Going to the movies : B_ _ B_ _ _

PART 1 :

- The document : a trailer – an extract from a movie – a news bulletin – a commercial

- Genre : ______

- Place : ______

- Name of the 2 other films evoked : ______

- Name of the actor you know : ______

-Complete the script : It was the ______crime. ______saw it coming. ______heard a thing. ______went according to plan…

- Summarize what you’ve seen with the following words : take place – see – chain – burglar (cambrioleur) – break – cutting pliers (pince coupante) – cap lamp (lampe frontale).







PART 2 :

- Names of the 2 main actors : ______

- Movie title : ______

- Names of the main characters and job : ______



- Complete the extract : “Don’t be alarmed, we’re ______!”

“Oh man ! Too much bass in your ______! That’d scare white folk, you ______sound like that : we were wondering if we can ______a cup of brown ______”

- Famous movie sentence : I’ll b_____ b______!

- Fill in the Chief of the police force sentence : No more ______bodies. Just get the ______back and do it ______!

PART 3 :

- Write down the lyrics of the song the characters sing in the end : ______




CONCLUSION : Write down in your copybook the movie plot summary.

Going to the movies : B_ _ B_ _ _

PART 1 :

- The document : a trailer – an extract from a movie – a news bulletin – a commercial

- Genre : ______

- Place : ______

- Name of the 2 other films evoked : ______

- Name of the actor you know : ______

-Complete the script : It was the ______crime. ______saw it coming. ______heard a thing. ______went according to plan…

- Summarize what you’ve seen with the following words : take place – see – chain – burglar (cambrioleur) – break – cutting pliers (pince coupante) – cap lamp (lampe frontale).







PART 2 :

- Names of the 2 main actors : ______

- Movie title : ______

- Names of the main characters and job : ______



- Complete the extract : “Don’t be alarmed, we’re ______!”

“Oh man ! Too much bass in your ______! That’d scare white folk, you ______sound like that : we were wondering if we can ______a cup of brown ______”

- Famous movie sentence : I’ll b_____ b______!

- Fill in the Chief of the police force sentence : No more ______bodies. Just get the ______back and do it ______!

PART 3 :

- Write down the lyrics of the song the characters sing in the end : ______




CONCLUSION : Write down in your copybook the movie plot summary.