Clerk: Jim Graves 3 Lawn Close Horsford Tel: 898621
Wednesday June 14th. at 7.30 p.m.
In the Hainford Village Hall
a) Declaration of Acceptance of Office The Chairman will sign the declaration
b) Public Participation The Council allocates time for members of the public to speak to the Council on any matters of concern.
c) Police Report
d) NCC Report
e) Broadland DC Report
f) Full Council Meeting
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Declarations of Interest under Code of Conduct 2012
3. Minutes
4. Reports by the Clerk on Parking Signs, Moss treatment, Play area safety surface.
5. Planning None at date of publication. Land adjacent to 32 Waterloo Road. This application is going to appeal. The Council will decide if any additional observations need to be made.
6. Chequers Field To discuss any further information from Enterprise Inns and to decide on any action required..
7. Millenium Car Park To review the cost of repairs to the surface and to determine action required.
8. Speed Signs on Newton Road Kevin Saggers has been asked by a resident to consider speed information signs on Newton Road
9. Pre-School To consider a request from a parent for adequate road marking and signage near the village hall.
10. Correspondence
11. Finance To receive a statement from the Clerk and to sign any cheques for accounts due for payment.
12. Questions from the public
13. Next meeting Wednesday July 12th. 7.30 p.m. in the village hall.