“Mary Star of the Sea High School aims to educate the whole student.” Beginning Dance will contribute to: nourishing the soul through prayerand reflection(Catholicism), cultivating personal integrity (Character), challenging the mind and bodythrough the study of dance and the integration of health(Curriculum)and aims to foster social responsibility (Community). Expected Schoolwide Learning Results
Dance: This course is designed for the student who has no previous understanding of dance. Students will learn to express themselves through dance movement, personal choreography, dance critiques, croquissketching and fashion illustration. Students will also be given a basic introduction to dance history, costume design and performance production. The student will be able to appreciate various styles of dance to include – ballet, lyrical, ballroom, country line, shuffles and hip hop. Course Objective
Upon completion of this course, students will have met the California, Physical Education, High School Course 3D-Dance standards as well as the California Department of Education State Standards for Visual and Performing Arts.
Health: This class will dedicate a portion of time to the Health component of the course. Topics will cover areas of health in the present as well as in the past, making healthy choices, taking care of yourself, developing a healthy personality, communication and relationships.
Course Objective
This course will cover the California State Content Standards for Health Education.
Work and performance will be based on a total point system. Points will be assigned for all the following components:
1. Proper Uniform: Five (5) points a day for complete dress – Mary Star PE shorts, Mary Star PE t-shirt, and tennis/dance shoes. Please note: If a student should exceed 5 non-dress days in a semester, her grade will decrease by one grade. Excused absences are
not considered non-dress days.
2. Participation: Daily participation will be awarded 10 points. To earn 10 points, a
student must at all times try to the best of their ability to complete the exercise
and/or dance as instructed by the teacher, dress in PE Uniform and be open to all styles of dance. Only a note from a doctor will excuse astudent from participating in class.
3. Dance Evaluation: Each student will be evaluated after the completion of each dance
learned. Special attention will be given to technique and style, knowledge of the routine and performance quality. Students will be expected to choreograph a portion of the dance learned. Points may vary from dance to dance.
4. Color Design: Students will be given the opportunity to experience an eye for color and design. Students will study costume design and show creative style with color ready costume designs.
5. Croquis Sketching/Costume Design: Students will learn to sketch proportional Nine Head Croquis and be able to illustrate costume designs on figures.
6. Final Routines: Finals for both semesters will include a Croquis/Costume Design and 1 ½ minute choreographed routine. More information will be given as to the detailed requirements for this routine.
6. Dance Production: The Fine Arts Department hosts an evening of talent at the end of the second semester. Students from the dance class will be required to either participate or attend this evening of fun and talent. This will mandate some afterschool rehearsals for those students who choose to perform. For those girls not participating in the performance, there will be a $5.00 charge at the door. Money raised is used for the development of the Visual Performing Arts Department. The date is April 26, 2017.
7. Written Projects: There will be two (2) projects due this year. Health/Drug Awareness and Music & Movement. More information will be given at a later date with details of each project and the date they will be due. Students will be given ample time to complete these projects and the library will be scheduled to allow for one on one assistance from the teacher.
Extra credit assignments will be given as an opportunity for students to increase their final grade. Extra Credit will be given throughout the year and will be academic in nature. Extra Credit points will be calculated into your Final Exam grade only. You willbe able to calculate your grade by dividing the total amount of points earned by the total amount possible. Grade will be based on the following: Participation/Performance 50%, Evaluations 25%, Homework 10%, Final Performance 15%. Grading scale can be found in the Mary Star of the Sea Handbook.
Homework Policy
Homework isexpected to be turned in ON TIME! Late work is considered any work not turned in when the teacher collects it. Any work turned in late will receive a deduction in credit at the discretion of the teachers. If you have an excused absence, it will be your responsibility to get missed work turned in for full credit.
Written Assignment Policy
All written or typed assignments must be addressed in this manner:
(Name, Date, Period – Upper right hand corner of paper)
Mrs. A. Andrie
Aug. 11, 2016
Work must be in blue or black ink, neat and legible, on white college ruled paper. If typed, work must be double spaced, 12 point and any business style font.Color and Costume Design homework must be labeled on the reverse side of your illustration.
General Behavior
“It is expected that all MSHS students conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the accepted norms of Christian values on campus. Respect and love of others should be a pervasive theme guiding all student interaction. Students should address faculty, staff, and other students politely, courteously and respectfully and in an atmosphere of cooperation essential to an educational community. “ (Parent/Student Handbook)
RESPECT for others and their property will be an expected behavior. Along the same lines, students will be asked to raise their hand to speak, move about the gym or talk to a fellow student. Failure to do so will result in an afterschool detention.
Beginning of Class
Students will be expected to be in their line up when the bell rings. Any student not in line will be TARDY! Students arriving late to class will only be admitted with a tardy slip. It is imperative that students arrive prepared for class.
All students will receive a PE Locker. Students must purchase their lock from the school and must lock all PE equipment in their locker at all times. These lockers are to be used for the entire year. Student may not share lockers. DO NOT bring valuables with you to store in your PE Locker. These lockers must be kept clean at all times. Students will be expected to take home their PE uniform every Friday to wash. Lockers must be cleaned out at the end of each semester.
Students may shower after class upon request. There will be an allotted time of 10 minutes for any girl wishing to shower after class. Students must supply their own toiletries and towel.
Locker Room
All students are expected to respect the school property and take pride in its cleanliness. Please clean up after yourselves and maintain proper use of all bathroom facilities. Locker room will be inspected after each class and any items left out will be put in a lost and found bin. This bin will be emptied and the end of each week. Students are expected to show proper Christian attitude towards their classmates and at all times show respect for others as well as their property.
Any violation of the above and/or behavior that may cause interruption to the learning process will be considered a breach of the classroom rules and will result in a detention.