Directions for Application for Continued Membership in the BaylorCollege of MedicineAcademy of Distinguished Educators

The mission of the Academy of Distinguished Educators is to:

  • recognize educational achievements and teaching contributions of individual faculty to their departments and to Baylor College of Medicine.
  • promote professional development, innovation, and excellence in education.
  • promote a free exchange of ideas regarding educational theory and methods.

To remain in the Academy, applicants must show the Membership Committee that they are:

  1. actively involved in the educational mission of the College and/or
  2. involved in the activities of the Academy or
  3. involved in activities sponsored bythe Academy.

It is assumed that the quality of educational activities are at the same level as when the applicant entered the Academy.

Please complete:

  1. the attached Application Form and
  2. highlight a copy of your CV as directed by the Application form

Send the application form and the highlighted CV hard copy form to the Office of the Director of the Academy, Geeta Singhal, MD, MEd, Room N112Alkek Building or via email to . All applications are due by June 1st . Applicants will be notified via email by July 15th of the decision of the Membership Committee concerning continued membership in the Academy.

Application for Continued Membership in the BaylorCollege of MedicineAcademy of Distinguished Educators



Email Address:


I. To Indicate Your Active Involvement in the Educational Mission of the College

Please highlight your CV to indicate educational activities that you have been involved in and that were not included in a previous F&J application. Examples might include:

  1. Lecturing (examples: medical student, graduate students, grand rounds, CME, invited lectures at other schools, presenting a faculty development activity, lecturing to the community on a medical matter)
  2. One-on-one orsmall group teaching: (examples: teaching in an ambulatory setting, teaching rounds, teaching in the O.R., IPS, PPS, workshops)
  3. Mentoring (examples: graduate students, post docs, residents, medical students, other faculty members)
  4. Educational Committees (examples: GME Committee, Curriculum Committee, Admissions Committee, Departmental education committees)
  5. Organization or leading of educational activities: (examples: clerkship director, residency director, developed or lead a course, developing a faculty development activity) lead Journal Club, organized CME activity, leadership position on a regional or national education committee)
  6. Enduring materials created: (examples: websites, web based computer simulation, IPS cases, books, book chapters; review articles; questions for USMLE)
  7. Education research activities (examples, educational grants received, educational research projects involved in, reviewer for an educational journal)
  8. Teaching Awards

II. Please list here any additional educational activities in which you have been involved but that are not listed on your CV.

III. To Indicate Your Involvement in the Activities of the Academy or the Activities Sponsored by the Academy

Please indicate:

Activity / What years and/or how many?
Membership on the Academy Steering Committee
F&J Review Panel Member
Peer Reviewer for the Educator Peer Coaching and Review Program
Presenter at an Academy Think Tank Session
Attendance at Academy Think Tank Sessions
Attendance at Education Day Activities
Participation in the Educational Showcase
Participated as a Reviewer of the Educational Showcase
Received an Academy Grant
Participated as a Reviewer of Academy Grants
Serve on the Faculty Professionalism Initiative
Attended Academies Collaborative Sessions at the AAMC
Attended AnnualAcademyBusiness Meeting/Luncheon

Please indicate any other Academy activities you have been involved in but that are not listed above:

Please indicate any other activities sponsored by the Academy that you have been involved with but that are not listed above:

Please indicate any other way(s) not listed above that you have been of service to the Academy: