Entry No.:
Red Oak Farms
Horse Show Rules
- Negative Coggins Required for ALL equines on grounds EVEN IF NOT entered in any classes.
- All riders under 18 are required to wear an approved SEI/ASTM protective helmet with safety harness appropriately fastened at all times while on a horse. All riders participating in any type of jumping either in the show ring, warm up area or schooling in the ring MUST wear an approved SEI/ASTM protective helmet with safety harness appropriately fastened.
- Appropriate show attired appreciated but not required. Neat and safe attire including pants and boots is required for all classes. Polo shirts are acceptable for riding classes. The neatness of your appearance reflects on both you and your horse.
- Red Oak Farms will not be responsible for any accident resulting in injury or loss occurring to animal, person, or property. All exhibitors must sign a liability waiver prior to entering the ring or warm up area.
- Exhibitors must leave a signed check or cash for their entries in order to pick up entry numbers. A fee of $25 will be charged for all return checks.
- Supervised schooling will be available from 6am-8:45 am prior to the start of the show. Anyone schooling MUST have on a back number! This indicates to the office that you have paid your grounds fee and have signed a release. Please note you do not have to be signed up for any classes in order to school. Having a back number serves as your receipt that you have paid your grounds fee and signed your release!
- Lunging is ONLY permitted in designated areas.
- Six Ribbons will be awarded in each class.
- Classes may be combined if entries are three or less.
- Classes may be split if twenty or more.
- Dogs must be kept on a leash and under control at all times while on the show grounds. A fee of $50 will be paid to Red Oak Farms in order to claim loose dogs that are reported and or brought to the office. Owners will be charged a $100 fine for any dogs that enter the show ring while a class is in progress!
- A two minute gate call WILL be enforced. We will show respect for those who are prepared by not holding the gate longer without a previous request for a gate hold.
- Any act of discourtesy towards a judge or any other show official on the part of the owner, trainer, or rider will result in the immediately disqualification of any entry associated and all entry fees will be forfeited.
- Parking in designated areas will be strictly enforced.
- Horse show is open to the non-horsey public; please, be respectful and gracious ambassadors for good horsemanship!
- Please keep our show grounds clean. Please dispose of all trash in garbage cans located throughout the grounds.
Red Oak Farms
Registration Form
Horse Name:Rider Name:
Classes Entering – see class list for descriptions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4546 47
Please read carefully: “WARNING
Under Florida law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to, or death of, a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.” Chapter 773, Florida Statute. I/WE AGREE TO ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISK from the premises of the Red Oak Farms Show Grounds use and/or riding of a horse/pony owned by or loaned to me by others and further agree to hold harmless the owners, managers, teachers, counselors, trainers and any volunteer or employee of Red Oak Farm Horse Show free from all damages or liability for any injury to person or property as result of the use of the premises or any equipment. BE WARNED THAT RIDING or HANDLING OF HORSES/PONIES IN ANY EQUINE SPORT IS INHERENTLY DANGEROUS RISK TO RIDER, HANDLER AND/OR PROPERTY. Senate Bill: 1658- Section 91.1a. I further agree to abide by all rules set forth by Red Oak Farms and any regulations in effect. Failure to comply will result in the forfeiture of all entries and expulsion from the grounds. Managers decision is final. No refunds or credit. Exhibitors/guardians are responsible for their errors and those of their agents in the preparation of entry forms. All junior riders must wear regulation helmets and chinstraps must be securely fastened at all times while mounted. NO EXCEPTIONS!
*By signing below you understand the above waiver, agree to follow all posted show rules and pay assessed fees below.Copies of rules and patterns are posted and available at the show office.
*Rider Signature ______
*Parent of Guardian Signature(if rider under 18):
Address ______City ______Zip ___ Phone ______Email ______
Would you like to be on our email list? Yes NoMake checks payable to: Red Oaks Farms LLC
ROF Personnel Only
Grounds Fee $15.00:BCHA/ROF/4H(-$5)Coggins Date:
Entries $8.00 x ____=Entry Rcvd by:
Fun Class: $5.00x_____=
Costume Class : FREE
Six class pkg and Grnd fee: ($55):