- Prepare a meal to feed approximately 100 people plus your own helpers.
We never get a good count ahead of time. Serve the meal beginning at 5:45 PM unless otherwise instructed. The money may be given to a hunger program of your choice. Cost $8.00 per person unless other arrangements are confirmed ahead of time and approved by our Presbytery’s Administrative Committee. You will need to provide name tags for people coming to dinner.Guests sign a name tag when they pay for dinner.
2.Parking assistants are important to keep the cars moving and parked in the most advantageous way. While only approximately 100 attend the dinner, 30+ additional people will arrive for the 6:45PM meeting. It is helpful to have parking assistance until 7:00PM so latecomers will know where to go. When the parking lot is full, the parking assistants should remain to tell drivers where other parking might be available. If your building is not handicapped-accessible, provide assistance for anyone attending who requires such help.
Unloading and Loading
3.Some boxes of information and such must be transported to each meeting. Please reserve a parking space near the church entrance for Paul LaMontagne.
Meeting Hosts
4.Please have a host at each entrance to greet people and direct them to the dinner, sanctuary, rest rooms. Remember that most people will be unfamiliar with your facilities.
Dinner Registration
5. You will need one or two people to collect money for the dinner ($8.00 per person). You will need blank name tags and a pen for people to sign in as they pay for their dinner.
Host Pastor
6.The host pastor or designee offers a blessing at the meal after most people are seated.
New Elders
7.At about 6:15PM, the Vice Moderator will meet with elders who are attending Presbytery for the first time. A room for 5-7 people is needed for this brief meeting.The Vice Moderator leads the meeting.
8.If we are having a pre-presbytery meeting, it begins at 4:30 PM and requires a meeting room or the use of the sanctuary.Traditionally we average about 25 people to a pre-presbytery
Meeting Setup
9.The stated clerk (D. Paul La Montagne)needs a table and a chair placed in the front of the sanctuary for use during the meeting. We also need one long table in close proximity to the meeting (in the back of the sanctuary or the entrance to the sanctuary, if space allows, for information relating to the evenings meeting - this table will contain informational materials).
Microphones are needed for the moderator and the stated clerk. Additional microphones in the aisles for persons presenting reports or speaking to issues expedite the meeting, if available.
11.The Moderator will contact you regarding the worship service. The Presbytery Office will be glad to run off the bulletins. We ask that all bulletin information be in the Presbytery Office the Thursdaybefore the stated meeting.
Thank you for hosting this meeting of Presbytery. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ilene at the Presbytery Office at 609/882-9521 or e-mail at
- The meeting will begin at 10:00 AM.
- Worship will begin 15 minutes after the start of the meeting.
- Lunch will be served at noon.
- The meeting will normally be docketed to end at 2PM.