Enhancement Log
CPRNR9.2d_01 Page 4
Copyright © 2015 – Mediware Information Systems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential
/ CPR+ 9.2dEnhancement Log
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Copyright © 2015 – Mediware Information Systems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential
/ CPR+ 9.2dEnhancement Log
Table of Contents
Contact Information ii
Billing 1
Bill for Denial (LIF) 1
Credit/Rebill (LIF) 1
Claims 1
Electronic Medical 2
Electronic Pharmacy 2
Institutional Claims 2
NCPDP Response 2
ERNs 2
Posting (LIF) 2
Reconciliation Report 2
Delivery Tickets 3
Enterprise 3
Miscellaneous 4
Contact Information
For assistance with an issue or for upgrade information, call (877) 277-4876.
Online Access
Training videos, documentation, and enhancement logs for all previous updates can be found at https://training.cprplus.com
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Copyright © 2015 – Mediware Information Systems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential
/ CPR+ 9.2dEnhancement Log
47633 An equipment line with a zero quantity will no longer create a recurring rental when processed through billing review.
48044 Users on the legacy billing system (non Line Item Financials) will no longer receive an error when attempting to print the unapplied cash listing for a patient.
48048 The tax amount due for a daily billed recurring rental will now calculate appropriately.
47762 When changing the payer on an order, if the payer becomes a pharmacy payer, the bill for denial box will automatically become unchecked.
47922 Prescriber PECOS checks will be done on orders where the linked payer has an invoice type of "Electronic Pharmacy" and a payer type that contains "Part D".
Bill for Denial (LIF)
47576 Resolved an issue where posting a second denial to a Bill for Denial claim was allowing a 3rd claim to be created.
47735 Resolved an issue where line items were not collapsing correctly.
Credit/Rebill (LIF)
47907 Resolved an issue where the resulting quantity and amounts weren't always correct.
37414 Removed the need for the “Delete Transactions” when deleting claims from the pharmacy queue in a LIF system. Previously you had to have both privs for Delete Transactions and Delete Pharmacy Claims in order to delete an item.
40976 Added the ability to edit the 'To' date on secondary claims for those instances where the secondary payer wants to see a date span and the primary does not (or vice versa).
47120 Updated claims to adjudicate to allow automatic acceptance of captured claims when the insurance option for margin and auto accept are enabled and the criteria are met.
47479 Resolved an issue where claims other than CPAP claims were holding for PAP when the patient had CPAP claims that were on hold.
47714 New payer option to disable claim statusing for missing diagnosis codes.
48022 Updated various CMN forms to the newest version released by CMS. The forms were the CMS484, CMS846, CMS847, CMS848, CMS849.gif, CMS10125 and CMS10126.
48024 ICD-10: Updated the crosswalk table to the latest 2015 GEMs file.
Electronic Medical
47900 Resolved an issue when transmitting supply line items with an NDC value where a 0 was being populated as the Rx number, causing the 2410*REF segment to send with a zero prescription number. Line items will no longer populate a zero as an Rx number.
Electronic Pharmacy
47901 Added the D.0 version of the universal claim form that replaces version 5.1.
48042 Change the RE segment default from 00 to 03 (NDC).
Institutional Claims
47023 Resolved an issue where 2300*F8 was inadvertently being sent when status inquiry was not a 7 or 8.
NCPDP Response
47906 Resolved an issue where amounts displayed were totaling from multiple responses instead of reporting the last response.
48065 Resolved issues with the ERN Reconciliation Report as well as issues posting non-applied cash.
48066 When moving ERN files from the ERN Reports folder to the Processed folder, if the file already exists, a date/time stamp will be added to the file name. .
Posting (LIF)
45095 Added two new fields to insurance company setup:
· Create Adjustment for Claim Submission Fee Code
· Adj. Code
When both of these fields are populated, and ERN posting encounters a CAS segment containing the value entered in the submission fee code, CPR+ will generate an adjustment transaction to the line item with the value of the adjustment code entered in the setup. These two new fields are also available in the “Copy Data <F12>“ function.
47307 Resolved an issue where the amount paid wasn't always displaying the correct value from the ERN file.
Reconciliation Report
48049 Resolved an issue where excluded amounts were not being included in the Remaining Unposted Payments amount.
Delivery Tickets
47641 The Delivery Date in SPRx-E is now considered to be the Date Promised on the working delivery ticket linked to the target order.
47920 Adding a price quote to a delivery ticket will no longer cause an error to be displayed.
47698 Appropriate default modifiers will appear on delivery ticket line items when using a supply kit template.
48023 Resolved an issue where the delivery ticket wouldn't print if the prescription was marked “auto DC” and there was only a single fill.
48058 If equipment on a delivery ticket is split into different lines when printing, the patient diagnosis will now be assigned to each line. This fixes an issue where the ticket would incorrectly status for a missing diagnosis code.
47747 Delivery Tickets will be properly assigned to SPRx invoices after the payer is changed while the order is in Claims to Adjudicate - Refills.
47956 An issue was resolved where creating claims by moving an order from SPRx-B to SPRx-C would cause an error in some circumstances.
48008 Added a therapy type, patient, and payer filter to the Patients to Contact - Refills lists.
48014 Added an Enterprise option to enable barcode scanning in Select Lots / Fill Rx list. When this option is enabled and the Select Lots / Fill Rx list is in use, users will have to scan the manufacturer barcode on product in order to enable the lot selection buttons / quantity selection buttons depending on if the item is lot tracked or not. There is also a new checkbox on the inventory drug item HCPC tab that allows you to exclude items from barcode scanning. When this box is checked, users will only need to scan the work order barcode to pull up the patient and the selection buttons will already be enabled.
48047 The SPRx Claims to Adjudicate lists will no longer display an error when using the status filter and the value of Enterprise program option 18 is 0.
48009 The Enterprise Last Event now appears in the patient orders grid.
48041 Resolved an issue with the Select Lots / Fill Rx list where the last cost of an item wasn't updating properly on a delivery ticket when the Fill Rx button was used. Now the cost is updated the same whether using Select Lots and filling or just using Fill Rx.
48015 The following changes have been made to the SPRx-E list:
There is a new column that displays the quantity on hand for the selected drug on the order.
When attempting to fill the drug, a hard stop is in place if the quantity on hand is zero or less and a warning will appear if the quantity is less than the amount requested by the order.
48013 There are 3 new features for Order Verification located in the Specialty Enterprise List:
· The Rx# is written out to the PTSAFETYLOG to allow a custom report created to always pull the PV2 pharmacist which will satisfy the BOP requirements.
· An "Order Verified By" column was added to the patient's dispensed log
· The queue is filtered to the site on the delivery ticket rather than the site on patient demographics.
48072 The quantity fields on the Order Verification screen have been expanded to support larger numbers.
46975 Resolved an issue with the cleanup utility where a user could no longer access the company clean up.
47842 Nursing Visit delivery tickets will no longer incorrectly status for a missing diagnosis code when selecting the order as the visit is confirmed.
47926 Added a new privilege option that allows the user read-only access to the unapplied cash entries for a patient.
48036 Recurring Rentals: When editing a recurring rental record and selecting the patient search popup, the primary ancillary provider will now be displayed in the grid.
47934 E-Prescribing - Resolved an issue which was causing the Team on the demographics screen to not populate on orders created from the ePrescription Manager list.
48007 Added a column to the Lot Number Log screen labeled NDC. This allows users to better know which item was dispensed, especially when dealing with generics that have the same name.
48046 Delivery Manager: Resolved an issue where an error was occurring when attempting to re-assign a route in the Pending Routes queue.
48052 Open Refill Transfer: Resolved an issue where the quantity allowed was importing incorrectly.
48062 Resolved an issue where filling a refill was not deducting from inventory or being captured on the dispense log. This was happening when program options were set to Enterprise tab option #1 = No and Enterprise tab option #15 = Both Lot Tracked and Non-Lot Tracked.
47971 The new CBA zip codes have been added.
48011 When changing the site on an order, the user will be prompted to select a new company.
48056 Supporting Documentation: Resolved an issue where a document appeared in the patient's listing twice after a template was imported.
48063 An issue was resolved where diagnosis codes could duplicate or become linked to the wrong delivery tickets in rare circumstances.
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Copyright © 2015 – Mediware Information Systems, Inc. Proprietary and confidential