Name: Date: Period:
The Electoral College and Presidential Elections
Directions: Follow the link below, and use the various link on the website to answer the following questions.
Section 1 - Election Law:
1. The rules for the Electoral Colleges Presidential vote is outline in Title _____, Chapter _____ of the United States Code.
2. What section outlines when electors must cast their votes for the Presidency? _____
3. What does it say (in your own words)?
4. What section outlines the number of electors for each state? _____
5. What does it say (in your own words)?
6. Which section(s) outlines the procedure for a vacancy in the electoral college? _____
7. What does it say (in your own words)?
Section 2 - Election Results 2008:
8. Who were the main Presidential candidates in the 2008 Presidential Election? And what political party did each represent?
9. What were the results of the popular vote in the 2008 election? And what percentage of the vote did each candidate receive?
10. How many registered voters participated in this election? What percentage of eligible voters was this?
11. What were the results of the Electoral College in the 2008 election?
12. Did any states split their electoral votes in this election? If so, which one(s), and what were the results?
13. Who won the state of Ohio in the 2008 election? How many electoral votes did he get for the victory in Ohio?
14. Who won each of the following states in 2008 and how many votes did he receive for each? California / Texas / Florida / New York / Pennsylvania.
15. How many states total did Obama win? How many states total did McCain win?
Section 3 - Election Results 2000:
16. Who were the main Presidential candidates in the 2000 Presidential Election? And what political party did each represent?
17. What were the results of the popular vote in the 2000 election? And what percentage of the vote did each candidate receive?
18. How many registered voters participated in this election? What percentage of eligible voters was this?
19. What were the results of the Electoral College in the 2000 election?
20. Who won the state of Ohio in the 2000 election? How many electoral votes did he get for the victory in Ohio?
21. Did any states split their electoral votes in this election? If so, which one(s), and what were the results?
22. Who won each of the following states in 2000 and how many votes did he receive? California / Texas / Florida / New York / Pennsylvania.
23. How many states total did Bush win? How many states total did Gore win?
24. How many “other candidates” received votes in this election? Who got the most votes? What party did they represent?
Section 4 - Election Results ________:
25. Now choose any Presidential election you want (other than 2000 and 2008) to and answer the following for each. Write the year of the election you choose above next to “Election Results”.
26. Who were the main Presidential candidates in the Presidential Election? And what political party did each represent?
27. What were the results of the popular vote? And what percentage of the vote did each candidate receive?
28. What were the results of the Electoral College?
29. Who won the state of Ohio? How many electoral votes did he get for the victory in Ohio?
30. How many registered voters participated in this election? What percentage of eligible voters was this?
31. Did any states split their electoral votes in this election? If so, which one(s), and what were the results?
32. Who won each of the following states and how many votes did he receive? California / Texas / Florida / New York / Pennsylvania
33. How many states total did each candidate win?
Section 5 - Extra Credit - Article Review:
34. Choose any article posted on the website with a title that you might find interesting and read it. In paragraph form (and in your own words) summarize the main ideas of the article.