Chairman …………………………


The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings

High Street, Horam

TN21 0EH

Tel: 07900 576236

Horam Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting

held on Wednesday 13th January 2016 at 7.30pm in The Horam Centre

Janet Fairweather

Janet Fairweather - Clerk

In Attendance: Cllr Michael Cousins (Acting Chair), Cllr Graham Knight, Cllr Sue Lane, Cllr Andrew Lee, Cllr Len Parkyn, Cllr Virginia Roberts, Cllr Susan Stedman, Cllr Jonathan Webb.

Also in Attendance: County Cllr Chris Dowling

Recording, including filming, audio recording, photography and using social media sites is permitted at Council meetings which are open to the public. However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting.

PUBLIC SESSION – 7.30pm. No Attendees


346/01/16. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Cllr Michael Bustard, Cllr Mani Gilbert-King, Cllr Paul Noakes and accepted by those present.

347/01/16. DECLARATION OF INTEREST – Cllr Andrew Lee in connection with Horam Village Hall Committee and the Horam Allotment Society. Cllr Len Parkyn in connection with his position as governor of Maynards Green School.

348/01/16. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON 9th December 2015 (previously circulated) were confirmed and signed as a true record.


·  Wealden District Council Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule (CIL) (previously circulated): noted

·  East Sussex Libraries’ Transformation Programme and proposed consultation on opening hours (previously circulated): see item 351/01/16 below

·  Police Community Support Officers – Local Policing Programme (previously circulated): it was noted that it seems that there will be a change in working practices and numbers, the consultation runs until February with any changes due to come into effect in the summer of 2016.


·  Planning: report from Cllr M Cousins

To agree co-option of Cllr A Lee to Planning committee: unanimously agreed by members.

Please note that Minutes of all meetings are published independently.

·  Finance: see item 353/01/16 below

Please note that Minutes of all meetings are published independently.

·  Enhancing Horam: Refer Chapel parking facilities to next Agenda, as interest shown in original offer from Magpies Dentist. Cllr Susan Stedman to Chair January meeting.

Please note that Minutes of all meetings are published independently.

351/01/16. COUNTY COUNCILLOR C DOWLING reported:

·  ESCC Library consultation will run until 3rd April 2016, proposal is to reduce opening hours, not to close libraries but to redefine services to compete with digital age. Members, residents encouraged to respond accordingly to consultation. ESCC will consider using library volunteers as part of the package to reduce running costs by around £500,000.

·  Council Budget: due to be signed off next month, likely to be a Council tax increase of just around 1.99% and a Social Care precept increase of a similar amount. Any reduction in funding was generally as a result of Central Government policy. Members were assured that ESCC were in regular contact with Government over their proposals.

·  Maynards Green footpath. Members spoke to Cllr Dowling of the ongoing issue concerning the condition of the footpath. Maynards Green School had also been in contact with ESCC. The Clerk had forwarded recent photographs showing the poor condition of the path. Cllr Dowling agreed to forward these to Rupert Clubb, Director of Transport & Environment, ESCC, for possible assistance, Members would continue the discussion later in the meeting (item 358/01/16 below).


·  WDC are exploring further shared services.

·  WDC proposed increase in Council tax is around 1.94%

353/01/16. TO AGREE BUDGET PROPOSALS and GRANT PAYMENTS FOR 2016/17 PRECEPT: Members of the Finance committee put forward budget and grant proposals for the coming year. The final version had been amended from the draft proposal agreed at the Finance Meeting on January 4th, to take into account a reduction in NI and PAYE figures (from a mathematical error), and to include a figure for possible pension payments. After full discussion members resolved to accept both schedules (as per attached) in respect of 2016/17. This will result in an increase in the budget of just under 2%. It was re-iterated that all grant applications are dealt with on their own merit, and have to meet the criteria as agreed by HPC.

354/01/16. TO AGREE NALC PROPOSAL FOR APPPOINTMENT OF EXTERNAL AUDITORS FROM APRIL 2017. Members resolved to unanimously agree the NALC proposal to appoint the External Auditors from April 2017.

355/01/16. TO AGREE CHILD PROTECTION POLICY STATEMENT (previously circulated). Members resolved to agree the Policy Statement in respect of the Sports Relief Mile on March 20th 2016.

356/01/16. HOUSING AND PLANNING BILL – (Hastoe correspondence) – members resolved unanimously to defer comment until such times as Government policies are complete.

357/01/16. TO CONSIDER HPC VILLAGE/ACTION PLAN WORKING GROUP. After full discussion members resolved that further consideration should be given to an action/business plan. Members further resolved that this would not constitute a Neighbourhood Plan. Members of Enhancing Horam will be asked if they will include such a plan within their remit. The results of the survey carried out at their inception could form a starting point.


·  SLR meeting – January 8th 2016: minutes should be out soon.

·  To consider ESCC quote of £1030 for clearing pprox.. 500 metres of footpath between Stream Cottage and Maynards Green School: after extensive discussion members resolved that the quote from ESCC would not be accepted. It was considered that this could set a precedent. Further action could involve contacting the press.

21.04pm Cllr Dowling left the meeting.


·  Horam Centre Cllr M Cousins

·  Emergency Officer Cllr L Parkyn considered that the Emergency Services response to the recent accident in Maynards Green was very good. It had not been necessary to use the Chapel as a place of safety in this instance.

·  LAT (formally JAG) Cllr G Knight

·  Communications Officer Cllr S Stedman

·  Views of the Elderly Cllr V Roberts

·  Views of the Youth Cllr A Lee

·  Risk Assessment Cllr G Knight – assessment is in progress

·  WDALC Cllr G Knight - Cllrs Gilbert-King and Noakes are at the January meeting.

·  Village Hall Cllr L Parkyn reported that there is a meeting in two weeks time.

·  Allotments Cllr A Lee reminded members that a fund raising jumble sale is due to be held on 16th January.

·  Speedwatch Cllr P Noakes

Report from Cllr Parkyn as School Governor Maynards Green School

360/01/16. CLERK'S REPORT:

·  Further research is being undertaken as to the history of the pond, through the village diary and the website. Registration with the Land Registry of the Recreation Ground is progressing well.

·  The appointment of a Vice Chairman and the re-introduction of a staffing committee to be referred to the February Agenda.

·  Two further cheques added to original list.

361/01/16. FINANCE:

1.  Payments as shown below were authorised and cheques signed as listed.

Payee £ cheque number

J Fairweather salary 201083

P Carter salary 201084

The Horam Club Rooms 160.00 201085

J Fairweather office supplies 26.40 201086

MJ Cousins – replacement mobile phone 30.00 201087

Little Arts Festival –donation 400.00 201088

WDC Election Expenses 622.15 201089

AR & PA Marsh (EH printing) 35.00 100010

2.  Bank Reconciliation for previous month available for inspection.

362/01/16. INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas).

·  Concerns over the condition of the High Street bus shelters would be dealt with in due course as a result of the Merrydown development.

·  Members were told that the footpath at the junction of Horebeech Lane and the A267 could be very icy. Usually grit is spread by a resident, for which HPC are very grateful.

·  Condolences were given to Cllr Bustard and his family for the unexpected and sad loss of his wife shortly before Christmas.


Full Council – 10th February 2016 at 7.30pm

Planning Committee – 25th January 2016 at 7.30pm

Enhancing Horam – 27th January 2016 at 7.30pm

There being no further business Cllr Cousins thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 9.25pm