The Speech

Let me take your memory back 7 years, 2 months, and 16 days ago. That day would be September 11th, 2001. The infamous day when 4 American Airlines flights were hijacked by Islamic terrorists. (9/11 footage on screen) The terrorists on American Airlines flight 11 smashed it into the Northern World Trade Center at 8:46 in the morning. 17 minutes later the second plane, American Airlines flight 175 hit the Southern tower. Later that morning, Flight 93 was crashed into Shanksvile, Pennsylvania after the Terrorists where overpowered by the passengers. The September 11 attacks killed more than 3, 000 innocent people. Hello, my name is Cameron Williams and as you may have gathered, today I am talking about 9/11, except I am going to put a bit of a twist on it. I am sure that just about everyone in this room has heard at least one conspiracy theory in their life. Such as the all-political leaders of the World are lizards in discuses as humans (Picture on screen). Or another famous one is the theory that man did not land on the moon (Picture on screen). Now I don’t believe in any of those bogus conspiracy theories. I think that they are just a bit too far fetched for my likening. However, there is one conspiracy theory that I have faith in. And that is the Conspiracy Theory surrounding 9/11. Now I am sure that as I speak there are some people in the audience who are in disbelief, thinking “This guy is nuts, how could 9/11 be a Conspiracy?” Well let me explain, but before I start, I would like to let everybody know that today I will be talking about the Conspiracy surrounding the Pentagon. Not that I don’t want to talk about the Twin Towers or Flight 93, I just simply do not have time.

On September 11 at 9:37am alleged terrorist Hani Hanjour smashes American Airlines flight 77 into the Pentagon (Video on screen). Here is what the Pentagon looks like from an aerial view (Picture on screen), and here is where Flight 77 Crashed. (Shine laser-pointer and the spot). Flight 77 was a Boeing 757. When Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, It went through the first of the five layers of the Pentagon, but the reinforced concrete walls didn’t let it go any further. Twenty minutes later, the area of the Pentagon that was hit by the Plane collapsed. Now just to let you know, everything that I just told you then was the Governments official story. But now here is all the proof of a 9/11 Conspiracy.

First of all here is the Hijacker, Hani Hanjour. (Picture of Hani Hanjour on screen). One month before 9/11, Hani went to Freeway Airport to rent a plane, one month before 9/11, it was required that he flied with a certified instructor. However, when he went for a fly, the Instructor canceled Hani’s Pilots License because he deemed Hani incapable to fly. Hani could not Take-off, Land and had trouble controlling the aircraft in flight. Hani then layed low for the next month, before Hijacking flight 77 and flying it into the Pentagon. This story alone sounds ridiculous, that a man who could hardly fly a Cesna 172, Hijacked a commercial airliner and flew it into the Pentagon. However, this is where the story really starts sounding dodgy. Before Hani allegedly smashed flight 77 into the Pentagon, he descended the plane on a 330 degree turn at 2, 133 metres in two and a half minutes. Now that may not sound like much, however, when asked about it, Russ Wittenburg, a Commercial and Air force pilot said that there is no way that flight 77 could have done those maneuvers without going into a high speed stall. He also said that it is physically impossible for the plane to have done that maneuver. Everyone in his flying department was asked the same question, all 63 pilots agreed with him. Also, Danielle O’Brien, an Airtraffic controller at Dulles International Airport could see Flight 77 on her radar, but thought that it was actually a Military plane, because of the Maneuverability of the plane (Flight 77’s radar on screen).

The US Government’s story then says that before Hani smashed flight 77 into the Pentagon, the plane knocked over 5 light poles, bounced off the Lawn and smashed into the Pentagon. However, light poles are more than 4 inches thick in steel. In November 2004 a Boeing 747 clipped a light pole, the Pole ripped the wing to shreds and caused the deaths of the 3 pilots (Picture on screen). The light pole didn’t even get knocked over. However flight 77 hit 5 light poles, ripping them all out of the ground and still maintained enough energy to hit the Pentagon (Pictures of light poles on screen). Also, as you may recall me saying, the official story sais that Flight 77 Bounced off the lawn. If it did bounce off the lawn, it would have looked something like this. (Picture appears on screen). Instead, it looked like this. (Pentagon picture on screen). The lawn is absolutely spotless, showing no impact damage at all.

Next up, here is a picture of the outer ring of the Pentagon before the section of the outer wall colappsed. (Picture on screen). Just by looking at the picture you may see something wrong with it. The impact hole in the pentagon is approximately 5 metres wide. I know that the damage is a lot more than 5 metres wide, however, the actual impact hole, which you can see just here, (I shine the laser pointer at the impact hole) is only 5 metres wide.

(Video on screen) A Boeing 757 is 47-metres long, 13-metres high, has a 34-metre wingspan and weighs more than 100, 000 kilos, the equivalent of 100 tons. And the official story sais that this massive plane disappeared inside a 5-metre wide hole. There was no damage to the floors where the wings sections, Tail section or Engines would have hit the Pentagon. Instead there was this 5-metre hole, with blasted out sections of the Pentagon surrounding it. It is also interesting to note, that even after the damaged area of the Pentagon had collapsed, it was still not big enough to accommodate the wingspan of a 757 (Picture on screen). The collapsed section of the Pentagon was approximately 20 metres across, while the wingspan of a 757, as I said before, a 757 has a wingspan of 34-metres.

Now here is the strangest part of the story, the Wreckage, or should I say, the lack of wreckage. First of all, when Flight 77 smashed through the light poles, it should have ripped the wings to shreds, however, there was absolutely no wreckage of the wings found around the Pentagon. In fact, there was hardly any wreckage found at all. Every single piece of wreckage found was light enough to be carried by hand, and most of them where not even from a 757. For example, a diffuser case was found at the crash site. (Picture of diffuser case on screen). That is the diffuser case they found. This is what a diffuser case from a 757 is meant to look like. Do you see those triangular guzzles around the openings? (Shine laser pointer at triangular guzzles) Well they are welded onto the diffuser case of a 757, so there is no way that they should be able to come off in a crash. However, the triangular guzzles are nowhere to be seen on the diffuser case found at the Pentagon. But the strangest sting about the wreckage at the Pentagon is the lack of it. There was no tail sections, wing sections, engines or even fuselage found at the Pentagon. This picture was taken three days after 9/11, when the clean up around the Pentagon hadn’t even started. (Picture on screen). As you can see there is absolutely not one piece of wreckage from flight 77. The official story is that the intense heat of the Jet Fuel vaporized the entire plane.

If that were true, then it would be the first time in Aviation history that a plane has vaporized due to a crash. And just in case you need more proof that the Jet fuel did not vaporize the plane, then this is when a little science comes in handy. (Picture of 757 appears on screen) The details of what a 757 are made of, are not public knowledge, however, we do know about the engines. (Picture of the engine on screen) The engines are RB2-11 models, made by Rolls Royce. They are made of steel and titanium alloy and weigh 6 tons each. (Periodic table video plays). On the Periodic table, titanium has a melting temperature of 1, 688 degrees Celsius. Jet fuel is a hydrocarbon, which can reach a temperature of 1, 120 degrees Celsius, but only if the fuel source is maintained. So it is scientifically impossible for the plane to have vaporized because of the heat. But don’t take it from me, just listen to this news report. (News report on screen). Also, In August 2005, (Video on screen) a Helios airways flight, Boeing 737, smashed into a hillside at full speed, killing all 125 passengers. When the plane hit the hillside, it burst into flames. However, there were tail sections, wing sections, engines and the cockpit. None of them vaporized.

Next, the videos. When the Pentagon was hit, the US Defense system was in chaos. But not at FBI. Within 2 minutes of the crash, FBI agents where confiscating video evidence of the attack from every person who had filmed it. They visited the near by petrol station (Video on screen), the Sheraton Hotel (Video on screen) and the Virginia Department of Transportation (Video on screen). The security tapes where confiscated as soon as the FBI arrived. Each of them had camera’s that would have captured the entire thing. The video you can see at the moment is from the Virginia Department of Transportation, that is the Pentagon, and that is when the Plane struck. None of the tapes have been seen to this day. In total, the FBI confiscated 84 tapes of the Pentagon Attack. However, one month after 9/11, the FBI was put under immense public scrutiny to release the tapes. So guess what the FBI did. They released one tape from the security station near the Heliport. Here is the video they released. (Video on screen). However, this video is of almost no help. It is simply 5 frames, and in only one of them, you see what they claim was the 757. But it looks nothing like a 757.

Now, while all of this was going on, surely someone would have seen something. The eyewitnesses. However, in this case, the eyewitnesses are not very reliable. Some saw the American Airlines jet. (Video on screen). Some saw a small 20 passenger private jet. (Video on screen) and others saw a United States Helicopter. (Audio on screen).

So, now for the bit that I bet everyone here is asking. Well if a Jet didn’t hit the Pentagon. Then what did? Because obviously the Pentagon was not built with the big hole in it. Personally, I think that it was a cruise missile. This is what Slobedon Mavelcovitch’s house looked like after a Tomahawk Cruise missile had hit it. (Picture on screen). Do you see any similarities between the Pentagon and his house’s damage? Also, backing up my theory of it being a missile, many of the people where there got hit by a sudden shockwave. A man on the fourth floor of the Pentagon got shot across his office and many of his coworkers got thrown across the room by a massive shockwave. Even the Sheraton hotel, two and a half kilometers away from the Pentagon felt the blast (Picture on screen, point out Sheraton Hotel with Laser-pointer). Cruise missiles produce a massive shockwave. However, when a plane crashes, there is almost no shockwave. Here is proof. Look at this video, it is a video from NASA, where they deliberately crash-landed a remote controlled aircraft for fuel research. (Video on screen). As you can see, there is absolutely no shock wave.

Also, many workers at the Pentagon recall smelling Cordite (Picture of Cordite on screen). Cordite is a compound used in explosive and has a very different smell to jet fuel.

Now for the biggest question of all. If this was a conspiracy, why would the American government cover it up. Well, to be perfectly honest with you, I have absolutely no idea. I am not here today to throw around opinions about what could have happened, I am here too present all evidence that whatever happened on 9/11, it was very likely not the official story. It may have been the Iraqis who attacked the Pentagon on 9/11, heck; it may have even been the Americans themselves. All around the world groups are forming to try to uncover the truth to 9/11. I am not in a small crowd of people who think that 9/11 was a cover-up. A few weeks ago a show on SBS called “The Third Tower” was shown. This was all about the 9/11 Cover-up. Also, recently in the West Australian this article was published proving that 9/11 was a cover-up. There is a video on the Internet called Loose Change, a documentary about the 9/11 cover-up that has been viewed over 100 million times. The other day in the city I saw I group of protesters handing out these pamphlets saying “Investigate 9/11”. And that is what I am begging everyone in this audience to do. Investigate 9/11. Out of all of my research, I love the video Loose Change. I beg everyone in this room, when they go home. Please go to It is absolutely amazing. And don’t worry, you don’t have to read anything. It is a one and a half-hour long video showing all evidence that something strange happened on 9/11. (URL on screen) If the American government wants to shut up me, and the 100’s of millions of people around the world who think it was a cover-up. All they have to do is admit the truth. Thank you for listening.


  • AA Flight 77 hit North-tower at 8:47am
  • AA Flight 175 hit South-tower at 9:04am (17 min later)
  • AA Flight 93 hit Field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania later that morning. (Passengers)
  • Killed more than 3, 000 innocent people.
  • My name is Cameron Williams
  • Everyone has heard one conspiracy theory (Lizard, Moon)
  • I don’t have time for Twin Towers/Flight 93
  • Pentagon at 9:37am, Flight 77, Boeing 757
  • Pentagon Aerial
  • Plane went through first layer only (Reinforced concrete)
  • Damaged section later collapsed
  • Everything I just told you was the official story
  • Hani Hanjour
  • Canceled Pilots license
  • 330 degree turn, 2, 133 feet in 2½ minutes
  • Many pilots asked
  • Danielle O’Brien, air traffic controller at Dulles int.
  • 5 light poles, 4 inches thick
  • Bounced off lawn
  • November 2004, 747
  • Picture before damaged section collapsed
  • 5 metres across
  • 47 meters long, 13-metres high, 34-metre wingspan, 100 tons.
  • Does not fit (Wings, Tail, Engines)
  • Collapsed section (20m) still not big enough for 757
  • No Wreckage
  • No Wreckage from light poles
  • Light enough to be carried by hand
  • Diffuser Case
  • Picture before cleanup
  • Official story is jet-fuel vaporized the entire plane
  • First time in aviation history
  • Science comes in handy
  • RB2-11 Engines
  • 6 tons each
  • Melting 1, 688 degrees, Jet fuel burns at 1, 120 degrees
  • News Report
  • Helios Airways, 2005, 125 passengers.
  • Videos
  • Petrol station, Sheraton Hotel, Virginia Department of Transportation
  • 84 tapes confiscated total
  • The tape they released
  • Eye whiteness’s (AA Jet, Private Jet, US Helicopter)
  • What everyone is asking, what hit the Pentagon
  • Slobedon Mavelcovitch
  • Many people felt shockwave
  • Sheraton Hotel, 2 ½ km away felt shock wave
  • Here is a video taken by NASA
  • Many Pentagon workers smelt Cordite
  • Biggest question, why?
  • Many people around the world believe 9/11 was a cover-up.
  • SBS “The third tower”, ground zero, loose change, Protest in Perth city
  • Please go to