Short + Long Term Memory (week of 15th Oct)

  • Evidence for STM/LTM distinction

Glanzes + Cunitz

- Gave p.pants a list of neutral words verbally then asked them to recall them in any order immediately

- Found earlier words were better recalled (Primary effect) they’d been rehearsed. Later words were also better recalled (Recency effect) still fresh in the STM

- Continued study having new p.pants, list of words verbally + 30 second distraction task to delay recall

- Primary effect still intake, but recency effect no longer existed = most recent words in STM were displaced by the distractor task

- Suggests STM + LTM are different stores as one can be destroyed without the other

Capacity of STM

  • Capacity – how much info memory can hold
  • Miller – ‘The magical number 7 +/- 2’
  • Jacobs – ‘Digit Span Technique (1887)’

- P.pants recall strings of digits in presentation order. Numbers of digits increase until p.pants can no longer recall them correctly (this may measure STM)


- Average no. of numbers recalled = 9.3

- Average no. of letters recalled = 7.3

- Info is lost from STM by displacement (full STM + new info pushes oldest info out)

Capacity of LTM

  • Unlimited. There’s no way of testing this so it’s believed to be unlimited

Duration of STM

  • Duration – how long info will remain without rehearsal
  • Peterson & Peterson – tested on duration of STM using trigrams (3 consonants in a triangle)

- P.pants were shown these briefly then given a distraction task lasting 3-18 seconds before recall

- P.pants could recall about 80% of trigrams after 3 seconds

- By 18 seconds less than 10% trigrams were correctly recalled

Duration of LTM

  • Bahrick et al – tested 400 people aged 17-74 asked them identify names of classmates from photos/year book

- P.pants tested within 15 years of graduating had a 90% recall

- After 48 years it was 70%

- In a free recall task (without photos/names)

- 60% effective after 15 years, but only 30% after 48 years

  • Suggests recall is easier with retrieval cues
  • Suggests LTM distraction is indefinite but more than 48 years on average (info hasn’t faded away, but just harder to retrieve)

Coding in STM (week of 19th Oct)

  • Coding – the format information is stored in
  • Conrad – gave p.pants either a list of acoustically similar letters or acoustically dissimilar letters. Then asked for immediate serial recall

- Recall was significantly worse for the group with acoustically similar letters

- Suggests STM codes mainly acoustically

Coding in LTM

  • Baddeley – created pools of acoustically similar & dissimilar words, semantically similar & dissimilar words

- STM – gave 1 of 4 lists, asked for immediate recall

- RESULTS = only acoustically similar words were confused = supports Conrad

- LTM – p.pants given 1 of 4 lists of 10 words then distracted, then repeated task another 3 times. Asked for serial recall 20 mins later

- RESULTS = only semantically similar words were affected

- Suggests LTM codes mainly semantically


  • Capacity

- Cowan + other psychologists argue STM capacity may be less than 7 +/- 2

- Capacity of STM can be increased through ‘chunking’

- Individual differences

  • Duration

- Testing STM was artificial – lacks mundane realism

- STM results may be caused by displacement

  • Coding

- Baddelely may not have tested LTM at all – what is the definition of long term, 20 mins?

- STM may not be exclusively acoustic

- LTM may not be exclusively semantic

The Multi-store Model of Memory

  • Atkinson + Shiffrin

- Information – processing approach (e.g. computer analogy, everything is saved in the same manner/format)


  • Plenty of research support for separate STM + LTM

- Glazer + Cunitz = primary + recency effects

- Peterson + Peterson / Bahrick

- Physiological evidence: Beardsley – found pre-frontal cortex in brain activated during STM tasks, but not LTM tasks

- Squire – found hippocampus activates during LTM tasks, but not STM

- Supports MSM of memory

  • Support from case studies

- ‘HM’ = had hippocampus removed to reduce epilepsy – STM intake, existing LTM intact, but unable to make new LTMs

- Supports MSM’s theory of there being separate stores

  • Opposition from case studies

- ‘KF’ = motorcycle accident damaged STM, only left with capacity of 2, but still able to make new LTM

- MSM can’t explain this

  • MSM is too simple

- LTM + STM aren’t unitary stores

- ‘KF’ case suggests selective disruption – some parts can be damaged while others remain intact

  • Maintenance rehearsal isn’t the only/best rehearsal

- 3 types of LTM = semantic (knowledge = sometimes maintenance rehearsal) , episodic (events = not maintenance rehearsal), procedural (skills learnt = maintenance rehearsal)

- Craik + Lockhart – level of processing is more important for LTM

  • STM/LTM distinction is unclear

- Many tasks use STM will use LTM as it possess info

- Ruchkin – gave one group real words and the other ‘pseudo’ words to recall

- ‘pseudo’ group only used STM, while ‘real word’ group used both STM and LTM parts simultaneously

- It’s possible that STM is a separately functioning part of LTM rather than a completely separate unit

The Working Memory Model (Week of 5th Nov)

  • Baddeley + Hitch

- Two-way flow of information

- Replaces the too simplistic STM

- Accepts concepts of sensory memory and LTM

- Principle control through, Central Executive (uses two slave components when necessary)

(AO3) EVALUATION OF WMM (Week of 9th Nov)

  • Can explain dual task performance

- Hitch & Baddeley – gave one group a difficult task and an easy task to complete simultaneously

- Another group had two difficult tasks

- 2nd task takes longer as it requires the CE for both, while 2st group could give easier task to PL

  • Evidence from brain damage patients that STM is made up of separate stores

- KF (Shallice & Warrington) - STM was severely damaged but only in the case of auditory info. He could remember meaningful sounds

- Suggests that only PL was affected

- LH (Farah) – could complete spatial tasks better than visual ones after a road accident, VSS may need to be further split

- Supports the WMM’s STM split into many compartments

  • CE is too vague

- May need to be further split, agreed to be our ‘attention’ and allocates resources to other compartments

- Eslinger & Damasio found EVR had tumour removed and showed good reasoning but poor decision making skills so CE may be partly damaged

- Suggests CE may need to be split more

  • Evidence from brain damage patients may be unreliable

- The trauma of such events may affect or damage memory

- May affect attention span, so may not have affected memory but attention indirectly impacts their memory

- Brain damage patients may not be valid as it may not apply to the wider population

Types of Long Term Memory

 Explicit/Declarative: Semantic and Episodic = ‘knowing that’

 Implicit: Procedural = ‘knowing how’

Episodic Memory

  • Explicit
  • Personal memory of events
  • Include contextual details (what, where, why, who, etc)
  • Emotional details associated to event

Semantic Memory

  • Explicit
  • Facts and knowledge you know – shared by all = not personal experience
  • May relate to – function of object, behaviour/customs, abstract concepts like maths/languages
  • Links to episodic – all knowledge starts as episodic personal experience
  • Link to particular event is lost as it becomes general semantic knowledge

Procedural Memory

  • Memory of how to do things
  • Automatic due to repetition & practice – become less aware so can do other tasks at the same time


  • Support from neurological evidence that 3 different areas of LTM exist

- Brain scans have shown different areas activated when different LTM are utilised:

- Episodic = Hippocampus and parts of the Temporal Lobe

- Semantic = Temporal lobe

- Procedural = Cerebellum, Motor cortex, Basal ganglia & Limbic system

  • Difference between procedural (implicit) and declarative (explicit) LTMs

-‘HM’ – could no longer create new declarative LTMs, but could learn new procedural skills

- Corkin – found he could learn mirror drawings, yet had no episodic memory or recollection of learning how

- Explicit memories both involve the temporal lobe, while implicit doesn’t, which supports them being separate

  • Differentiating between episodic and semantic memories

- Hodges and Patterson - found Alzheimer’s patients who could form episodic memories but not semantic

- Irish et al – found Alzheimer’s patients who could form semantic memories but not episodic

  • Use brain damage patients may not be reliable

- In cases like ‘HM’ its hard to be sure exactly what areas of the brain were damaged/removed

- Not sure if targeted brain areas are responsible for types of memory, or are just relay stations for other parts of the brain

Types of Forgetting: Interference

Interference = memories become mixed up/interfere with recall of other memories, more likely with memories similar to each other

 Retroactive Interference: new info affects the recall of old info

 Proactive Interference: old info affects the recall of new info

  • Retroactive

- Muller and Pilzecker – identify the effects of RI

- gave p.pants list of nonsense syllables to learn for 6 mins

- after retention interval p.pants were to recall list

- performance poorer in p.pants that were given the task to describe 3 landscape paintings

- intervening task = RI as later task (paintings) interfered with earlier info learnt

  • Proactive

- Benton Underwood

- gave p.pants series of words lists they don’t learn words encountered later as well as the 1st list of words

- 10+ lists after 24hrs – 20% remembered

- 1 list after 24hrs – 70% remembered

 Real world Baddeley + Hitch

- Rugby players + recall of opposition teams over season

- Some players had played all games or some games due to injury (so played fewer games)

- More info = all games played = more interference = less recall

- Less info= some games played = less interference = better recall

 Impact of similarity of test material/info

- McGeoch + McDonald

- Gave p.pants list of 10 adjectives followed by 10 min interval why they learnt 2nd word list, then recalled 1st list

- If 2nd list was synonyms (similar words) = recall was 12%

- If 2nd list was nonsense syllables = recall was 26%

- If 2nd list was numbers = recall was 37%


  • Research is quite artificial

- Lab-based often using artificial word lists

- Underwood, Muller & Pilzecker – research can be said that it wouldn’t apply to real life situations

- P.pants may lack motivation due to a lack of consequentiality = stronger interference which is low in ecological validity

  • Only explains some examples of forgetting

- Interference doesn’t happen in everyday life

- As really similar memories are required for interference

- Unimportant as its not regular

  • RWA: Advertising

- Dancher et al – found that adverts run 30 times in a week are likely to be interfered with. So less likely to be remembered

- Suggests that ads are played a lot in a short period of time to prevent interference

  • Accessibility vs. Availability

- Is interference causing memories to disappear or have temporary effects?

- Ceraso – found that when memory was tested 24hrs later, recognition improved while recall stayed the same

- Suggests = memories are temporarily not accessible rather than not available

  • Individual differences

- Interference occurs but doesn’t take into account individual differences

- Kane and Eagle – proactive interference is less likely to occur in individuals with a greater working memory span

Types of Forgetting: Retrieval Failure

Retrieval Failure = the lack of accessibility rather than availability to a memory. The failure to retrieve a memory/piece of info due to the lack of sufficient cues/clues

Cues = things that work to be a reminder, with some kind of link to what you are trying to remember. Meaningful link to material or not meaningful (e.g. environmental cues or mental state – being drunk, sad)

  • Retrieval failure vs. Interference

- Interference is info getting in the way of info/memory you want to remember

- Retrieval failure is when info is present but there is a lack of cues making the info hard to recall/access

  • Retrieval cues : The encoding specificity principle

- Tulving and Thomson - proposed memory is more effective if info at encoding is oresent at recall/retrieval

- Closer the cue is to the original item = more useful

- Tulving and Pearlstone – p.pants to learn 48 words belonging to 12 categories

- 2 different conditions: free recall vs. cued recall (category name)

- Free recall = 40% recall

- Cued recall = 60% recall

- Cues : Meaningful link = cues that have been explicitly/implicitly encoded at time of learning vs. cues not relating to learning material = environmental context/emotional state

  • Context : Context dependant forgetting

- Ethel and Abernathy – students tested before a course and tested weekly

- some students tested with usual instructor + teaching room

- others tested with usual instructor + different room

- others tested with different instructor + teaching room

- others tested with different instructor + different room


- Same instructor and same room condition = students performed BEST

- Superior students – least affected by changes

- Godden and Baddeley – effect of contextual cues

- Scuba divers given set of words to learn either on land or underwater

- Tested either on land/underwater = 4 conditions in total


- Recall best when initial context matched recall environment (e.g. learnt & recall underwater)

  • State : State dependant forgetting

- Godwin et al – male p.pants to remember word lists either being drunk or sober

- P.pants asked for recall after 24hrs some sober, some drink again = 4 conditions in total


- Recall highest when state at learning matched state at recall (e.g drunk @learnt and @recall)


  • Lots of research support

- E.g. Tulving and Pearlstone, Abernethy, etc

- Research successfully supports theory of the value of cues in the role of retrieval failure

  • RWA: Schools

- Abernethy - if context aids recall then having exams in the same room where it was learnt should lead to better results in exams.

- Just imagining the room during the exam should also help

- Also used in cognitive techniques of police interviews

  • Retrieval cues doesn’t always work

- Research is focused on simple words related to cues and context

- In real life we deal with more complex info which is more in depth so less easily triggered by cues + context

- Smith + Vela – context effects = largely eliminated when learning meaningful material

  • Retrieval failure explains interference effects (Interefernce-wise) (Retrieval failure)

- Tulving and Psotka

- Gave groups varying no.s of lists to learn and immediate recall

- Each list = 24 words divides into 6 categories

- Recall after each list got progressively worse with more lists due to proactive interference

- After completing allocated lists all p.pants given the categories and asked for cued recall


- Recall approx. 70% regardless of how many lists learnt

- Suggests: RF is more important than interference as the presence of cues can remove the impact of interference