Reactions in a Baggie
Students will learn to make careful observations involving chemical reactions.
1. Calcium chloride
2. Baking soda
3. Indicator (phenol red or bromthymol blue work well)
4. Baggies, sandwich size (ziplock)
5. Plastic spoons
6. Plastic Cup
1. Put two scoops of Calcium chloride and one scoop of baking soda into a ziplock bag and mix.
2. Is there a reaction (Y-N)
3. Explain
4. In the plastic cup place 15 ml of water and a drop of indicator.
5. Place the cup containing the indicator inside the ziplock bag with the Calcium chloride and Baking soda. Be careful not to spill
6. Carefully squeeze all air out of the ziplock bag.
7. Zip the top of the ziplock bag.
8. Push the cup over and mix the water with the Calcium chloride Baking soda
Make observations.
1. Several evidences of a chemical reaction are very apparent
· color change,
· gas produced,
· heat produced.,
2. Make a list of all the observations you can gather.
· These include mass changes (if any), (NONE)
· color changes,
· temperature of materials,
· sounds, and any other change you may note.
3. What caused the heat