Houston Middle School
9400 Wolf River Blvd.
Germantown, TN 38139
Mrs. Templeton
Course Description: 6th grade math focuses on preparation for the state assessment as well as preparation for 7th grade math according to the curriculum set forth by the State of Tennessee. Math concepts build on each other from one grade to the next; therefore, it is important that students gain an understanding and master all skills accordingly.
General Rules: As stated in the HMS handbook, all students will practice good conduct. Good behavior is expected and appreciated. The following are expectations of all Houston Middle Students.
1. Follow directions first time given.
2. Arrive to class on time and with all necessary materials.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
4. Treat peers and staff with respect.
Preparation for Class: All students are required to bring a pencil, a notebook college rule 8½” x 11,” and completed homework to each class unless otherwise directed.
Expectations for Class: Everyone has the RIGHT to and should EXPECT to LEARN.
Each individual is worthy of RESPECT.
Classroom ORDERLINESS is necessary for an effective classroom.
HARD WORK is necessary for learning.
Earned Consequences: 1. Verbal warning, 2. Conduct mark, 3. Conduct mark and parent notification (phone call), 4. Conduct mark and detention, 5. Conduct mark and parent conference and 6. Conduct mark and office referral. * Severe behavior results in immediate referral to office.
Conduct: Conduct grades will be determined for all grade levels using the following criteria: E = 0-1 conduct marks, S = 2-4 conduct marks, N = 5-6 conduct marks, U = 7 or more conduct marks.
Missed Work: Students who have excused absences will be allowed to make up work on a basis of one day for each day absent. Assignments can be found on the class website and in the ISN binder in the front of the classroom. It is the responsibility of the absent student to get work from absences. The assignment is due the next scheduled class day.
Grading: Each grade recorded into the teacher’s grade book will be recorded on a point basis. A grade may count more than once depending on the length of time and importance of the work assessed. The final grade will be a percent of the total points possible and areas evaluated will be weighted as follows:
· Tests / Projects = 50%
· Daily work / Quizzes = 40%
· Homework = 10%