Great Basin College

Early Childhood Education

ECE 190 Professionalism in Early Care & Education

3 credit course

Instructor:Lynette Macfarlan, M.A., Edu.

Webcampus Email


Spring 2015

No Prerequisites


On-line classes require constant motivation and self-direction on the part of the student. You are responsible for reading, studying, asking questions, being organized, completing assignments within the required time-frame and staying on schedule. You are encouraged to contact the Technology-Help desk for assistance when needed at 753-2167 or through e-mail: . The Technology Help Desk is open from 7AM -10 PM, Monday through Friday, and 8 AM – 5 PM on Saturdays. All GBC sites have lab aides on staff to assist students. You are encouraged to attend a Webcampus Workshop. Please call the Help Desk to inquire about training dates and times.


Ren-Etta Sullivan, Debra, (2006).Learning to Lead, 2nd Edition. Merrill Education/Redleaf

Press College Textbook Series. ISBN: 978-1-60554-018-4

Articles: Posted in Learning Modules


This course focuses on professionalism in Early Childhood Education including knowing about and upholding ethical and professional standards related to early childhood practice; involvement in the early childhood field through professional organizations and activities; principles of effective leadership and advocacy for working with young children and their families.

The Great Basin College Book Store is located in the Community Center building adjacent to Café X. The GBC Book Store number is 753-2270. Books can be purchased on-line at


The best means of communication for on-line courses is through Webcampus e-mail. It is essential that all students check their e-mail at least twice a week for updates from the instructor. If the instructor sends an e-mail to individual students or the class as a whole, a response of acknowledgement is expected. If a problem arises with any aspect of the course, contact the instructor immediately. If the problem is technical in nature, it is important to contact the instructor and the GBC Help Desk. Students are encouraged to contact the instructor with ideas of interest, questions or concerns at any time.


Students must:

  • have and maintain a virus-free computer.
  • have knowledge of Windows and file handling.
  • be able to access the class website through Webcampus.
  • have and maintain Internet access throughout the semester.
  • have an alternative solution for back-up if computer dysfunction occurs: GBC Computer Lab, GBC Library, or a friend’s computer.
  • submit all assignments through the appropriate drop-box.Assignments submitted through e-mail will not be accepted.
  • submit all assignments in a timely manner. Due dates will not be changed to accommodate students who are untimely in submitting their assignments.
  • submit all assignments in an attachment. Assignments that are not submitted in the form of an attachment will not be accepted with the exception of Discussion Board assignments. Discussion Board assignments may be written in the drop box.
  • submit all assignments in an APA format. Those assignments that are submitted without the required heading will not be accepted.
Upon completion of this course students will: / Measurement
  1. research and discuss the importance of self-sufficiency and interdependence in Early Childhood Education.
/ #1 Quiz
Reflective Essay/Survival Kit
Culminating Paper
  1. compare and contrast motivational theories through research and personal leadership interactions.
/ #2 Quiz
Reflective Essay/Reading Assignment
Interview a Leader
Discussion Board
  1. practice effective communication strategies and determine the ways in which verbal and non-verbal communication differ.
/ # 3 Quiz
Reflective Essay/Interview
Discussion Board
Interview a Leader
  1. explore principles of effective
leadership and advocacy for
young children and the early
childhood profession through
researching public policy. / # 4 Quiz
Reflective Essay/Research
Discussion Board
Culminating Paper
  1. examine strategies for team
building with peers, the
community and families. / # 5 Quiz
Reflective Essay/Research
Discussion Board
Interview a Leader
Culminating Paper

The learning outcomes will be met through a variety of learning experiences, which include the following:

  • Internet Research
  • Student Interaction
  • Creation & Application
  • Power Point Presentations
  • Weekly Reading Assignments


  • Chapter Quizzes
  • Reflective Essays
  • Interview Leaders
  • Internet Research
  • Discussion Board
  • Application: Survival Kits


1.Participation is very important since students will be responsible for reading material, participating in discussions, and reading posted lectures presented by the instructor weekly. This class requires that work be completed each week. Each student must contact the instructor in advance if he or she will not be participating in the class. These absences will only be approved for an extreme family emergency and/or personal illness. A grade of “W” (withdrawn) will be recorded for anyone who formally withdraws by contacting the instructor and completing a withdrawal form. If students do not formally withdraw from the class, an “F” will be given at the end of the course.

2.All required reading assignments should be completed weekly so that students can actively participate in assigned Discussion Board interactions and complete assignments and quizzes with a successful outcome.Procrastination may result in failure!

3.Assignments must be turned in by specified dates. Weekly assignments are due on Mondays at 8 A.M. Late assignments will not be accepted and due dates will not be changed.

4.Written assignments must:

be typed, double-spaced, organized, and neatly formatted. All assignments must be submitted with an APA heading.

be grammatically correct. Correct spelling, grammar and format are expected. Remember to use spell check and proof your work before posting assignments.

be submitted as an attachment and posted in the appropriate drop-box. Assignments will not be accepted if they are posted through e-mail.


All assignments are due on Monday at 8:00 A.M. In this course, an assignment is due each week throughout the semester. Reflective Essay questions will be alternated with chapter quizzes every other week. The Reflective Essay Questions will serve as a progressive final.There will be no final at the end of the course. There will a graded Discussion Board assignment in Chapter 2 and Chapter 4. Please read the Getting Started Letter which can be found in the Module area. Note: It is important to access all of your lessons through the Learning Modules. The Learning Module link is located on the left-hand side of the screen on the Home Page. When you access the Learning Modules for each week, you will find a sequenced list of required assignments. If you follow this procedure, you will not miss any of your assignments including the chapter quizzes.


Students will be graded on the basis of accuracy, completeness, and the degree of excellence in carrying out the required assignments.

  • Reflective Essay Questions: There will be 8 sets of reflective essays questions given during the course of the semester. The Final Essay will include a culminating paper. Details for the final paper will be discussed in Webcampus. The essays will be diverse in nature and will include personal reflections, analysis of chapter information, interviews and small projects activities to include the creation of Survival Kits: Teachers Survival Kit, Team Builders Survival Kit, Wellness Survival Kit, Stress Busters Survival Kit or New Teachers Survival Kit. Details will be discussed in each chapter assignment.

40 points each = 320 points

  • Discussion Board Assignments: Students are required to complete two Discussion Board assignments. A set of reflective questions will be posed in the Discussion Board area for Chapters 2 and 4. In order to receive the maximum number of points, students must respond to a minimum of three other students. The instructor tracks the responses and is fully aware of all contact or lack thereof between students within the Discussion Board. The responses must be completed in a neat, concise and understandable format. All Discussion Board essays must be a minimum of 3 fully developed and thoughtful paragraphs. It is not necessary to submit your response as an attachment. However, each Discussion Board submission must be based on chapter information, additional research and written in an understandable and articulate manner. 40 points each = 80 points
  • Quizzes: There will be a total of 5 quizzes: Matching, True/False and Multiple Choice. The quizzes will cover chapter information, therefore it is imperative that you read and process the information in your reading assignments. The quizzes will not be timed. Students can take each chapter quiz up to 2 times to earn a higher score. Each quiz is worth 20 points per chapter. 20 points each = 100 points

Participation and a Positive Interactive Attitude: These points are essential for receiving an “A.” A positive can-do attitude will have a direct affect on personal growth and academic progress. Discussion Board interaction, timely submission of assignments and responding to your instructor through Webcampus e-mail are imperative for receiving points in this category.100points

Point System

Use this space to keep track of your own progress in the class. Record the points you receive for each assignment and calculate your letter grade as the semester progresses. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with the instructor at any time during the semester to discuss grades, questions, or concerns about the course.

Assignment / Worth / Your Score
Introduction of Self
Reflective Essay
Questions / 40 Points
Introduction to Course
Reflective Essay Questions / 40 Points
Chapter # 1
Reflective Essay Questions / 40 Points
Chapter # 2
Reflective Essay Questions / 40 Points
Chapter # 3
Reflective Essay Questions / 40 Points
Chapter # 4
Reflective Essay Questions / 40 Points
Chapter # 5
Reflective Essay Questions / 40 Points
Final Paper
Reflective Essay Questions / 40 Points
2 Discussion Boards @ 40 Points / 80 Points
5 Quizzes @ 20 Points / 100 Points
Participation and Positive Attitude / 100 Points / 600 points
Grade / Percentage / Points
A / 90 - 100 % / 540 - 600
B / 80 - 89% / 480 - 539
C / 70 - 79% / 420 - 479
D / 60 - 69% / 360 - 419
F / 0 - 59% / 0 - 359
Calculate your letter grade at any time by dividing the total points accumulated by the total points possible to calculate the letter grade
For Example: 480/600 = 80% or an “B”


Policy of Academic Integrity: GBC subscribes to the traditional policy of academic integrity: students are expected to be honest. Students are expected to do their own work. Students who plagiarize or commit academic dishonesty are violating the standards of academic integrity and are subject to consequences ranging from failing the assignment or course to dismissal from the institution.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s word, ideas or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references; and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the students will acknowledge the source whenever…

another person’s actual words are quoted.

another person’s idea, opinion or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words.

facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge.


Great BasinCollege supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA officer in Elko at 753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.