Tilitonse is a grant making facility jointly funded by the UK Government’s Department for International Development (DFID), Royal Norwegian Embassy and Irish Aid. In line with the Government of Malawi’s policy framework, especially the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy, Tilitonse supports Civil Society Organizations(CSOs) to play a role in promoting governance in Malawi that is increasingly inclusive, accountable and responsive to its citizens. Tilitonse was designed with the underlying principle that increased levels of citizen voice, action and interaction with government, private sector and others, can create increased responsiveness in duty bearers and power holders in and outside government and lead to greater social inclusion, increased accountability and improved delivery of basic services. Since its inception and during the first phase of the Programme, Tilitonse provided support to about 73 Civil Society Organizations and 26 Community Based Organizations through several funding streams, including the ‘Open Call’, the ‘Thematic Call’ and the ‘Community Based Organization Windows.
In May 2016 the TilitonseBoard approved awarding of grants to 44 additional CommunityBased Organizations under the extension phase of the Programme to implement governance projects across the country. The projects covered the following districts; Nsanje, Blantyre, Phalombe, Zomba, Ntcheu, Balaka, Machinga, Mangochi, Salima, Dedza, Ntchisi, Nkhotakota, Lilongwe, Mchinji, Mzimba Rumphi, Karonga and Nkhatabay. The funded CBOs implemented projects focusing on the four key result areas of the Tilitonse programme:
- Capacity of Civil Society Organizations to enable citizens, particularly poor and excluded groups to claim their rights increased;
- Access to information on rights, entitlements and responsibilities increased particularly of poor and excluded citizens;
- Monitoring by Malawian organizations of policy and budget commitments, service delivery and public resource management is strengthened;
- The engagement of Malawian organizations in influencing policies, strategies and resource allocations at local and national levels improved.
Each of these funded projects developed a Result Framework that makesa contribution to the achievement of the overall Impact, outcomes and outputs as reflected in the Tilitonse Logical Framework.
In October 2016Tilitonse commissioned a baseline survey in order to establish a sample benchmark for thefunded projects approved under the second CBO Window in order to firm up the individual Results Frameworks and validate the indicators as advance preparation for the subsequent endline technical reviews of these funded projects. The baseline was further intended to be used as a basis to monitor and assess progress achieved by the CBOs and their overall contribution to the desired changes in the Tilitonse log frame. Having implemented the projects for about one year, Tilitonse intends to commission an endline survey to assess achievements by projects funded under the CBO 2 Window.
It is against this background that Tilitonse invites applications from a team of qualified consultants to submit proposals to conduct anendline survey for the approved Community Based Organizations in Malawi. Joint applications among consulting firms are greatly encouraged. The consultants will work under the direct supervision of the TilitonseSecretariat.
1Objectives of the Endline survey
The primary objectives of the endline survey are:
a) To determine the extent
- of change in Responsiveness, Transparency and Inclusiveness of institutions targeted for change in funded projects measured through the amount and quality of information made available to citizens/ CSOs by Government; level of government/ service providers consultation with citizens; and level of government/ service providers consultation about women’s views (outcome level)
- of change of Responsiveness of Government policy/ budget/ services to citizens/ CSO demands as a measure of performance in service delivery around the selected themes and issues (outcome level)
- to which citizen voice in achieving more inclusive, accountable responsive governance has been strengthened as evidenced by percentage of funded project respondents that say the groups they represent are able to articulate demands to Government (at outcome level).
b) To determine if the achieved governance changes at both the outcome and impact levels can be attributable to Tilitonse Programme.
2Scope of the Assignment
There area total of 44 CBOs funded under the second CBO Window. The consultant is expected to work with a representative sample drawn at the time of the base-line survey. Specific details on these are available on the Tilitonse website The endline survey will focus on the following tasks:
2.1Determine levels of inclusiveness , accountability and responsiveness of local governance structures at community and district levels in relation to stated indicators;
2.2Determine the extent to which community members and CBOs monitor delivery of various local projects supported through mechanisms including the Local Development Fund, Constituency Development Fund ,District Development Fund and School Improvement Grant;
2.3Determine the extent to which local people participate and engage duty bearer in decision making;
2.4Determine levels of dialogue and engagement between District Councils and Communities;
2.5Determine levels of capacity among the Local Governance structures such as VDCs, ADCs, School Management Committees, Natural Resource Management Committees, Health Committees and their ability to demand Accountability, Responsiveness and Inclusiveness;
2.6Determine levels of knowledge with regard to citizen rights, entitlement and responsibilities;
2.7Determine the extent of access to information with regard to citizen rights, entitlement and responsibilities.
The endline survey will include collection and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data which will be used to compare with the baseline data findings. The endline survey report will present the changes that have taken place in relation to the indicators and targets in the project specific Results Frameworks and also relevant indicators and targets in the Tilitonse Log Frame during programme implementation. The report will also highlight significant as well as important and interesting findings that might inform future, similar actions.
Theresearch methodology developed should be participatory to enable the CBOs to actively participate but also take an active role in assessing how the critical areas of the governance projects were addressed. Key activities will include but not limited to:
3.1Literature review of the proposals, project specific Results Framework, the Tilitonse Log Frame, baseline survey report, quarterly monitoring reports and annual reports.
3.2Primary data collection.
3.3Secondary data collection.
3.4Carry out key informant interviews and focus group discussion in sampled districts and communities.
3.5Case Study analysis to allow an in-depth understanding of the endline situation.
The consultants will be expected to develop a systemic and detailed methodology for data collection and analysis for the endline survey that includes a sampling strategy, data collection tools and data analysis and report writing. However, the consultants must refer to the methodology described under section 2 of the CBO 2Window baseline survey report. The section describes the evaluation questions, methodology, approaches, etc. It is essential that the project impact assessment through this endline survey is in accordance with the methodology envisaged under the baseline survey.
4Expected Outputs
Working under the direct supervision of the Tilitonse Secretariat, the Consultant shall deliver the following outputs:
- An inception report that includes detailed methodology, work plan and data collection tools.
- Draft report submitted to the Tilitonse Secretariat that will include a background, approach and methodology used, the detailed findings, recommendations and conclusion and annexes;
- Final Report incorporating comments from the Tilitonse Secretariat and CBOs;
- At least 6 case studies providing an in-depth understanding of the endline situation in relation to the objectives stated above;
- Submission of hard and electronic copies of the database of results (preferably in Excel) and any other documents referred to in the endline report.
5Time Frame
The assignment should be carried out within a maximum period of 25 billable day within the given timeframe and not beyond 15thAugust 2017.
6Profile and Competency of the Consultant
The Consultant should possess a University Degree in either of the following disciplines: Development Studies, Economics (preferably with bias towards monitoring and evaluation). He or She should have considerable practical experience in carrying out endline surveys and should also have practical experience in local governance as well demonstrated experience interacting with Community Based Organizations, Communities, Local Governance structures and District Councils. Experience with Political Economy Analysis and Tilitonse Approaches is an added advantage.
The consultant will have a contract covering the time allocated, fees and other specifications. Alterations to these contracts may be made by way of amendments following agreed changes between the Consultant and the Secretariat. Consultants will be paid once the quality of the completed task against which time has been allocated has been accepted and signed- off by the Secretariat.
Interested individuals, teams and firms should submit Technical and Financial Proposals clearly marked “Expression of Interest: EndlineSurvey for Tilitonse Funded Community Based Organization Project”. Submissions should be addressed to;
The Program Manager, Tilitonse Fund, Kang’ombe House, 7th Floor, West Wing, P.O. Box 31238, Lilongwe.
Applications can be hand delivered or sent by post to the above address.
The deadline for receiving the applications is 30th June, 2017 before 12:00pm. ConsultingFirms as well as individual consultants are encouraged to apply although individuals working as a team will be given priority.