill out all the fields properly. If not all the information is available yet, please contact us later to provide the missing answers.
Description of the decision-making process
After receiving your request, the German team will decide within 6 weeks, if the work of IPON generally might be applicable to your case. In case additional information is needed, we will contact you within the said period. In case of a positive preliminary decision, a pre-study with a Human Rights Observer team will have to be conducted. Based on this experience and on your evaluation we will make the final decision on whether can send Human Rights Observers to your group and become active in your area. By then, all further details, such as the timeframe and the mode of observation can be developed together with your group.
Pre -Studies
Before we take a final decision, we are always doing pre-studies in the new area to get a personal picture of the conflict and to estimate the appropriateness of our working tools. After a positive pre-study, final arrangements will be made and we can start with our activity.
Please send your request via E-mail or fax. The printed request may follow later.
International Peace Observers Network (IPON) e.V.
Nernstweg 32
22765 Hamburg
phone: +49-040-25 49 19 47
fax: +49-40-3909370
/ requestfor
Human Rights Observers
in the Philippines
A: Identification
Requesting group
Name of the group (including abbreviation)
Street, no.
Citycode / Town
Province / Region
Phone / C. Code / Number / Fax / C. Code / Number
Legal status of the group / Member of (other organisation)
Umbrella-organisation / Yes / Founded in the year
Level of work / Local / Number of members
Contact person
(full name) / FunctionPhone / Code / Number / Mobile / Number
Name of the person authorised to sign
Place / Position/function / Date
Please transfer this request via E-mail to: and send the originally signed document to:
I.P.O.N., Nernstweg 32, 22765 Hamburg, Germany.
B: Summary of the RequestPlease describe very shortly!!
1)Why are you requesting Human Rights Observation?
2)The place: location, characteristics, size, inhabitants/ conflict affected people
3)The conflict
4)What do you expect from IPON?
5) How do you assess the impact that Human Rights Observers will have on the conflict?
6) Duration of the request (request may be renewed after the said period)
C: Description of the conflict
2)Actors (who they are and which role they play)
3)Role of state actors
4)Role of your organisation in the conflict? (including beginning of your involvement)
5)Actual situation
D: Description about your group
1) Short description
3)Working style/ methods/ instruments
4) Relationship to Human Rights
5)Why would you consider your group as Human Rights Defenders?
6)Do the Human Rights Defenders of your group feel fear because of their work? If yes, what are they afraid of?
7)What kind of external support do you get?
E: Human Rights Violations and the role of Observers
1)What kind of Human Rights Violations are occuring?
2)How many and what kind of Human Rights Violations took place in the past? (please attach any kind of documentation that you might have produced already)
3)What kind of reaction did state actors show on said Human Rights Violations?
4)What could be a possible role of IPON Human Rights Observers in the conflict?
5)How could the observers act in a theoretical example of a conflict situation?
6)What are your all in all expectations from the partnership with IPON?