Susan Lewis Simons, M.S., B.C.E.T.S., D.A.A.E.T.S.


Online Supplements with 20% discount

1. On the left, go under the Brands window to Patient Sign Up

2. Enter the Practitioner Code: UTS14

3. Fill out your info

4. If window opens that asks you to select physician go to dropdown menu and select Under The Shield. This will open the products page with UTS logo and Susan Lewis Simons at the top.

4. Continue to the check out process

5. The 20% discount will be reflected at check out

Recommended Supplements

o UltraNutrient Multi Vitamin (Page 4 & 5 Patient Products)

o Kavinace Ultra PM for Sleep (Page 2)

o Travacor-for resiliency (Page 2) or

o Kavinace-for resiliency (Page 1)

Recommended Reading List

Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun (Free online PDF)

Love and Respect by Dr Emerson Eggerich

Boundaries by Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

Five Love Languages for Children by Gary Chapman

His Needs Her Needs by Willard F. Harley Jr.