Grade: Kindergarten Lesson # 11
How can I save to buy something I want?
SS.4.FL.3.4 Identify savings goals people set as incentives to save. One savings goal might be to buy goods and services in the future.
SS.4.FL.3.4 Identify savings goals people set as incentives to save. One savings goal might be to buy goods and services in the future.
How Can I Save to Buy Something I want?
Lesson Number: 11
Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)
- LAFS.K.SL.1.1
Essential Question
- How can I save to buy something I want?
- What are some ways that I can save money?
Learning Goals/Objectives
- Identify practical ways to save money through a savings plan.
- In this lesson students will think about things they want but do not have enough money to buy. They will identify the different ways they can save money and decide how to reach their savings goal.
- Handout #11“Savings” (included)
- Video Segment from Discovery Education: “Saving Money” 2:27 (You must be logged in to the M-DCPS Employee to access the video through Discovery )
- 20 minutes
Activity Sequence
Tell students that in today’s lesson, we will be talking about saving. Ask students if anyone know what it means to save. Discuss answers. Then ask “What would you like to buy? Place answers on the board. Ask, “Do you have enough money to buy these things?” If not, you will have to find a way to “save” for them. Tell students that today we will be dedicated to finding ways to save money. Brainstorm ideas on how to save money and list them in a web. (5 minutes)
- Watch the video segment from Discovery Education on “Saving Money”. ” (You must be logged in to the M-DCPS Employee to access the video through Discovery ) (3 minutes)
- Discuss the video presentation with students and relate the information to the web from the introduction. (2 minutes)
- Have students work in pairs to complete Handout #11 “Savings” on different ways to save money. (8 minutes)
Review with students why it is important to save money for the future. (2 minutes)
- Home Learning Assignment for this lesson should be for students to discuss with their parents ways they can save money at home, including finding something to save money in like a jar or piggy bank or a trip to a local branch bank.
Sources/Bibliographic Information that contributed to this lesson:
- Discovery Education:
- Google Images:
Name ______Date______
Directions: Match the ways that you can save money. Complete the real world problems using counters and then draw the amount of pennies for each on the back.
- coin jara.
- piggy bankb.
- bank accountc.
Real World Problems:
If I save 1 penny a day for 5 days I will have ______cents saved.
If I save 1 penny a day for 10 days I will have______cents saved.
If I save 1 penny a day for 25 days I will have ______cents saved.