Houghton Mifflin Grade 1 Focus Calendars-First Nine Weeks



Week 1 / Week 2 / Weeks 3-4 / Weeks 5-6 / Weeks 7-8 / Weeks 9-10
Reciprocal Teaching Strategies
Listening Comprehension
Alphabet Review
Capital and Lowercase
Phonemic Awareness
Phonics: Sounds for Letters / Reciprocal Teaching Strategies
Listening Comprehension
Alphabet Review
Capital and Lowercase Letters
Phonemic Awareness
Phonics: Sounds for Letters / Strategy Focus: Predict/ Infer
Comprehension Skill Focus: Sequence of Events
Phonemic Awareness:
Beginning Sounds,
Blending Onset & Rime
Phonics Skills: Consonants /m/, /s/, /c/, /t/
Blending –at words
Phonics Skill Review: Alphabet Review
High Frequency Words: go, on, the
Spelling & Phonics: Letters & Sounds: m, s, c, t, -at
Word Wall: HFW’s; Word Family–at
Vocabulary: Names for Animals; Animals Sound Words
Listening/Speaking/ Viewing: Listening Comprehension; Compare/ Contrast / Strategy Focus: Summarize
Comprehension Skill Focus: Compare & Contrast
Phonemic Awareness:
Beginning Sounds
Blending Onset & Rime
Phonics Skills:
Consonants /n/, /f/, /p/
Blending –an words
Phonics Skill Review: Words with a, c, m, s, t
High Frequency Words: and, here, jump, not, too, we
Spelling & Phonics: Letters & Sounds: n, f, p, an
Word Wall: HFW’s; Word Family –an
Vocabulary: Rhyming Words; School Words
Viewing: Using Non-Verbal cues; Listening to a Story / Strategy Focus: Evaluate
Comprehension Skill: Cause & Effect
Phonemic awareness:
Beginning sounds
Blending Onset & Rime
Phonics Skills: Consonants: b, r, h, g; Blending –it , ig
Phonics Skill Review: Blending with an words
High Frequency Words: a, find, have, one, to, who
Spelling & Phonics: Letters & sounds b, r, h, g, it , ig
Word Wall: High Frequency Words; Word families –it and –ig
Vocabulary : Shape Words, Words for Feeling
Grammar: Punctuation
Writing: A Class Story; Creating a New Ending
Listening/Speaking/Viewing: Choral Reading; Singing Songs / Strategy Focus: Question
Comprehension Skill Focus: Noting Details
Phonemic Awareness: Beginning Sounds, Blending Onset & Rime
Phonics Skills: Consonants /d/, /w/, /l/, /x/
Blending : ot and ox Words
Phonics Skill Review: Word Family Wheels with ot
High Frequency Words: five, four, in, once, three, two, upon, what
Spelling & Phonics: Letters and Sounds: d, l
Word Wall: High Frequency Words; Word Families –ot and ox
Vocabulary: Number Words; Fun Things
Listening/Speaking/Viewing: Sharing Information, Compare & Contrast
Assessment / Assessment / Assessment / Assessment / Assessment / Assessment
Interim Baseline: August 31-September 2 / Bi-weekly #1 / Bi-weekly #2 / Bi-weekly #3 / Bi-weekly #4
Bi-weekly Test Dates / September 17 / October 1 / October 15 / October 29
Bi-weekly Assessment / For a grade / For a grade / For a grade / For a grade
Houghton Mifflin Weekly Test / For a grade / For a grade / For a grade / For a grade
Secondary Focus Calendar-
Story Title & Instructional Tools-THEME 1 / FCAT COACH
Assessments / Benchmark
5 Days / LA. Use background knowledge and supporting details from text to verify the accuracy of information presented in read selections;
LA. Identify a text’s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make predictions, and establish a purpose for reading;
LA. Generate sounds from all letters and spelling patterns (e.g., consonant blends, long and short vowel patterns) and blends those sounds into words;
LA. Decode words from common word families;
LA. Decode base words;
LA. Retell the main idea or essential message;
LA. Identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and patterned structures in poems for children;
LA. Identify supporting details;
LA. Identify the text structures an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, andsequence of events);
LA. Retell specific details of information heard;
LA. Listen attentively to fiction and nonfiction read-alouds and demonstrate understanding;
LA. Write numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters using left to right sequencing; and
LA. Organizing details into a logical sequence that has a beginning, middle, and end. / THEME: Back to School
My Best Friend /The ABC’s in Rhyme, Chant, and Song
FCAT Vocabulary
Elements of Reading: Vocabulary
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers
Audio Tapes/ CDs
Get Set to Read
Success Maker
Ticket to Read
FCAT Explorer

Refer to “Meeting Individual Needs” in Houghton Mifflin TE for Above, On & Below level differentiation.


Weekly Grade Suggestions:
Week 1 Weekly Selection Test / Prepare students for Baseline Benchmark Assessments.
Share test-taking strategies with students.
Familiarize students with the New Generation Standards.
Use CPALMS to preview the New Generation Standards
August 23–
September 10
Interim Assessment Tests: Baseline
Reading, Mathematics, and Science
See the Assessment Calendar / The student will be apply the following phonics skills:
Recognize Initial Sounds:
Phoneme recognition: /ă/, /b/, /k/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /j/, /i/
Blending onset & rime
Phoneme recognition: /j/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /p/, x /kw/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /v/
Blending onset & rime
Letters: A-J
Sounds: /b/, /k/, /d/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /i/, /j/
The student will be able to apply the following Reciprocal Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies:
Predict/ infer
Story Title & Instructional Tools -THEME 1 / FCAT COACH
Assessments / Benchmark
5 Days / LA. Use background knowledge and supporting details from text to verify the accuracy of information presented in read selections;
LA. Identify a text’s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make predictions, and establish a purpose for reading;
LA. Generate sounds from all letters and spelling patterns (e.g., consonant blends, long and short vowel patterns) and blends those sounds into words;
LA. Decode words from common word families;
LA. -Decode base words;
LA. Retell the main idea or essential message;
LA. Identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and patterned structures in poems for children;
LA. Identify supporting details;
LA. Identify the text structures an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, andsequence of events);
LA. Retell specific details of information heard;
LA. Listen attentively to fiction and nonfiction read-alouds and demonstrate understanding;
LA. -Write numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters using left to right sequencing; and
LA. Organizing details into a logical sequence that has a beginning, middle, and end. / THEME: Back to School
My Best Friend /The ABC’s in Rhyme, Chant, and Song
FCAT Vocabulary
Elements of Reading: Vocabulary
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers
Audio Tapes/ CDs
Get Set to Read
Success Maker
Ticket to Read
FCAT Explorer

Strategies: Refer to “Meeting Individual Needs” in Houghton Mifflin TE for Above, On & Below level differentiation.
Weekly Grade Suggestions:
Week 1 Weekly Selection Test / Prepare students for Baseline Benchmark Assessments.
Share test-taking strategies with students.
Familiarize students with the New Generation Standards.
Use CPALMS to preview the New Generation Standards
An Assessment is to be given at the end of each Theme / The student will be apply the following phonics skills:
Recognize Initial Sounds:
Phoneme recognition: /w/,x /ks/, /y/, /z/
Blending onset & rime
Letters: W-Z
Sounds: /w/,/ x/, /y/,/ z/
The student will be able to apply the following Reading Comprehension Strategies:
Predict/ infer
Story Title & Instructional Tools- THEME 1 / FCAT COACH &
Assessments / Benchmark
3 and 4
9 days / LA. Use background knowledge and supporting details from text to verify the accuracy of information presented in read selections;
LA. Identify a text’s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make predictions, and establish a purpose for reading;
LA. Generate sounds from all letters and spelling patterns (e.g., consonant blends, long and short vowel patterns) and blends those sounds into words;
LA. Decode words from common word families;
LA. Decode base words;
LA. Retell the main idea or essential message;
LA. Identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and patterned structures in poems for children;
LA. Identify supporting details;
LA. Identify the text structures an author uses (e.g., comparison/contrast, cause/effect, andsequence of events);
LA. Retell specific details of information heard;
LA. Listen attentively to fiction and nonfiction read-alouds and demonstrate understanding;
LA. Write numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters using left to right sequencing; and
LA. Organizing details into a logical sequence that has a beginning, middle, and end. / THEME: All Together Now
I Am Six/ The Cat Sat/ The Mat/
Cat and At Night
FCAT Vocabulary
Elements of Reading: Vocabulary
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers
Audio Tapes/ CDs
Get Set to Read
Success Maker
Ticket to Read
FCAT Explorer

Strategies: Refer to “Meeting Individual Needs” in Houghton Mifflin TE for Above, On & Below level differentiation.
Weekly Grade Suggestions:
Week 1 Weekly Selection Test
Week 2 Bi-weekly Assessment / Share test-taking strategies with students.
Familiarize students with the New Generation Standards.
Use CPALMS to preview the New Generation Standards
An Assessment is to be given at the end of each Theme / The student will recognize & apply blending strategies with the following:
  • Blending short a (VC, CVC) words
  • Blend Phonograms: -at, -am
  • High Frequency Words: go, on, the
  • Letters & sounds
  • initial/final consonants: m, s, c, t
  • Letters: A-Z
The student will read to build Fluency and Comprehension strategies and skills:
  • Predict/ infer
The student will be introduced to/and review the following content vocabulary:
  • Animal names & sounds
  • Story words
  • Cow, goat, dog

Story Title & Instructional Tools- THEME 1 / FCAT COACH &
Assessments / Benchmark
5 and 6
10 days / LA. Identify individual phonemes (sounds) in words (e.g., CCVC, CVCC, CCCVC);
LA. Blend three to five phonemes to form words;
LA. Segment single syllable words into individual phonemes;
LA. Manipulate individual phonemes to create new words through addition, deletion, and substitution;
LA. Generate sounds from all letters and spelling patterns (e.g., consonant blends, long and short (vowel patterns) and blends those sounds into words;
LA. Decode words from common word families;
LA. Recognize high frequency words;
LA. Apply lettersound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words quickly and accurately in
isolation and in context;
LA. Recognize high frequency and familiar words in isolation and in context;
LA. Use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly;
LA. Listen to, read, and discuss both familiar and conceptually challenging text;
LA. Categorize key vocabulary and identify salient features;
LA. Relate new vocabulary to prior knowledge;
LA. Identify and sort common words into conceptual categories;
LA. Determine meanings of unfamiliar words by using a beginning dictionary, illustrations, and digital tools;
LA. Identify a text’s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make
predictions, and establish a purpose for reading;
LA. Use background knowledge and supporting
details from text to verify the accuracy ofinformation presented in read selections;
LA. Retell the main idea or essential message;
LA. Identify supporting details;
LA. Distinguish fact from fiction and cause from effect;
LA. Identify the author’s purpose in text and ask clarifying questions (e.g., why, how) if meaning is unclear;
LA. the main events (e.g., beginning, middle, end) in a story;
LA. Identify the characters and settings in a story;
LA. Identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and patterned structures in poems for children;
LA. Respond to various literary selections (e.g., nursery rhymes, fairy tales), identifying the character(s), setting, and sequence of events and connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts);
LA. Organizing ideas using simple webs, maps, or lists;
LA. Common spelling patterns (e.g., onset and rimes, word families, and simple CVC words) and
conventional spelling of high frequency words;
LA. The student will draw a picture and use simple text to explain why this item (food, pet, person)
is important to them;
LA. Write numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters using left to right sequencing;
LA. Listen attentively and understand directions for performing tasks (e.g., multi-step oraldirections), retell specific details of information heard;
LA. Solving problems, and following rules;
LA. Listen attentively to fiction and nonfiction read- alouds and demonstrate understanding;
LA. Use formal and informal language appropriately;
LA. effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories read and heard; and
LA. Participate courteously in conversation, such as asking clarifying questions, taking turns, staying on
topic, making eye contact, and facing the speaker. / THEME: 1All Together Now
Ten Dogs in the Window/ Nan and Fan/ We Can!
The More We Get Together
FCAT Vocabulary
Elements of Reading: Vocabulary
Houghton Mifflin Vocabulary Readers
Audio Tapes/ CDs
Get Set to Read
Success Maker
Ticket to Read
FCAT Explorer

Strategies: Refer to “Meeting Individual Needs” in Houghton Mifflin TE for Above, On & Below level differentiation.
Weekly Grade Suggestions:
Week 1 Weekly Selection Test
Week 2 Bi-weekly Assessment / Share test-taking strategies with students.
Familiarize students with the New Generation Standards.
Use CPALMS to preview the New Generation Standards
An Assessment is to be given at the end of each Theme / The student will recognize & apply blending strategies with the following:
Blend phonemes
  • Rhyme words
  • Consonants: /n/, /p/
Phonograms: an, ap
  • HFW: jump, here, we, and, too, not, an
  • Word wall: hen, cut, pot, an
Initial/final consonants: n, f, p
  • Short a words
  • Consonants: c, m, s, t
  • Review HFW from Wk 1
The student will be introduced to / review the following content vocabulary:
  • Rhyming words
  • School words
  • Story Words
  • Draw, read, write
The student will reread various texts to build fluency and comprehension.
The student will read to build oral language, reading strategies, & comprehension skills:
  • Strategy: Summarize
Skill: Compare and contrast
Story Title & Instructional Tools- THEME 1 / FCAT COACH &
Assessments / Benchmark
7 and 8
10 days / LA. Identify individual phonemes (sounds) in words (e.g., CCVC, CVCC, CCCVC);
LA. Blend three to five phonemes to form words;
LA. Segment single syllable words into individual phonemes;
LA. Manipulate individual phonemes to create new words through addition, deletion, and substitution;
LA. Generate sounds from all letters and spelling patterns (e.g., consonant blends, long and short vowel patterns) and blends those sounds into words;
LA. Decode words from common word families;
LA. Recognize high frequency words;
LA. Apply letter-sound knowledge to decode phonetically regular words quickly and accurately in
isolation and in context;
LA. Recognize high frequency and familiar words in isolation and in context;
LA. Use new vocabulary that is introduced and taught directly;
LA. Listen to, read, and discuss both familiar and conceptually challenging text;
LA. Categorize key vocabulary and identify salient features;
LA. Relate new vocabulary to prior knowledge;
LA. Identify and sort common words into conceptual categories;
LA. Determine meanings of unfamiliar words by using a beginning dictionary, illustrations, and
digital tools;
LA. Identify a text’s features (e.g., title, subheadings, captions, illustrations), use them to make predictions, and establish a purpose for reading;
LA. Use background knowledge and supporting details from text to verify the accuracy ofinformation presented in read selections;
LA. Retell the main idea or essential message;
LA. Identify supporting details;
LA. Distinguish fact from fiction and cause from effect;
LA. Retell the main events (e.g., beginning, middle, end) in a story;
LA. Identify the characters and settings in a story;
LA. Identify rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, and patterned structures in poems for children;
LA. Respond to various literary selections (e.g., nursery rhymes, fairy tales), identifying the character(s), setting, and sequence of events and connecting text to self (personal connection), text to world (social connection), text to text (comparison among multiple texts);
LA. Generating ideas from multiple sources (e.g., brainstorming, webbing, drawing, group discussion, other activities);
LA. Common spelling patterns (e.g., onset and rimes, word families, and simple CVC words) and
conventional spelling of high frequency words;
LA. Capital letters for the pronoun I, the beginning of a sentence, names, days of the week and months of the year;
LA. The student will draw a picture and use simple text to explain why this item (food, pet, person)
is important to them;
LA. Write numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters using left to right sequencing;
LA. Use appropriate spacing between letters, words, and sentences;
LA. Listen attentively and understand directions for performing tasks (e.g., multi-step oral directions), solving problems, and following rules;
LA. Retell specific details of information heard;
LA. Listen attentively to fiction and nonfiction read-alouds and demonstrate understanding;
LA. Use formal and informal language appropriately;
LA. Communicate effectively when relating experiences and retelling stories read and heard; and
LA. Participate courteously in conversation, such as asking clarifying questions, taking turns, staying on topic, making eye contact, and facing the speaker. / THEME 1: All Together Now