NAME ______

PERIOD ______

Go to:

My Plate – FRUITS

How much fruit should you have each day?

  1. ______

What counts as 1 cup?

  1. __1 cup______fruit
  2. __1 cup______100% fruit juice
  3. __1/2 cup______dried fruit

What do the nutrients in fruits do for you?

  1. ___reduce risk of heart disease______
  2. ___protect against cancers______
  3. ___reduce risk of Type 2 diabetes______
  4. ___may lower calorie intake______
  5. __may lower blood pressure______
  1. Whole fruit is better than 100% juice because it contains more ___fiber______.
  2. You should always _rinse___ fruits and vegetables before you eat them.
  3. When choosing canned fruit it should be packed in __water____ or __100% fruit juice__, not __syrup______.

My Plate – GRAINS

How many servings of grains should you have each day?


  1. What does “whole grain” mean? __non processed. Not removing bran, germ______
  2. What does “refined grain” mean? ______
  3. What is not added back into refined grains? _fiber___

What are the health benefits of grains?

  1. __reduces risk of chronic diseases______
  2. __may reduce constipation______
  3. __may help with wt management______

Grains are sources of what nutrients?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______

What are the benefits of fiber?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______


  1. In general, _____ cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice, or _____ cups of raw leafy greens can be considered ____ cup from the vegetable group.
  2. Most vegetables are low in ______and ______and have no ______.
  3. Eating vegetables helps maintain ______
  4. Women of childbearing years need the ______found in vegetables.
  5. Vitamin A keeps ______and helps ______
  6. Vitamin C helps ______, keeps ______and aids in ______.

My Plate – DAIRY

  1. What is the daily recommendation for you? ______

What counts as 1 cup?

  1. _____ cup milk or yogurt
  2. _____ oz. natural cheese
  3. _____ oz. processed cheese
  1. Milk is the primary source of ______.
  2. Vitamin D is necessary for the maintenance of proper levels of ______and ______.
  3. Most dairy choices should be ______or ______.
  4. Why? ______
  5. If you do not consume enough milk and/or milk products where can you get additional calcium? ______foods, ______, and ______.


Included in this group is:

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  1. Meat choices should be ______or ______
  2. Choose fish, nuts & seeds more often because they contain ______

How many ounces are the following?

  1. 1 small lean hamburger = ______oz.
  2. 1 small chicken breast = ______oz.
  3. 1 can tuna = ______oz.
  1. Meats that are high in ______and ______are not very good for you.
  2. What part of an egg is cholesterol free? ______
  3. Should you remove the skin of a chicken before or after cooking? ______

How can you reduce the fat of the meats you eat (keep it lean)?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______

What should you look for on the nutrition label so that you can limit your intake of fat?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  1. Should you rinse meats and/or poultry before you cook it? ______
  2. Where in the refrigerator should you store you meat? ______
  3. Should you defrost meat on the kitchen counter or in the frig.? ______
  4. Is it safe to eat raw eggs? ______

My Plate – OILS

  1. Oils are ______at room temperature; fats are ______.
  2. Oils from plant sources contain no ______.
  3. ______, ______, and ______raise bad (LDL) cholesterol levels in the blood.
  4. Oils are necessary because they are a major source of ______.


Why is physical activity important?

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  6. ______
  7. ______
  8. ______

How much activity should you get?

  1. ______min. each day
  2. Should include vigorous activity at least ____ days per week.
  3. Should include ______strengthening activities like ______at least _____ days per week.
  4. Should include ______strengthening activities like ______at least _____ days per week.
  5. Which moderate activity listed will burn the most calories? _____
  6. Which vigorous activity listed will burn the most calories? _____

Weight Management

  1. Energy in = ______Energy out =______
  2. In order to maintain weight; energy in ____ energy out
  3. In order to lose weight; energy in ______energy out.

Steps to move toward a healthier weight

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______




On the food tracker page list all the foods you ate for 2 full days. When finished, print the page.