How tall are you?

I am ______inches tall.

How much do you weigh?

I weigh ______pounds.

How far is it to Antarctica?

It is about _____ miles away.

How long would it take to get there?

It would take _____ hours/days

in a boat/on a plane.

How much does this/that stop cost?

It costs $______.

I have spent $______so far.

I have $______left.

How cold/warm/hot is the water?

The water is ______degrees.

How can you get the right temperature?

Start with…

Put in…


How tall are you?

I am ______inches tall.

A ______penguin is ____inches tall.

I am taller/shorter than a ______penguin.

How much do you weigh?

I weigh ______pounds.

A ______penguin weighs ___ pounds.

I am heavier/lighter than a ______penguin.

The ______penguin is taller/shorter than the _____ penguin.

The ______penguin would need to grow ______inches to catch up with the ______penguin.

_____ penguins have ______beaks

_____ penguins are ______inches tall.

_____ penguins weigh ______pounds.

_____ penguins have ______beaks.

_____ penguins have ______feet.

_____ penguinsusually lay ______eggs.

_____ penguins are ______.

_____ penguins have ______.

____ are enemies to the ____penguins.

____ are the ____penguins’ enemies.

Talking about world temperatures

Where would it be the hottest/coldest?


It would be ______-er

the ______-est ____ because…

Which penguin is the tallest/largest?

The ______is the ______-est.

There is a lot of/a little/not much/no difference between the ___ and the _.

The ___ penguin is the

___-est/most ____ because it has…

If the ____ penguin were here, it would….

How are these _ the same/different?

In what ways are ___ and ___ similar/different?

They’re the same/different because…

They both…

One…but the other…

Will there be more children who are ___-er than a(n) _____ penguin?

I predict there will/won’t be…

I notice…

I observe…

__ weigh less/more than/as much as __

There is…

There are…

Each row has…

You can count them by…

What could you do after…?

I/You could…

Guess Who?

I am ______.

I have ______.

Half as many

I observe…

I notice… there is/are___ and ____.

There is/are ___ and there is/are __.

There are ____ in all.

Does your ___ have ____?

Yes my ______(mine) has ______.

No, my ______doesn’t have ______.

There are ___ penguins.

How many are _____?

How many have _____?
