Record description 1980

Field number /




1-6 / Serial number
7 / Dwelling pointer / 1 or 0
8 / Household pointer / 1 or 0
9 / Family pointer / 1 or 0
10 / Person’s pointer / 1 or 0
11 / Type of the building / Residential building, private holiday-cottage………. ..1
Other inhabited building……………………………....3
Institutional building………………………………..…4
Other inhabited outbuildings…………………………..5
Inhabited temporary or mobile housing unit………..…6
12-13 / Location of the dwelling / Ground floor………………………………………….00
First floor…..………………………………………...01
Second floor……………………………………….…02
20th and higher floor…………………………………20
Mansard, attic………………………………………..21
Under ground (cave, cavern)………………………...23
14 / Destination of the dwelling / Occupied dwelling…………………………………….1
Non-occupied (vacant)dwelling……………………….2
Other inhabited room-units..…..………………………4
Inhabited temporary or mobile housing units…………5
15 / Kind of ownership / Being in personal ownership:
Dwelling situated in a building of family-
house type or inhabited dwelling unit……………….1
Block of freehold flats, privately owned flat……..…2
Flat of housing cooperative……………………….....3
Flat in state ownership………………………………...4
Flat of other ownership (churches, foreign legal
16 / Title of right for using / Owner………..………………………………………..1
Not inhabited dwelling………………………………..0
17-18 / Construction year / Before 1900……………………………………… … 00
between 1900-1919…………………………………..19
between 1920-1944…………………………………..44
between 1945-1959…………………………………..59
between 1960-1969…………………………………..69
in 1970……………………………………………….70
in 1971……………………………………………….71
in 1979….……..……………………………………..79
19 / Supply with potable water / From water-mains
within the dwelling….……………………….…….1
outside the dwelling but within the building….… ..2
on the ground-plot of the building…………………3
outside the ground-plot of the building……………4
From indoor water supply
within the dwelling………………………………..5
outside the dwelling but within the building………6
on the ground-plot of the building…………………7
from outside the ground-plot of the building………8
20 / WC / Water-closet
indoors……... ..…………………………….…… …1
outside the dwelling ..………………………….… ..2
not flushing closet……………………………… ….3
21 / Sewage system / Public sewer……………………….…………………..1
House sewer……………………..………………….…2
No sewage disposal……………………………………3
22 / Gas supply / Gas-pipeline
Yes…… ………………………………………….1
No……… ………………………………………..2
23 / Heating / District-or block heating………………………………1
Individual boiler-heating in the building……………...2
Separate central-heating in the dwelling….…………...3
Other individual heating
No heating…………………………………………….0
24 / Electric lighting / Electricity
Yes………… …………………………………….1
No…………… …………………………………..0
25 / Number of kitchens / No kitchen…………………………………………….0
1 kitchen………………………………………………1
2 kitchen………………………………………………2
26 / Number of bathrooms / No bathroom………………………………………….0
1 bathroom……………………………………………1
2 bathrooms…………………………………………...2
28 / Number of other room-units / No other room-units…………………………………..0
1 room-unit……………………………………………1
2 room-units…………………………………………..2
29-30 / Number of rooms / No separate room of at least 13 sqm…………………00
one room with 13 sqm or more..……………………..01
two rooms with 13 sqm or more……………………..02
31-33 / Number of dwellings in the building / Two digit number
34 / Level of comfort / Facilities
Dwelling with every modern convenience…….……1
Dwelling with modern convenience………………...2
Dwelling with less modern convenience...………….3
Dwelling without modern convenience……………..4
Emergency dwelling I. (half-room)………………....5
Emergency dwelling II. (small room)…...……….…6
Dwelling consisiting of one single room-unit……...7
35-37 / Total floor-space of the dwelling / Total floor-space of the dwelling in sqm
38-39 / Total floor-space of the rooms of the dwelling / Total floor-space of the rooms exceeding 13sqm, in sqm
40-41 / Household composition / Household composition
Household composed by one family
Family with married couple
Without relatives or non relatives………….………01
With ascendant relatives………………………..….02
With other relatives…………………………..…….03
With ascendant and other relatives………………...04
With non-relative persons……………………….....05
With ascendant relatives and non-relative persons..06
With other relatives and non-relatives……………07
With ascendant relatives, other relatives and non-
Family with father and child(ren)
Without relatives and non-relatives……………….09
With ascendant relatives…………………………..10
With ascendant relatives…….. ………………..….11
With other relatives..………………………..…….12
With ascendant and other relatives……..………....13
With non-relative person/s……………………...... 14
With other relatives and non-relatives…………….15
With ascendant relatives, other relatives and non-
relative person/s…………………………………..16
Family with mother and child(ren)
Without relatives and non-relatives……………….17
With ascendant relatives…………………………..18
With ascendant relatives…….. ………………..….19
With other relatives..………………………..…….20
With ascendant and other relatives……..………....21
With non-relative person/s……………………...... 22
With other relatives and non-relatives…………….23
With ascendant relatives, other relatives and non-
relative person/s…………………………………..24
Household composed by two families
Related families - in direct line
Without relatives and non-relatives……………….25
With relatives…………….………………………..26
With non-relatives….…………….………………..27
With relatives and non-relatives….……………….28
Families in collateral relationship
Without relatives and non-relatives……………….29
With relatives…………….………………………..30
With non-relatives….…………….………………..31
With relatives and non-relatives….……………….32
Non-relative families
Without relatives and non-relatives……………….33
With relatives…………….………………………..34
With non-relatives….…………….………………..35
With relatives and non-relatives….……………….36
Household composed by three families
Without relatives and non-relatives……………….37
With relatives…………….………………………..38
With non-relatives….…………….………………..39
With relatives and non-relatives….……………….40
Household composed by four or more families……..41
Non-family household
One-person household…………………………….42
Household of other composition………………….43
42 / Serial number of the family / First family unit of the household…………………..…1
Second family unit of the household……………….…2
Ninth or more family unit of the household……….. .9
43 / Family composition / Family composition
Married couple without child….……………………1
Married couple with child……..……………………2
Father with child……………………………………3
Mother with child………………………….………..4
Person not belonging to the family……………………0
44-46 / Age of the persons compared / Year of age copied
47 / Sex of the person compared / Male……..……………………………………….……1
48 / Marital status of the person compared / Single………………………………………………….1
49 / Serial number of the household / Person living in institution…………………………….0
First household in the dwelling………………………..1 Second household in the dwelling ……………………2
Ninth or more houesehol in the dwelling ……………..9
50 / Serial number of the family for resident population / Person living in institution…………………………….0
First family unit of the household…………………..…1
Second family unit of the household……………….…2
Ninth or more family unit of the household…………..9
51 / Family type for resident population / Married couple with or without child/ren……………..1
Parent with child/ren…………………………………..2
Married couple with or without child/ren and with formerly married child and/or relatives……………….3
Parent with or with child/ren and with formerly married child and/or relatives………………………………….4
Parent with with formerly married child and/or relatives……………………………………………….5
Other relatives and non-relatives……………………..6
Single and/or non-relative…………………………….7
52 / Family status for resident population / Husband……………………………………………….1
Father, mother…………………………………………3
Ascending line relative………………………………..5
Other relative………………………………………….6
Person living alone…………………………………….8
53 / Kinship for resident population / One-family household…………………………………0
More than one family-household:
the first family, and the other families are not
relatives with the first family….……………………0
the second and the other families if
ascendant reletives with the first family……………1
non-ascendant relatives with the first family……….2
54-55 / Year of first wedding / For never married…………………………………….00
For others the last two digits of the year of the first wedding
56-57 / Number of live-borne children / no live –borne child ………………………..…...00
1 live-boren child………………………………..01
19 or more live-borne children………………….19
58 / Nationality / Hungarian…..…………………………………………1
Slovakian…………………………………………… 2
59 / Mother-tongue / Hungarian…..…………………………………………1
Slovakian…………………………………………… 2
60-61 / Highest educational attainment / No schooling……………………..………………….00
1 grade of primary (general) school..…………..……11
2 grades of primary (general) school………………..12
8 grades of primary (general) school ………………..18
1 grade of hidher elementary school ………………..21
2 grades of hidher elementary school …………..…..22
6 grades of higher elementary school……………….26
certificae of skilled worker
acquired at the day section of an apprentice school (in
1961 or later)..….…………………….…………….30
acquired at the day section of an apprentice school (in
1976 or later)…….…………………………………40
secondary school final examination, school leaving certificate……………………………………………..50
diploma from a non-university third-level educational institution…..………………………….……………..60
university diploma…………………….……………..70
62-63 / Economic activity / Active earner..……………………………………….10
Inactive earner or dependent but worked for more than 90 days in the agriculture in 1979……………………11
Inactive earner
with childcare allowance…………………………..20
pensioner on his own right………………………..30
pensioner on the right of the late husband/wife…..31
other inactive earner………………………………32
not attending any school (borne between 1966-
primary school attendant…………………………..41
secondary school attendant………………………..42
vocational school attendant………………………..43
vocational secondary school attendant…………….44
student in higher education ……………………….45
seeking the first job in his life….…………………46
handicapped (borne only in 1965 and before and not
attending any school)………..…………………….47
other dependents (borne in 1965 or before but not
suiting the former categories)……………………..48
64-65 / Occupation, scope of activity / see separate description
66 / Status in employment / Employed…………………………………….………..1
Member of cooperative….……………..……………..2
Own-account worker……………………………….…3
Assisting (helping) family member…………… ...4
67 / Staff-group / Manual workers
skilled worker………………………………………1
semi-skilled worker.………………………………..2
unskilled worker…..………………………………..3
other manual worker……………………………….4
Non-manual worker
qualified employee…………………………………8
other (office) clerk…………………………………9
other non manual worker … ……………………..0
68-69 / Branch (Industry) / see separate documentation
70 / Sector / State sector……………………………………………1
Cooperative sector..…………………………………..2
Private sector…………………………………… ……3
71 / Code of commuters (both leaving and entering the county) / All active eraners……………………………………...1
Active earner working not at his/her place of residence………………………………………………2
72 / Distance of working place / Working in the county of residence..………………….1
Working in neighbouring county……………………...2
Working in remote county…………………………….3