Republika e Kosovës
Republika Kosova-Republic of Kosovo
Department of Science and Technology
Invitation for participation in the conference “Science Week” 2016

Honourable, science workers of Kosova and the region,

Department of Science and Technology in MEST, every year organizes the national annual conference of science “Science Week”, which is event of international science sizes, where Kosovar scientists and of the region will present their annual scientific achievements

Wishing that in 2016 at the conference be included scientists from all regions and from Diaspora and scientists from the region countries, preparations for conference have begun since October 2015. Therefore, through this notice we would like to inform you on time that in the week when the conference will be held (10, 11, 12 and 15 May 2016) to be prepared as much as possible.

Assessing your contribution in scientific, economic, cultural and social development of our country, please understand this notice as invitation for this year’s conference and, simultaneously, the same distribute at the scientific community of our country inside and outside Kosova.

The abstract submission is done through electronic mail, in the MEST webpage until January 10th, 2016. The abstract assessment and the request for selected authors in order to submit full works will be done till February 15, 2016, while final selection of works is done from scientific councils of MEST till the end of month March 2016.

The abstracts are accepted in these scientific priority fields according to the National Science Program:

  1. Natural resources, energy and environment,
  2. Agricultural production and food safety,
  3. Scientific researches in medicine,
  4. Social and economic studies,
  5. Linguistic, cultural and historical studies
  6. Technical sciences, innovations and technology transfer,

Explanation:Abstracts should contain mostly 150 words, with author’s name and surname, institution’s name where the author works. Abstracts should be sent printed in electronically via e-mail in the mentioned webpage, while for the complete works authors take individual notification if their abstracts will be assessed positively.

We notify you that MEST does not provide accommodation or transportation for those interested for participation in the conference unless if they are MEST special invitees.

We wish you health and successful scientific work

See you at the science conference “Science Week” 2016

Department of Science and Technology – MEST

Dr. Murteza Osdautaj