Honolulu CC Peer Evaluation Form (Online/Cable Classes)

Name of Instructor / Date
Class / Course CRN
Instructor Status: / Probationary / Lecturer / Temporary Appointee / Tenured
Evaluator /
Evaluator Title & Discipline /
Evaluator Online Experience? / Y or N


This form serves two purposes:

  1. It provides the instructor with feedback and suggestions and affords an opportunity for discussion of instructional planning and performance.
  2. It provides data for reviewing bodies in their assessment of the instructor for purposes of contract renewal, rehire, and tenure recommendations.

Instructions to Evaluator and Instructor

The guidelines below are suggested for evaluating instruction of online courses. The evaluator is welcome to use additional criteria as appropriate and the instructor is welcome to add additional comments.

  1. Arrange for access to the instructor’s online class, preferably after at least one third of the class has been completed.
  2. It is recommended that the evaluator have experience teaching online classes and that any faculty member teaching online classes for the first time have their class evaluated.
  3. In the fields marked “Evaluator’s Comments”, provide a brief written evaluation of the completeness, effectiveness, and/or appropriateness of the area being evaluated.
  4. Make suggestions for possible adjustments to content, design, or implementation where deemed appropriate.
  5. If desired, the instructor may provide a brief narrative addressing any aspect of the course, which might include explaining format, procedures, or educational philosophy. If included, the narrative could also include a discussion of how student feedback is used to review course outcomes, strategy, and content.
  6. Provide the instructor with a copy of the completed form and meet to discuss the evaluation. The instructor should have the opportunity to respond under the “Instructor Response” section. The instructor must sign the form.

Areas of Evaluation / Evaluator’s Comments
A. Preparation and Organization
(suggested areas of evaluation)
  1. Course Syllabus
Objectives or expected outcomes are clearly stated. Includes instructor email address and other contact information, and any required campus visits or synchronous online meetings.
  1. Course Content
Logical organization & sequencing of course topics and appropriateness to planned outcomes and competencies.
  1. Learning Strategies & Resources
Appropriateness to course content and planned outcomes
  1. Grading Procedures & Strategies
Clarity, appropriateness, and provision for keeping students informed of their progress.
  1. Student Support
Resources available for student support such as links to available orientation and counseling websites and instructions for accessing the instructor. / Instructor’s Response
Areas of Evaluation / Evaluator’s Comments
B. Online Classroom
(suggested areas of evaluation)
  1. Effective use of online tools andresources.
  1. Appropriateness of class activitiesto the subject matter and course objectives.
  1. Effectiveness of course activitiesand content delivery.
  1. Course layout, organization,and ease of navigation.
  1. Knowledge of subject matter.
  1. Student interactions, participation, and involvement inthe course as appropriate.
  1. Instructor interaction withstudents.
/ Instructor’s Response
Additional Evaluator’s Comments / Additional Instructor’s Response
Suggestions for Improvement

I hereby certify that I have read the preceding report and have had an opportunity to discuss it with the evaluator.

Instructor’s signature does not necessarily mean complete agreement on the part of the instructor.

Evaluator’s Signature / Date / Instructor’s Signature / Date

Additional Space for Comments & Responses if Needed

Additional Evaluator’s Comments / Additional Instructor’s Response

HonCC DEAC Fall2014 (Edited with permission of KapCC) – p1