Earth ScienceName______

How Do YOU Learn Best?

Howard Gardner, professor of education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and his notion of multiple intelligenceshave greatly influenced the field of childhood development and education. Gardner introduced educators to the concept that people learn and interact with their environments in 8 major ways. He describes these differences as learning style or learning preference. Although it is a benefit for us to become more comfortable with working outside of our preferred learning style, we all tend to learn more effectively through one or two of them. Here is a list of all of Gardiner’s Learning Styles or Multiple Intelligences:

Although the intelligences are anatomically separated from each other, Gardner claims that the seven intelligences very rarely operate independently. Rather, the intelligences are used concurrently and typically complement each other as individuals develop skills or solve problems. For example, a dancer can excel in his art only if he has 1) strong musical intelligence to understand the rhythm and variations of the music, 2) interpersonal intelligence to understand how he can inspire or emotionally move his audience through his movements, as well as 3) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence to provide him with the agility and coordination to complete the movements successfully.

Why am I sharing all of this with you?

I would like to give you to get to know your preferred learning style and give you as many opportunities as possible to learn within your preferred style. We may not be able to address everyone’s preference every day. We will, however, be able to address all of them on several occasions during the course of a unit. This will help all of us to become more flexible with work in or out of our preferred preference. We are usually able to address a few styles per day through changing activities or giving you a choice of activity.

How will it fit in with the activity we start today?

Today will we will begin working on an activity that will take us 2 or 3 days to complete. We will work as large group, in small groups and individually at different times during the activity. Our small group activities will be based on your learning style. Today we will concentrate on three types: Verbal/linguistic, Logical/mathematical and Visual/Spatial. Here are descriptions of each; we will also take a quick survey to determine your proffered group.

Verbal/Linguistic Learners
Verbal/linguistic learners relate to words and language, both written and spoken. These learners learn by saying, hearing, and seeing words. They can easily memorize names, dates, places, and trivia. To help verbal/linguistic learners, use descriptive language. Give these learners assignments involving reading, writing, telling stories, playing word games, and working with jokes and riddles. You’ll find that verbal/linguistic learners are good at creating imaginary worlds.

Logical/Mathematical Learners
Logical/mathematical learners are adept at categorizing, classifying, and working with abstract patterns and relationships. They work well with inductive and deductive thinking and reasoning, numbers, abstractions, logic, problem solving, and moving from the concrete to the abstract. Give these learners experiments to perform, puzzles to solve, numbers to work with, or situations in which they explore patterns and relationships.

Visual/Spatial Learners
Visual/spatial learners rely on their sense of sight and ability to visualize an object. They create mental images and learn by drawing, building, and designing. Give these learners assignments that allow them to create in visual images and use three-dimensional space. Encourage use of color in their work.

After reading through these descriptions, complete the survey on the next page.

Earth ScienceName ___________


Complete the following questions about you learning preferences. Circle the response the most accurately reflects your style.

1. When I think about what I did yesterday, I am most likely to get

(1) A picture.

(2) Words.

(3) It depends on the situation

2. When I am learning something new, it helps me to

(1) Draw a picture of it

(2) Think about it

(3) Write about it

3. If I were a teacher, I would rather teach a course

(1) That deals with ideas and theories.

(2) That deals with facts and real life situations.

(3) A little of both

4. I prefer to get new information in

(1) Pictures, diagrams, graphs, or maps.

(2) Outlines, games, analogies

(3) Written direction, verbal information, graphic organizer

5. I find it easier

(1) To learn concepts

(2) To learn things in a sequence or definite order.

(3) To learn facts.

6. In a book with lots of pictures and charts, I am likely to

(1) Look over the pictures and charts carefully.

(2) Look at headings, bold-face words and review at the end of the chapter

(3) Focus on the written text.

7. I like teachers

(1) Who put a lot of diagrams on the board?

(2) Give us outlines and study guides

(3) Who spend a lot of time explaining?

8. When I'm analyzing a story or a novel

(1)I just know what the themes are when I finish reading and then I have to go back and find the

incidents that demonstrate them.

(2)I think of the incidents and try to put them together to figure out the themes.

(3) I tend to remember lots of details and facts about the book

9. I am more likely to be considered

(1)Creative about how to do my work.

(2)Thoughtful about how I bring the different parts of my work together

(3) Careful about the details of my work.

10. When I get directions to a new place, I prefer

(1)A map.

(2)Written instructions.

(3) Verbal directions are fine

Now,tally your responses below and wait for your teacher to tell you how to use this information.

How many did you answer as number 1? ______

How many did you answer as number 2? ______

How many did you answer as number 3? ______

This survey focuses on 3 learning styles, of these 3 styles:

If you answered mostly 1’s you are a visual/spatial learner and will be in Group C

If you answered mostly 2’s you are a logical/mathematical learner and will be in Group A

If you answered mostly 3’s you are a verbal/linguistic learner and will be in Group B

Modified from a questionnaire based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences by:

Barbara A. Soloman
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina 27695

Richard M. Felder
Department of Chemical Engineering
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-7905