Anytime, anywhere, online access to the READ 180 Interactive Teaching System including:
§ The rBook Teacher’s Edition (Stage A, Stage B, Stage C, and Flex)
§ RED Routines and Videos
§ Resources for Differentiation (RDI) 1, 2, and 3
§ Transparencies
§ Anchor Videos – launch directly from the Teacher Edition or the Pupil Edition pages
This means that you no longer need to carry cumbersome books home for planning purposes.
§ Create and save notes
o Place notes on the Teacher Edition or the Pupil Edition pages
o Include links to Web Sites in your notes
§ Bookmark pages with tags to make searching for lessons easier
§ Clickable Table of Contents that hyperlinks to READ 180 resources
§ Compatible with classroom projectors and interactive whiteboards in order to maximize student engagement
o Magnify sections of pages, allowing for targeted instruction
o Highlight model passage and have students come to the board and interact with the Interactive Teaching System (ITS)
o Projectable Pupil Edition pages
o Turn all answers on or off, or check them on one at a time
o Write answers in with whiteboard tools
Registering for the READ 180 Interactive Teaching System (ITS)
Creating an ITS account through SAM
1. Log in to SAM and click on the green “Resources” tab.
2. Select a program (Stage A, Stage B, or Stage C). If an Interactive Teaching System has been created for that program, the Interactive Teaching System tab will appear along with the “Advanced,” “Browse,” and “Standards” tabs.
3. When you click on the Interactive Teaching System tab, SAM will display the ITS link.
4. Click on the “Launch Interactive Teaching System” button. The software will prompt you to input your ZIP code and select your district.
5. Once you enter your district, the software will ask you to enter your username and password. Use your SAM username and your SAM password; you do not need to create a separate username and password.
6. If your school has a Premium Product Maintenance and Support Plan, you will be prompted to accept the ITS End User License Agreement. If your school does not have a Premium Product Maintenance and Support Plan, you will not be granted access to the ITS.
7. Once you accept the license agreement, you will be prompted to choose the books in your library.
Accessing the ITS through SAM
1. Log in to SAM and click on the green “Resources” tab.
2. Select a program (Stage A, Stage B, or Stage C) and click on the “ITS” (Interactive Teaching System) tab.
3. Click on the ITS link. You will be asked to enter your username and password. The ITS will remember your ZIP code and district.
4. Once you enter your username and password correctly, the ITS will open in a new browser window. If you do not enter the correct username and/or password, an error message will appear. You can reenter your username and password.
Accessing the ITS at Home
1. Log in to the Internet and type in the following Web address to access the ITS: http://education.scholastic.com/ITS/r180
2. Enter your SAM username and password. Click on “Launch My Library” link.
3. Choose the resource(s) you want to access.
Navigating the READ 180 Interactive Teaching System – Toolbars
Begin by scrolling through the available READ 180 resources on the top scroll bar or by clicking on the READ 180 resource you would like to access from the icons on the bottom of the screen.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Feature / Action1. Move Toolbar / Moves the toolbar to the top or bottom of the screen to allow easier access for students using an interactive whiteboard.
2. Last Page Viewed / Returns to the most recent resource page viewed.
3. Previous / Next / Moves to the previous or next page in the online resource. You can also type a particular page number into the screen.
4. Search / Searches for a particular page, resource, or keyword from within the currently open online resource
(i.e. search for “cause” to find all pages that teach cause/effect)
5. Drag Page / Turns the cursor into a “grabbing hand” to move the resource page around the screen.
6. Notes / Create a note reminding you of something important at this point in the resource. This tool allows you to add hyperlinks, video, and audio recordings.
7. Highlight / Turn your cursor into a highlighter to annotate specific text.
8. Print / Print the current online resource pages on screen.
9. Toggle Presentation Mode / Toggle between the Teacher Edition and the Pupil Edition of the digital rBook.
10. Select Annotations / Enable your cursor to selectively show rBook Teacher Edition annotations (answers).
11. Toggle Annotations / Choose to show or hide all rBook Teacher Edition annotations.
12. Single Page/Double Page / Toggle between showing one or two pages simultaneously on screen.
13. Fit to Height / Fits current page(s) to current height of screen.
14. Fit to Width / Fits current page(s) to current width of screen.
15. Zoom In/Zoom Out / Use + / - or type in a number to zoom in or out of the current page(s).
16. Zoom To / Drag a box around an area on a page to zoom in specifically.
17. Help / Get assistance with various functions and features.
Notes / Bookmarks / Search / Contents
Search your notes and/or highlights. Click on a particular note / highlight to go to the corresponding page. / Make a note to yourself and bookmark a particular page / Find book text, notes, and highlights in one or all digital resources. / View the Table of Contents to quickly move to a particular section in the digital resource
Navigating the Interactive Teaching System – Other Features
1. Use the digital rBook Teacher Edition to hyperlink to other resources, such as RDI pages, RED Routine pages, Anchor DVD files, rBook projects, and even videos of instructional Best Practices!
2. Use the digital rBook workshop Table of Contents to navigate directly to a specific component of the rBook workshop.
Navigating the Interactive Teaching System – Other Features
3. Show the Anchor DVD directly from the digital rBook Teacher Edition. Resize the Anchor DVD to fit your screen size.
4. Not sure how to use the RED Routine listed in your Whole-Group lesson plan? Scroll over the RED Routine hyperlink to access instructions and an option to watch the routine in action on video!