HoodRiverHigh School
Teacher: Mr. Blackman
Prep. Period: 2,7
Prep. Period location: A5
Course Overview
What is a FabLab?
Fablabs provide widespread access to modern means for invention. They began as an outreach project from MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA). Fab labs have spread from inner-city Boston to rural India, from South Africa to the North of Norway and now to HRVHS.
Activities in fab lab will range from technological empowerment including peer-to-peer project-based technical training, local problem-solving, small-scale high-tech business incubation and grass-roots research. Projects being developed and produced in fab labwill be student driven. Examples of projects include Jewelry,lamps, signs, stickers, cell phone cases, robots, puzzles, pictures and other technological devices.
Fab lab students will have access to the following tools:
- A computer-controlled lasercutter, for press-fit assembly of 3D structures from 2D parts
- A CNC milling machine
- A Vinyl cutter, to produce signs and stickers.
- A precision 3-d printer.
- Programming tools for low-cost high-speed embedded processors
- Solid Works 3d software
- Rhino 3-d software
- Fusion 360 software
- AI graphic software
Semester 1
- Rhino CAD software
- Vinyl printer
- Laser Cutter
- 3D printer
Semester 2
- Fusion 360
- 3D printer
- Intelitek Bench Mill 6000
An accumulation of projects, reports and cleanup will determine your grade in the class. Grades are based on total points. Typical percent breakdown is- Project 40%, Report 50%, Clean up 10%
Classroom rules:
All HoodRiverHigh School rules will be upheld in the classroom. This includes but is not limited to:
- No food or drink allowed in class.
- Tardy policy will be strictly enforced.
- Students will respect school property.
- Students will respect the right of other students to learn in a non-threatening environment. This includes no talking when another person is talking.
- Students will not leave the classroom with out teacher permission. (Mandatory referral)
Classroom Note: This is a safe classroom, which means No harassment of any kind will be tolerated. If you feel that your rights are violated at any time please let me know so I can take appropriate action.
Student Name Printed ______
Parent signature ______
Student signature ______