Univ.-Prof. Dr. Helmut H. Popper

Present rank:Professor of Pathology, with tenureship

Geburtsdatum:9. März 1947



High School in Knittelfeld, 1957-1965

University of Graz, Study at the Medical Faculty from 1965 to 1973, Medical Doctor in 1973


1973 Assistant at the Institute of Pharmacology, University of Graz

1975 Change to Institute of Pathology, Univ. Graz

1975-1984 Residency and Fellowship at the Institute

1984-85 Training in Internal Medicine, Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery

1985 Associate Prof. of Pathology and staff member at the Institute

1985 tenureship

1986 Staff member at the Department of Pathology, University of Graz (certified for surgical pathology, anatomical pathology, electron microscopy)

1986 Head of the Lab. of Environmental Pathology

1991 certified for Cytopathology

1993 Prof. of Pathology

1999 certified for Human Genetics

2000 Head of Laboratories of Molecular Cytogenetics and Environmental & Respiratory Tract Pathology

2008 Head of Research Unit for Molecular Lung and Pleura Pathology

Further Activities and Training abroad

1974 Dept. of Pharmacology, Dr. Herting, Freiburg Germany, Radioimmunoassay

1984 Dept. of Pathology, Dr. Gockel, University of Munich, Transplantation Pathology

1985 Cytol. Lab. of Dr. Fischnaller, Vienna, Lung Cytology

1986 Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, Dept. Pulmonary & Mediastinal Pathology, Dr. Hochholzer, Lung Pathology

1986 Dept. Surg. Path. Mayo-Clinic Rochester, MN, Dr. Colby, Lung Pathology

1988 Stanford University, Dr. Billingham, Heart and Lung Transplantation Pathology

1988 and 1989 Lovelace Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, Albuquerque, Dr. McClellan, Methods in Inhalation Toxicology, experimental and molecular methods

1991 Papworth-Hospital, Cambridge, England, Dr. Stewart, Lung Transplantation Pathology

Institutional Activities

1974, Establishment of a radioimmunoassay for prostaglandins

1976 Establishment of Immunofluorescence with antibodies for serotonin and substance P in the study of carcinoids, and immunoglobulins and complement components for immunologic diseases

since 1981 diagnostics in Pulmonary Pathology, set up of a lung pathology collection (Lung Biobank), regular monthly pulmonary conferences since 1983

1983 Immunoelectron microscopy for research

since 1986 set up of a tissue bank for lung tumors and non-tumorous lung diseases

since 1978 work group on environmental inhalation and toxicology with focus on the respiratory tract

1987 Laboratory of Environmental and Respiratory Pathology

2000 Laboratory for Molecular Cytogenetics and Environmental and Respiratory Pathology

2008 Research Unit for Molecular Lung and Pleura Pathology

Other activities

1999-2003 Chairman of pulmonary pathology working group of ESP

since 2001 chairman of EU-project on rare pulmonary diseases; establishment of European case collection on rare pulmonary diseases

2004-2007 CoChairman for the Latinamerican-European pulmonary pathology working group

2005-2007 Chairman of the pulmonary pathology working group of ESP

Chair of Pulmonary Pleura and Mediastinal Pathology Consultation Center

Postgraduate Pulmonary, Pleura and Mediastinal Pathology Courses since 2001 in Torino/Italy, Lund/Sweden, Krakow/Poland, Moscow/Russia, Ankara/Turkey, Graz/Austria

Reviewer for several journals of pathology, thoracic surgery, oncology, cancer research, and pulmonology

Member of Editorial Board of Virchows Archiv, Associate Editor of Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Awards or Medals for Continuous Medical Education from the Swedish Medical Society, the Russian and Turkish Thoracic Societies, and the Italian Pathologic Society.

2009-2010 President of the Austrian Society of Pathology

2009- Member of the Education Committee of the European Society of Pathology

Kontakt für JournalistInnen-Rückfragen

Univ-Prof. Dr. Helmut Popper

Präsident der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Pathologie (ÖGP)

Medizinische Universität Graz, Institut für Pathologie

Auenbruggerplatz 2, 8036 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0)316 385 83646
