Honors American Literature – Composition:2014 - 15
Research Paper Process
What is a Research Paper? Writing a research paper involves (1) first familiarizing yourself with the works of "experts" to build upon what you know about a subject, and then (2) comparing their thoughts on the topic with your own. You'll end up using relevant information--facts and/or opinions--from these expert sources to support yourpaper. The final product will be a unique and appropriate integration of evidence you have located outside yourselfand personal insights generated from your own internal think tank--your mind!”
Research Papers are in the state mandated curriculum for all American Literature/Composition classes. Students proceeding through the process from step-to-step will find the process easier than the student who tries to cram all work into a few days. Writing this research paper is the beginning of the research paper process that will continue into the senior English course in high school and throughout college/ career where many researched papers will be required. It is suggested that students have a flash-drive during this process so that they may save their work and work at home on the paper.
Research Papers must be typed according to MLA format (information supplied to students during class and on-line at the Kell High School website: Media Center section). Students are required to submit ON THE DUE DATE both a typed version of the paperand to submit the Paper AND Works Cited to turnitin.com; teacher will provide students with information on submitting work to this anti-plagiarism site. Students need to plan so that their paper is printed in time to be submitted on time. PAPERS ARE NOT ABLE TO BE PRINTED IN THE CLASSROOM and e-mailing them to the teacher does not satisfy the “submit a print” copy requirement. It is strongly suggested that students print their paper at least 24 hours before due date. Broken printers, no ink, problems with disks, operator errors, etc. will not result in an extension of due date. Students may print in Media Center for a fee. Please plan ahead! Information on the MLA writing format may be found at:
- Kell High School’s Media Center web page:
- - step by step information on writing a Research Paper.
Research Papers as a SUMMATIVE GRADE are NOT accepted latePER SCHOOL POLICY.
Any Plagiarism will result in a ZERO grade for Paper and Works Cited page.
It is strongly recommended that students save work to their space on the school website AND to a flash drive. Student will be given several class periods to work on the Research Paper, but WILL NEED TO WORK ON THE PAPER OUTSIDE OF CLASS. This is a PROCESS; students must do all steps to be eligible to submit a final paper. Due dates will not be extended; please plan your time accordingly.
Paper Length: Paper must END on page 4 (Papers ending on page 3 = penalty of - 20% in all areas). Papers of only one or two pages are NOT accepted. Nothing written after page 4 will be read/ considered in grading the paper ( this means the paper will have NO Conclusion!). The Works Cited page is NOTcounted in page count for the paper. (Remember: paper grade is based on information in paper persuading reader to thesis, most students discover they need 4 pages to present strongest case for their position possible.)
Number of Block Quotes required in Paper: 1 (may not be more than 9 lines of research paper)
Number of Paraphraseddocumentations required: -- 2 minimum/3 maximum
Number of Quoted documentations required: Direct quotes with appropriate lead-ins - -3 minimum/ 4 maximum
Minimum number of sources used/ Listed on Works Cited page: 3 sources
Grading Rubrics: All rubrics for the Research Paper Process are given to students at beginning of the paper, and available on the class website. Students are encouraged to use these rubrics as guides as they write their Paper. Rubrics are printable from website. The blank rubrics must be submitted with the final Research Paper/Works Cited on Monday, Nov. 3, 2014. A research paper consists of the writer’s opinions, supported by research. A research paper is NOT merely quotes of others tied together – even if those “quotes of others” are grammatically tied together correctly. A Research Paper demonstrates YOUR ideas. Other’s ideas are in the paper to support your ideas.
Research Paper Topics (students select one from this list):
(1.)Should the US Federal Government Legislatively DecreasePrivate Citizen’s Access to Gunsor Continue Using Current Policies Permitting Private Citizen’s Access to Guns?
(2.)Should the US Postal System be Discontinued as a US Federal Governmental Serviceor Continued Under Current Policies as a Federal Governmental Service to All Citizens?
(3.)Should the Death Penalty Be Eliminated as a Legal Judicial Punishment Option in America or Continued Under
Current Policies as a Legal Judicial Punishment Option in America?
Students will be given an electronic packet of teacher-selected texts on the abovetopics, including information on both proand the con arguments of each topic. Information posted on class website ( ) and the teacher will have limited number of print copies of all information that students may check out over-night. Students are to useONLYinformation provided in the electronic packet for the documentation in theirResearch Paper.
Differences Between Persuasive Research Paper & State Persuasive Writing Exam Paper:
Persuasive Research Paper / State Writing Exam Paper“Counter Argument” may be in paper (minor area: 3-4 sentences
only) / “Counter Argument” Required
No “Call to Action” in Research Paper / “Call to Action” Required
To be written in form of Academic Paper ONLY / Could be different forms – letter, paper, speech
Formal Language Required: (Do not use: contractions, slang, text-
speak, abbreviations …) / Formal Language Required: (Do not use: contractions, slang, text-
speak, abbreviations …)
1 Sentence Thesis required in Intro Paragraph Concluding Paragraph / 1 Sentence Thesis required in Intro Paragraph & Concluding Paragraph
MUST have a title / May have a title
May NOT use “I” / May Use “I”
Must contain quotes, paraphrases and block quotes / No quotes, paraphrases or block quotes required
Must have a Works Cited page at end of paper / No Works Cited page
Student must submit different items at designated steps in writing
PROCESS / ONLY final paper is submitted (students may do rough drafts/jot lists/
etc. as time permits)
Transitional Phrases Required / Transitional Phrases Required
Must end on page 4 / No maximum page requirement; must complete during time limit
Must be written in MLA format / Not required to be written in MLA format
Hook may be used (question, short story, etc. to hook reader’s
attention and get them to read paper) / Hook Required (question, story, etc. to get reader’s attention)
Not Accepted Late (Summative Grades) / Due at end of time limit in whatever state paper is in
First page must have 4-line heading (on left side) AND title(centered) / Student name Not on paper itself – paper will be given an ID number
All pages after 1st page must have student name & page number on
right corner (NOT 4-line heading) / Student ID number given by state will identify all pages
PLAGIARISM: Academic honesty requires students submit only their own work. When using secondary sources or referring to primary work, sources must be accurately cited using MLA formatting rules. Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s specialized ideas or words without giving them credit. The accepted scholarly definition of plagiarism is: (1) Direct quotation of three (3) or more significant words in a row without appropriate punctuation and citation of source; (2) Paraphrase of expression or thought without proper citation; (3) Dependence upon a source for a plan, organization, specialized idea or argument without appropriate citation. When instance of any type of plagiarism is found, teacher will: (1) stop grading the work at that point, (2) assign a ZERO for thework, (3) assign conduct grade of “U” forgrading period, and (4) contact the student(s)’s administrator and follow additional steps as outlined in the Kell High School Student Handbook. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and will result in serious penalties. Students needing help to correctly document information may: see their teacher for help, review guidelines at or Perdue Owl site, attend LEAP Tutoring, or log on to the Kell High School Media Center’s website and use the Cobb CountyResearch Paper Handbook to view steps on how to MLA document when using other’s work.
The teacher will offer several help-sessions during the Research Paper process. Students with questions should plan to attend these sessions. If you have a question, ASK NOW, see teacher before or after school – don’t wait.
Grades Associated with Research Paper PROCESS:
(1.) Submitting preliminary steps in process as required (Formative Grades)
(2.) Peer –Editing (Formative Grade – Having complete 4 page paper = 25 pts possible/ Academically Actively
Participating in Peer-Editing Process = 25 pts possible)
(3.) “Best Copy” Research Paper - Formative Grade: 50 pts possible
(4.) Final Copy of Paper/Works Cited - Summative Grades: Reading Grade: 50 pts/ Writing Grade: 105 points
Monday, Sept.8 –Students given Research Paper information/ dates/ topics/ time line/ point values - all students will write on one of the 3 given topics AND must use only information from an electronic packet (provided byteacher) on theirtopic. Students will write a Persuasive Researched Paper.
Dates Class meets in Media Center - Students to read/ take notes/ write paper. THIS WILL NOT BE ENOUGH TIME
Tues, Sept 9 – Class meets in Media Center, sign-in – use time to read/ take notes/ decide on your topic
Wed. Sept 10 – Class meets in Media Center, sign-in – use time to read/ take notes
Thurs. Sept 25 – Class meets in Media Center, sign-in – use time to read/ take notes/ start writing paper
Friday Sept 26– Class meets in Media Center, sign-in – use time to read/ take notes/ write paper
Thurs. Oct 2 – Class meets in Media Center, sign-in – use time to read/ write paper
Friday Oct 3 - Class meets in Media Center, sign-in – WRITE paper/ type paper
Wed. Oct 8 - Class meets in Media Center, sign-in – TYPE PAPER AND WORKS CITED – DUE FRIDAY FOR PEER REVIEW
Friday, Oct. 10 -- BRING TYPED COPY OF PAPER/ WORKS CITED page / Peer-editing during class (Formative Grades –
having paper/ peer-editing)
Monday, Oct.13-“Best Copy” of Research Paper/ Works Cited page due: at the beginning of class. Teacher will gradeand
returned to students; focus is structure. Papers/Works Cited that teacher feels demonstrate total understanding of
Research Paper Process (can have a few minor errors due to poor proof-reading, typing) will have note that the
Research Paper Process is completed & they are not required to submit “final copy” of Research Paper; will receive
100% of the points possible, and Bonus pts, for Final Research Paper/Works Cited.
Friday, Oct. 24, - - - - “Best Copy” Research Paper/Works Cited page work returned to students
Friday, Oct. 31 - “BONUS DAY” – Research Paper/Works Cited page submitted at beginning of class today receive 8 Bonus
Points. Absent students, for excused absence ONLY, may have friend submit work before school or before class student
is in, orleave work in front office before school, or e-mail all work to teacher BY beginning of their periodAND then
submit print copy on day student returns.
Monday, Nov. 3- FINAL PAPER/ WORKS CITED DUE–Ifstudent is on campus at any time on this date, the paper must be
submitted to teacher or to the front office (have person you give the paper to write note stating time/date you gave it
to them & their signature). If a student is absent for an excused absence (as defined by school) on due date, the paper
is due immediately upon the student’s return to school. Students not in school for an unexcused absence (per school
policy) must submit paper on due date to receive FULL credit. No Research Paper accepted if ALL steps leading up to
the final work have not been submitted, graded and returned to student at least 24 hours prior to Paper Packet
being turned in. Papers may be submitted early. Any Plagiarism will result in a ZERO grade for ResearchProcess.
ESTIMATED Return of Graded Research Papers/Works Cited: December 1st