Housegroup study on Luke 19 v 1 –10

Icebreaker (to warm up)

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of being short in height!

Looking at the text (for exploration and understanding)

  • Jesus had been journeying to Jerusalem since chapter 9 v 51. He and his disciples have got to Jericho – an ancient city 15 miles north east of Jerusalem. The Old Testament city had been abandoned by the first century AD and a new city built by Herod the Great. You may like to have done some research before your meeting and found out information including the meaning of the name of the city, how old it is and what the geography is like. What other Bible stories or incidents can you think of that are associated with Jericho?
  • Discuss why tax collectors were hated by the people. What made it worse in the case of Zacchaeus? Explore where Zacchaeus was likely to have been on a 1 – 10 scale of happiness and why he wanted to see Jesus.
  • The sycamore fig tree (ficus sycamorus) is a sturdy tree with a short trunk and spreading branches – ideal for climbing! There is excellent information about it at:

including a video of its annual life.

  • What do you think the crowd thought when Jesus invited himself to tea with Zacchaeus?! And when Zacchaeus made his dramatic declaration on repayment? Compare what the tax collector offers with the stipulations in Exodus 22 v 1 – 9.
  • v 9 In what ways is Zacchaeus a ‘son of Abraham’?
  • v 10 and in what ways is this verse a key one in Luke’s gospel?

Applying it to ourselves (for discussion)

  1. Have some fun (and some serious thoughts!) about what this story says about

a. short members of society b. wealthy people c. inviting yourself to someone’s

home d. hospitality e. ‘muttering’ f. restitution g. salvation.

  1. Find other Bible passages about tax and tax-collectors. What is different about today’s tax system? Do we treat present day tax men and women with sufficient respect? What is a Christian attitude to paying tax, do you think?


  1. What connections are there between this story and the fictional one in chapter 18 v 9 – 14? What do both passages tell us about self-esteem, and how a healthy perspective of ourselves only comes through our Christian faith?

Action (for thinking about)

Take time, individually, to think of one action or thought or change in attitude that you are going to leave the group with. Then move into prayer.

*Optional Exercise: At there is a painting of this story which has been made available by the artist for use and, if saved as a picture file, can be printed off or used in powerpoint. Let people spend some time contemplating the painting and then share reflections and insights gained.

© Jacqui A. Horton 2010