Media Release
Hope Festival for Truro
A FESTIVAL of Hope is being held on September 19 in Truro to celebrate the huge number of people who successfully recover from substance misuse in Cornwall every year.
The festival at Boscawen Park has been organised by volunteers and staff at Addaction, a drug and alcohol treatment charity that supports people across the county into recovery.
There will be four bands playing, delicious food available and entertainment for the whole family from learning circus skills to hair braiding.
The event will be opened by Truro’s mayor, Cllr Lorrie Eathorne-Gibbons.
“The festival aims to celebrate how people come through adversity and treatment and flourish. We want to increase awareness and show there is hope for anyone who struggles with substance misuse, that there is hope in recovery,” says Tracy Smith, Addaction’s Community Engagement Co-ordinator and Volunteer Lead for Cornwall.
“This is an event for the whole family to enjoy and entry is completely free.”
The four bands playing are Weazledust, The Tags, Roseland and Mudsticks. There will be short testimonials of hope by volunteers and staff who have come through the service. There will also be a bouncy castle, a merry go round, face painting, hair braiding, circus skills, an arts and craft corner plus numerous stalls including a hog roast and home-made cakes.
One of the volunteers, Mat Wilkin, is having a sponsored head shave on the day. The person who sponsors the most money will have the honour of cutting off his pony tail. Please see our Facebook page to find out how to sponsor
The event is substance free and no alcohol will be on sale or will be allowed to be brought in to the festival. The celebration will run from 12–5pm.
People are being asked to use the park and ride or park in the car parks around the city and walk down to the Boscawen Park.