Calhoun County Schools: Marching and Symphonic/Concert Band
Scope and Sequence Overview
Course Description: Marching band is a performance-oriented class involving music development, marching, maneuvering, and outside performance. Symphonic/Concert Band, also performance-oriented, allows students the opportunity to perform in a formal concert setting as well as in adjudicated concert, solo, and ensemble festivals. The class provides for the continued development of musical knowledge, understanding, and technical proficiency. Marching and Symphonic/Concert band is a means of self-expression as well a source of aesthetic satisfaction for the child, school, and community.
First Nine Weeks - Marching Band
ObjectiveThe student will: / Correlation / Suggested Resources / Suggested Time
-Read whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and dotted notes with respective rests in 4/4, 2/4, and ¾ meters. / COS
#1 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Demonstrate ability to memorize long melodic passages. / COS
#2 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Demonstrate a working knowledge of advanced musical terms. / COS
#3,8 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Perform on at least one instrument accurately alone and in large and small ensembles. / COS
-Demonstrate basic knowledge of fundamental musical structure through performance of scales, arpeggios, and rudiments. / COS
#9 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Describe pitches aurally / COS
-Recognize and practice appropriate audience and performance behavior / COS
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Second Nine Weeks - Marching Band
ObjectiveThe student will: / Correlation / Suggested Resources / Suggested Time
--Read whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and dotted notes with respective rests in 4/4, 2/4, ¾, 2/2, 6/8, and 3/8 meters. / COS
#1 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Demonstrate ability to memorize long melodic passages. / COS
#2 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Demonstrate a continued working knowledge of advanced musical terms / COS
#3,8 / Foundations for Superior Performance
Perform with proficiency a large and varied repertoire of instrumental literature with a level of difficulty appropriate to high school band programs. / COS
#5 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Analyze and describe significant changes in a musical score through listening, performing, and reading. / COS
-Recognize and practice appropriate audience and performance behaviors. / COS
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Third Nine Weeks – Symphonic/Concert Band
ObjectiveThe student will: / Correlation / Suggested Resources / Suggested Time
-Demonstrate ability to play rudiments and scales with respective arpeggios. / COS
#9 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Perform with proficiency Solo and Ensemble literature on at least one wind or percussion instrument. / COS
#6 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Evaluate the quality of self and others’ performances using established criteria such as tone, intonation, technique, balance, and blend. / COS
#18 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Improvise simple melodic embellishments to a given melody / COS
-Compose instrumental rhythmic and melodic variations of given melodies / COS
-Compose harmonic accompaniment to a melody using I, IV, V, VI chords / COS
-Utilize technological advancements to enhance performance and composition / COS
Fourth Nine Weeks – Symphonic/Concert Band
Objective / Correlation / Suggested Resources / Suggested Time-Demonstrate ability to play rudiments and scales with respective arpeggios. / COS
#9 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Perform with proficiency Solo and Ensemble literature on at least one wind or percussion instrument. / COS
#6 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Evaluate the quality of self and others’ performances using established criteria such as tone, intonation, technique, balance, and blend. / COS
#18 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Perform in a large ensemble setting with good posture, playing position, and good breath support as well as stick control. / COS
#4 / Foundations for Superior Performance
-Evaluate the musical means used by a performed instrumental work to evoke feelings and emotions / COS
-Evaluate a given musical work and performance in terms of its aesthetic qualities / COS
-Recognize and practice appropriate audience and performance behaviors / COS
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-Connect the study of music to history, culture and the subject matters of various disciplines / COS