The MINUTES of the Housing Committee held in the Board Room, Town Hall, Derby Road, Peel on Wednesday 15th October 2003 at 7.00p.m.
PresentMrs. J C Scanes (Acting Chairman)
Mrs. P S Sweeney
ApologiesMr. D J Lace
Mr. R J Quayle
In attendanceMr. P G Leadley (Town Clerk)
MINUTES03/258The Minutes of the meeting held on 17th September 2003 were taken as read and ADOPTED.
PLANNING03/259The following Planning Applications were
PA 03/01400/B Two storey extension with sun terrace over and installation of additional windows to rear elevation including installation of roof dormer to front elevation, 25 Castle Street, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01409/B Installation of timber sliding sash replacement windows to front and uPVC casement windows to rear elevation, 10 Douglas Street, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01421/B Installation of replacement extraction unit and chimney to rear of Creel Chippy, 16 Michael Street, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01425/B Erection of conservatory to rear elevation, 19 Ballagyr Park, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01453/B Refurbishment of existing and erection of five additional garages on lock up garage site, Heathfield Yard, Patrick Street, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01389/B Conversion of part of disused ship yard to building into four industrial units with storage over, The Ship Yard, Mill Road, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01352/B Conversion of roof space to additional living accommodation and installation of dormers to front and rear elevations, 7 Stanley Mount, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01347/B Installation of uPVC replacement windows and door to rear elevation, 2 Circular Road, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01335/B Installation of uPVC sliding sash windows to replace existing to front side and rear elevations, 2 Kellys Court, St. Peters Lane, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01321/A Approval in principle for a residential development of nineteen dwellings on land at Ballaquane Road, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01331/B Erection of a fence on part of flat roof over, Vets Surgery, 19 Douglas Street, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PA 03/01317/B Installation of two roof lights to rear elevation and erection of a replacement chimney stack, 10 Glenfaba Road, Peel. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL.
PLANNING DECISIONS03/260The following planning decisions had been
NOTIFIEDnotified by the Planning Committee:-
PA 03/00176/A On Review – Approval in Principle for the erection of Bishops House with garage land adjacent to Cathedral, Lyndale Avenue, Peel for the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral. APPROVED.
PA 03/01141/B Enlargement of garage entrance and installation of replacement doors, 32 Douglas Street, Peel for Mr. J F Kerruish. APPROVED.
PA 03/01109/B Amendments to previously approved dwellings (PA 00/02395/B) on Plots 13 and 14 of residential development, land off Glenfaba Road, Peel for Heritage Homes Limited. APPROVED.
PA 03/01024/B Installation of replacement uPVC windows to front and rear elevations, 8 Church Street, Peel for Mr. A B Hume. APPROVED.
PA 03/00948/B Installation of uPVC replacement windows to front elevation, 11 Albany Road, Peel for Mr. & Mrs. C Smith. APPROVED.
PA 03/01225/B Erection of a conservatory to rear elevation, 12 Cushag Drive, Ballawattleworth, Peel for Mr. & Mrs. A Schade. APPROVED.
PA 03/00753/D Installation of replacement ATM and internally illuminated signage, Post Office, Douglas Street, Peel for Barclays Bank Plc. APPROVED.
PA 03/00862/B Enclosure of part of rear courtyard to form a conservatory, Flat 1, Peel Castle House, Market Place, Peel for Miss K Felton. APPROVED.
PA 03/00875B Installation of dormers and roof light, 6 Close Quane, Peel for Reverend Matthew Else. APPROVED.
PA 03/00967/B Re-slating of roof and installation of replacement hardwood door and sliding sash windows to front elevation, 50 Glenfaba Road, Peel for Mr. & Mrs. M Sloan. APPROVED.
PA 02/02518/A On Review – Approval in principle for a mixed density residential development, field 311767 and 314439 west of Ballawattleworth Farm, Off Poortown Road, Peel for Heritage Homes Limited. APPROVED.
PA 03/00588/B On Review – two storey extension to replace existing single extension and outbuildings to rear of 21 Church Street, Peel for Mr. N Bull. REFUSED.
PA 03/00176/A03/261The Town Clerk indicated that the Planning
ON APPEALCommittee had received a request for an Appeal in respect of the approval on review for approval in principle for the erection of Bishops House with garage, land adjacent to Cathedral, Lyndale Avenue, Peel for the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral. It was AGREED to make no comment on this application.
PA 03/00750/B03/262The Town Clerk reported that a request for a
ON REVIEWreview of the initial decision for an extension to rear of dwelling at 17 North View, Peel for Mr. G V C Young had been received. It was AGREED to make no comment on the review application.
PA 02/02106/B03/263It was noted that the Planning Committee
ON REVIEWhad advised that a review of the initial decision to refuse the residential estate layout for thirty two dwellings comprising roads, plots, sewers and formation of new roundabout at field 7151 of Ramsey Road, Peel for Clifton Park Developments Limited was due to be heard on 7th November 2003. It was AGREED to make no representation at the review hearing.
This part of the meeting ended at 7.30p.m.