Horningtoft Parish Council

Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting

held on Tuesday 11th May 2010St Edmund’s Church

7.30 p.m.

Councillors Present:Andrew HillChairman

Peter Greenwood

Pauline Chapman

Graham Drew

ClerkChris Robertson

1 member of the public present

ApologiesClare Wheeler

Election of Chairman

Andrew Hill – proposed by Peter Greenwood seconded by Pauline Chapman. Duly elected. Chairman signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

14/10MINUTES of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Proposed by Peter Greenwood and seconded by Graham Drew


Dudgeon Wind Farm Pipeline – proposed sub station site at Lt. Dunham is being contested by local residents. The width of the proposed trench may be altered.

Highways – Graham Drew mentioned that the drain opposite Dr and Mrs Hibberd’s gate is blocked with mud. Clerk will advise Jason Glasspoole.


Audit Return - Receipts and Payments Reconciliation, Audit Returnand Assets Register signed off by Chairman and Clerk. Proposed byPeter Greenwood, seconded by Pauline Chapman. It was decided that the Village sign is a depreciating asset and should be reduced from £2,000 to £1,000. At the same time, as land values have increased over the last few years, the value of the Claypits has been increased from £1,000 to £2,000. The Assets now amount to £3,730. Balances as at 31st March were: Receipts and balance brought forward –£4.974.95 – Payments £1,700.16. Balance carried forward £3,654.16. Clerk will pass all papers to Heather Gooch who will carry out the Internal Audit and the Accounts will then be advertised for inspection by the public on the noticeboards.

Cheques signed by Chairman and Peter Greenwood –Horningtoft P.C.C. £50.00 (heating and lighting), NCAPTC Annual subscription £77.09, Clerk’s salary £271.18, Clerk’s expenses £33.20, Broker UK Ltd (Came & Company Insurance Premium) £315.62. Proposed by Graham Drew and seconded by Peter Greenwood


Town & Country Conservatories – Permission granted for erection of new offices, subject to conditions.

North Pole Farm – no further correspondence from Bristol Inspectorate regarding the Appeal against eviction notice.

Elmroyd – hedge has now been removed.


Bottle Banks – letter received from Tom Sparkes, Environmental Awareness Officer, Breckland Council, asking for possible sites which could provide a reward payment of £300. Councillors discussed but agreed that as no site could be found for the newspaper bank, which provided extra money for the Church funds, then it was not likely that a site could be found for bottle bank. Clerk will respond accordingly.

Custody Visiting Scheme – Norfolk Police requested that a poster be placed on noticeboards regarding this scheme. Clerk will do this.



Disability Access – Norfolk C.C. sent questionnaire, which Clerk will complete.

Upper Wensum Diary it was noted a new Editor has been appointed, Mrs Delia Mulford 17 Conference Way, Colkirk, Fakenham, NR21 7JJ. Same email address, .

Councillors offered a vote of thanks for outgoing Editor’s Buss Jackson contribution during her tenure, which Clerk will pass on.


Risk Assessment – the annual Risk Assessment of the village has been arranged for 7 p.m. on Monday 14thJune. Councillors to meet at the Church.

BT Box – the contract received was discussed. It was decided that because of the restrictions imposed , the Council was no longer interested in purchasing the box. Clerk will advise appropriate authority.

Minutes – Distribution – Clerk suggested that in addition to the précis of the Minutesand details of Website in the Parish Magazine, contact details for Councillors and Clerk, and dates of further meetings during the year be included. Council agreed. Clerk will implement.


Claypits – Mrs Chapman has inspected the Claypits during the Easter walk. The bridge is sound and the area in order.

There being no further business, the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.50 p.m. The next meeting will be Tuesday 13th July at 7.30 p.m. in the Church