Housing Support Outcomes Framework
Housing Support services are provided to vulnerable people, with the goal of improving their quality of life by providing a stable environment to enable independent living.
Over the past year the HSEU has been working with the Scottish Government, Craigforth and other stakeholders to develop a system that will enable providers of services to measure the impact of their work in a quantifiable way.
It is proposed that two events are organised to help with this work.
The first would be an event that was designed to bring housing support service users and support workers from across Scotland together to discuss the Outcomes Framework. This event would be the main way that service users and support workers could get involved in the design of the Outcomes Framework. This involvement is considered essential if the Outcomes Framework is to reflect the needs of the people it is designed to serve.
By the end of the event there would be greater clarity about:
- The sorts of questions that should be asked by the Outcomes Framework
- The type of language and terminology that should be used by the Outcomes Framework
- How to make using the Outcomes Framework more enjoyable
- Real life stories about using housing support services
It is expected that this would be an:
- half day event
- include lunch
- involve around 50 delegates (support workers and service users)
- include an additional 10 facilitators and further 5 scribes
- include 5 break out rooms for discussion and focus groups
The second event would be a launch of the final product. The purpose of the launch would be to thank all those involved in the project and to publicise the Outcomes Framework. There are a number of options for the launch:
- A two hour, stand alone event held at a high prestige venue – this would give the launch status and some publicity
- A small event that involved launching the Outcomes Framework to a high profile personality – this would generate maximum publicity and could be followed up by a rolling series of local training events that explained the Framework more fully than a traditional launch would.
- Sponsoring a session in a large, high profile national conference – this would bring the Outcomes framework to a new audience.
The different options have different advantages and cost implications which will be taken into account when deciding how best to proceed.