At the Regular Meeting of the Town Council, Town of Eaton, held on April 12 2016 at the Town of Eaton Office Building, 35 Cedar Street, Morrisville New York, there were present:

Cliff Moses, Supervisor

Bill Donnelly, Councilman

Paul Orth, Councilman

Joe Wicks, Councilman

Larry Phillips, Highway Superintendent

Brenda Herrick, Deputy Town Clerk

Also Present: Charlie Bostic, and Paul and Dorothy Kazunas, Residents of the Town.

The meeting opened at 6:00 with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The minutes of the MarchMeeting were reviewed. Councilman Orth moved to accept the minutes as submitted, second by Councilman Wicks, all ayes. Motion carried.


Taxes collected to date: $ 2,292,743.22

At 6:15 Supervisor Moses recessed the Regular Meeting and opened the PUBLIC HEARING titled:

LOCAL LAW 1-2016 Authorizing Purchasing based on best value. With all persons being heard for or against the public hearing was closed at 6:26. (proof of publication shown)

Councilman Wicks moved to enact this local law. Second by Councilman Donnelly. Roll call as follows: Councilman Wicks aye, Councilman Donnelly aye, Councilman Orth aye, Supervisor Moses aye. Motion carried.


Superintendent Phillips informed Council that the 2012 western star truck is going in to be painted.

Superintendent Phillips requested Council to establish a wage rate of $ 18.00 for newly hired highway employees.

After review of the 2016 Village of Morrisville Snow and Ice Agreement, Councilman Donnelly moved to accept the agreement. Second by Councilman Orth. All ayes. Motion carried.


  1. Supervisor Moses informed Council that the Senate and Assembly overwhelmingly passed a bill to include Madison County in revenue sharing from the Yellow Brick Casino.
  2. Moses reminded everyone that a free shredding and pill drop off will be held at the Madison County Landfill on Saturday 4/30. Information is on the bulletin board.
  3. Moses handed out a draft of an updated policy on non-discrimination and harassment in the work place. Council to review for adoption at next month’s meeting.


After review of the Lease agreement with the Board of Elections, Supervisor Moses requested a motion from Council to approve and sign the agreement. Motion by Councilman Orth. Second by Councilman Wicks. All ayes. Motion carried.


General Vouchers numbered A’s 28-41 $7,128.04; B’s 7-8 $ 55.92; Sl’s 4 $654.68

Highway Vouchers numbered DA’s 33-45 $12,393.80

Councilman Orth moved to accept and pay the bills, second by Councilman Wicks, all ayes. Motion carried.

With no further business to bring before the Board, Councilman Donnelly moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Councilman Wicks, all ayes. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at6:42.