2016 Annual Return and Grant Application
Horticultural Societies
Deadline for application is February 1st, 2017
Legal Name and Contact InformationSociety Name:
Municipality:O.H.A District #:
Society Mailing Address:
Postal Code:
Primary Contact Name*: / Phone number:
Email address: / Fax number:
*Contact person who will be available to receive OMAFRA annual return, grant application or other correspondence
Secondary/Winter Contact Name: / Phone number:
Email address: / Fax number:
Location: Northern Ontario Southern Ontario
The following districts are defined as Northern Ontario: Algoma, Cochrane, Kenora, Manitoulin, Muskoka, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Rainy River, Sudbury, Timiskaming, and Thunder Bay
Society Information
Fiscal year end: (DD/MM/YYYY)Date of the Annual Meeting: (DD/MM/YY)
Note: The auditor’s report must be completed before the AGM
Number of voting members (over 18):
Number of non-voting youth members (under 18):
Total membership:
Total Number of Volunteer Hours by your membership and directors for all of your horticultural society activities. Include board and committee meetings, fund raisers, activities, events, etc.
Horticultural Society Grant Application
Copies of all paid receipts of expenditures must be kept on file and, if requested made available to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs for audit purposes.
- Total Eligible Expenses from attached Financial Statement
- 50% of Total Eligible Expenses
- Maximum Eligible Grant: Please indicate the number of voting members in your society
Number of Voting Members
(18 years and over) / Maximum Grant Level / Check appropriate box
200 or more members AND eligible expenses are over $3,000.00 / $1,500.00
50 - 199 members (25 – 199 members) in Northern Ontario) AND eligible expenses are over $2,000.00 / $1,000.00
49 members or less (24 members or less in Northern Ontario) / Not eligible
Grant applied for - Lesser Value of Part 2 or 3 $
Activities of Compliance with the AHOA Act
Please check offthe boxes below that show how your horticultural society encouraged interest and improvement in horticulture.Check only those categories that apply to your horticultural society. Should your application be audited by the ministry, you will be required to provide justification and evidence to show how your society performed the checked off statements.
a) Holding meetings respecting the theory and practice of horticulture
b) Encouraging the planting of trees, shrubs and flowers on public and private grounds
c) Promoting balcony and community gardening and outdoor beautification
d) Arranging field trips, contests, competitions and exhibitions related to horticulture and awarding prizes
e) Distributing seeds, plants, bulbs, flowers, trees and shrubs
f) Promoting the protection of the environment
g) Circulating of horticultural information through any media
h) Promoting the benefits of therapeutic horticulture
i) Stimulating an interest in the study of horticulture
j) Youth education and awareness
Certification of Authorized Signing OfficersWe the undersigned signing officers (President, Treasurer, Secretary or Board member with signing authority) hereby certify that all information given in this annual return and grant application is true and correct.
Name of Signing Officer:Position: / Phone:
Signature: / Date:
Name of Signing Officer:
Position: / Phone:
Signature: / Date:
The following information MUST be submitted with the annual return:
1. List of incoming Executive Officers and incoming Directors and their contact information
including: phone numbers, addresses, postal codes and email addresses
2. Audited Annual Financial Statements
3. Report from Auditors or Financial Reviewers (must be completed prior to the annual meeting)
- Reviews that are completed by professional accounting persons (copies are acceptable)
- Audit Certificate if the financial review is completed by non-professional accounting persons (audit certificate forms are available on the OMAFRA website ( or by calling 1-877-424-1300)
- NOTE: Compilations, also known as Notice to Readers will no longer be acceptable as formats for reviews. If your financial statements are in this format, please also supply the Audit Certificate as described above.
Deadline to submit completed annual return and grant application, along with other required documentationis February 1st, 2017. If the date is not met you will not be eligible for grant funding.
Any officer, director or auditor of an organization who makes a false statement in any report or information required under the Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $2,000. R.S.O. 1990, c. A.9, s. 16