Interactive Science Notebook Guidelines

What is the purpose of the interactive notebook?

The purpose of the interactive notebook is to enable you to be creative, independent thinker and writer. Interactive notebooks will be used for class notes as well as for other activities where you will be asked to express your own ideas and process the information presented in class.

It is required that you have the following materials!

❖  3 subject college rule spiral notebook must have plastic cover and be 81/2 x 11.

❖  2 sharpened pencils

❖  eraser

❖  Highlighter

❖  2 Glue sticks

Helpful Optional items:

❖  Pencil sharpener

❖  Colored Pencils

❖  White board marker

How will my notebook be graded?

All work not completed during class is to be completed at home. During the next class period the page will be stamped with a grade. At the end of the unit all stamps will be added up for a total notebook grade for the unit.

Assignments will be graded in 2 ways:

●  stamped for completion worth 2pts

●  graded for content and stamped worth 5pts .

Student may come to me before or after school to get a re-grade for full credit. All re-grades need to be done before the final notebook check for the unit. At the end of each unit totals will be calculated and recorded. No re-grades on final notebook check.

Grade Option 1: Graded for Content

Grade / Criteria
5 / ●  The assignment is neat and attractive
●  The assignment was completed according to the instructions given
●  The assignment showed exceptional understanding of the content/process and or exceptional creativity
4 / ●  The assignment is neat and attractive
●  The assignment was completed according to the instructions given
●  The assignment showed some understanding of the content/process and or exceptional creativity
3 / ●  The assignment was completed according to the instructions given
●  The assignment shows little understanding of the content/process student should seek help from the teacher during paws or before or after school.
2 / ●  Partially done (incomplete) and/or did not follow instructions given
0 / ●  Less than ⅓ complete

Grade Option 2: Graded for completion.

Thumbs up stamp = 2pts for completion.

Thumbs sideways stamp = 1pt for Partially done (incomplete) and/or did not follow instructions given

Thumbs down stamp= 0pts for less than ⅔ complete

Visual Appearance

An important part of your notebook is its visual appearance. Your notebook is a reflection of you and your learning. It needs to be neat and well organized.

Each entry should be titled. Your artistic touch should be visible throughout the notebook. Keep in mind that your notebook will count as a major grade each and every time it is graded. Put effort into it!

What happens if I am absent?

If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain missed assignments. Most assignments will be posted on the homework website. Please be sure to look at the assignment and try to complete as much as possible before returning to class. If you do not have access to a computer or do not understand please get help from either another student or the teacher. There will be a “teacher Notebook” that you can refer to for clarification.

Check for understanding

1.  If you are unhappy with a score you receive on a assignment what can you do about it? ______

2.  Do you have to make up assignments when you are absent? If so how? ______


3.  When is the final score totaled and recorded in the grade book? ______

4.  Once the unit is totaled for a grade can you get a re-grade? ______